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The art of imaging with Hubble

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1 The art of imaging with Hubble
Max Mutchler, 25 September 2008 DITHER DRIZZLE

2 Advanced Camera for Surveys Wide Field Planetary Camera 2

3 WF2 chip Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 (WFPC2)
PC1 chip WF3 chip WF4 chip

4 WFPC2 pointing patterns
Small-scale dithers Large-scale mosaics (at the pixel level) (at the detector level)


6 WFPC2 drizzling cookbooks

7 WFPC2 drizzling cookbooks
Keep it simple and pragmatic; minimal explanations Set of cookbooks for various pointing strategies and target placements (PC or WF chip/s) Which files to de-archive; reference files (uref) Some tangential issues: image registration; WF4 bias correction…34th row correction? PyDrizzle and MultiDrizzle parameters (reasonable first pass) Inspecting output, iterating, optimizing: what to look for, which key parameters to experiment with Contact the Help Desk with questions


9 Training exercise Basic work skills and habits: handling data, organizing/notes, scripting, sanity checks, filenaming conventions, version control, etc Sub-sampled, compact dither box pattern; drizzled to half-scale A test: new cookbooks, MultiDrizzle CR-rejection Visually inspecting output: what to look for? Trial-and-error iterations; experimenting (mainly with CR-rejection); knowing when to stop More of a “functional” project, rather than a “science” project, but we’ll see how they inform each other; may include… Photometry: verify rejections via more stringent comparison to Gilliland output (optional) Photometry: drizzle both V-band and I-band images, make a color-magnitude diagram (CMD) Results will help us advise GOs, review proposals…identify bugs?

10 WFPC2 chips

11 input images

12 input image 1 (single_sci)

13 input image 2 (single_sci)

14 clean drizzled output (drz_sci)

15 exposure weight map (drz_weight)

16 NGC 2440 at 0.10 arcsec/pixel (detector scale)

17 NGC 2440 at 0.06 arcsec/pixel (sub-sampling scale)

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