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Roller Coaster Design Challenge

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1 Roller Coaster Design Challenge

2 Lesson 1- Roller Coasters
In this lesson, students will Read the Story Roller Coaster by Marla Frazee Be introduced to mechanical engineering and the idea that engineers design solutions to problems. Identify some ideas about roller coaster design and how the Engineering Design Process is used Students learn that Engineers design technologies to solve problems Some mechanical engineers work on solving problems related to creating roller coaster designs. Roller coaster design is a problem that affects amusement parks and the people that visit amusement parks. The Engineering Design Process is a series of steps that can be used to solve problems.

3 Height: 1 point per 50 cm of height·
Great Coasters International has contacted us and need your help! They just received a new job from Disney. They need a new roller coaster that kids will love to ride. This is where you come in. They think kids should design a roller coaster for kids. Only one roller coaster design will be sent to Great Coasters International. You will build a model of a roller coaster using just foam pipe insulation (track) and a marble (car). The starting hill of your coaster cannot be taller than 80 cm. Your coasters will be judged based on creativity and safety. Safety: The marble (train) must stay on the track at all times and make it to the end of the track! (10 pts.) Fun: Height: 1 point per 50 cm of height· # of turns: 2 points per working turn. # of Loops: 3 points per working loop. Materials: 3- pieces of foam insulation (274 cm) 1 marble Use only 15” of masking tape 1”x3” piece of sandpaper Remember to fill out all the requirements that good engineers, mathematicians, and scientists must complete in your Science Journal (5 pts.) Good Luck! Amy


5 Pre-Story Questions (you can use these questions throughout the story)
Have you ever been on a roller coaster? What is your favorite part of the roller coaster ride? What factors makes a roller coaster fun? Who designs roller coasters? (roller coaster engineers(mechanical engineers)) During or After What factors must you consider if you design a roller coaster? If you designed a roller coaster, why do you have to consider safety? Does the cost matter when constructing a roller coaster? Why? Does it matter how much land you have available? Why? How do you think a roller coaster works? What is gravity? What is friction? What is potential energy? What is kinetic energy? Caroline

6 Roller Coaster Fun Facts
Roller Coaster Science-Most conventional roller coasters do not have engines, instead they work by converting potential energy into kinetic energy. The Fastest- The fastest roller coaster in the world title goes to the newly opened Formula Rossa ride, at Abu Dhabi's Formula One theme park. The ride launches thrill seekers to a top speed of 149 miles per hour. The Tallest-The Six Flags Great Adventure Park is home to the Kingda Ka roller coaster, which is currently the tallest in the world, reaching a whopping height of 465 feet. The Longest-The longest roller coaster in the world can be found at Japan's Nagashima Spa Land. The steel dragon 2000 has a track that covers 8133 feet. The Oldest-The oldest recorded roller coaster was built in 1904, and now stands in Lakemont Park, Pennsylvania. The Largest Amount-Cedar Point theme park has the highest number of roller coasters, with 17. People- Roughly 290 million people ride roller coasters each year. Caroline

7 Roller Coasters are World Wide

8 How Does a Roller Coaster Work?

9 The Movement of the roller coaster

10 Height: 1 point per 50 cm of height·
Great Coasters International has contacted us and need your help! They just received a new job from Disney. They need a new roller coaster that kids will love to ride. This is where you come in. They think kids should design a roller coaster for kids. Only one roller coaster design will be sent to Great Coasters International. You will build a model of a roller coaster using just foam pipe insulation (track) and a marble (car). The starting hill of your coaster cannot be taller than 80 cm. Your coasters will be judged based on creativity and safety. Safety: The marble (train) must stay on the track at all times and make it to the end of the track! (10 pts.) Fun: Height: 1 point per 50 cm of height· # of turns: 2 points per working turn. # of Loops: 3 points per working loop. Materials: 3- pieces of foam insulation (274 cm) 1 marble Use only 15” of masking tape 1”x3” piece of sandpaper Remember to fill out all the requirements that good engineers, mathematicians, and scientists must complete in your Science Journal (5 pts.) Good Luck! Amy

11 Foam pipe for track Marble for car

12 Rubric

13 Design Process

14 Roller Coaster Design-
Engineer’s Name: _________________________________________________________ Engineers Team Name:_____________________________________________________ Roller Coaster Designs- Be sure to mark out your design showing potential and kinetic energy, and friction P=Potential K= Kinetic F=friction Design 1 Design 2 Amy

15 Roller Coaster Balance Sheet
Item Points Total

16 Background Info- Roller coasters are driven by gravity. As the coaster climbs the first rise, it stores potential energy. The amount of potential energy is affected by the height of that incline. As the coaster crests the rise, gravity takes over, converting the potential energy to kinetic energy, or the energy of motion. The kinetic energy drives the ride, but there must be sufficient potential energy for it to complete its run. Caroline

17 Extensions Provide a budget and students buy materials
Figure out area of land needed How much would the roller coaster cost to build Reading Groups: “Riding on Roller Coasters” level Q Choose a location for roller coaster and do a research report on the area Search or use websites provided Amy

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