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Train the Trainer: Strategic Planning Workshop

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Presentation on theme: "Train the Trainer: Strategic Planning Workshop"— Presentation transcript:

1 Train the Trainer: Strategic Planning Workshop
[Insert Chapter/State Council Name] [Insert Presenter Name]

2 Preparing to Plan Identify candidates for strategic planning task force, which should include: Current leaders with knowledge of current issues Past leaders with knowledge of past issues that may not have been resolved Future leaders to ensure future commitment to plan Outside strategic planning expertise in the event that such expertise does not exist within identified task force -- this could be Field Services Directors (FSDs)

3 Before You Plan Mission Statement Vision Statement Values
what we do; purpose of organization Vision Statement how we want it to be; future state of organization Values what do we stand for; culture framework Primary Objectives how to get there; translated into goals and action plans

4 Getting to Know You [Insert Chapter/State Council Name] [Insert Getting to Know You Question ]

5 Where is Your North?

6 Workshop Objectives Discuss the value of Strategic Planning
Walk through the Strategic Planning Life Cycle Facilitate activities to write clear Mission and Vision Statements Facilitate activities to identify Primary Objectives Facilitate activities to develop of SMART Goals Facilitate activities to develop Action Plans Discuss the fundamentals of Strategic Budgeting Discuss execution of the Strategic Plan Discuss evaluation of the Strategic Plan

7 What is Strategic Planning?
Strategic Planning is a systematic process for understanding: Where we have been, what we are doing, how we do it, whom we do it for, and what value we bring Where we want to go How and when we are going to get there How we know that we are on track Common myths about Strategic Planning: Most people plan Planning takes too much time and work; it bogs us down Planning is rarely looked upon as an investment The best planning measures are based on complex strategies Planning should be concrete, not flexible.

8 Why Should We Plan? To set the organization up for positive outcomes such as: Better leadership—more cohesive team A clear picture of trends which may impact the organization now and in the future A clearly defined mission, vision, and strategy Identification of short- and long-term “attention” areas Specific plans to improve performance Consistent, sustained success, as opposed to marginal success To directly address issues/threats such as: Decreased membership Unhappy members (retention) Competitive threats Financial instability Succession planning

9 Potential Barriers to Chapter and State Council Planning
Frequent volunteer turnover at SHRM chapters No single source of stability or permanency, unless a Chapter Management Professional (CMP) or Administrative Support Key figures in the organization do not understand the importance and thus do not make time for it

10 Strategic Planning Life Cycle
Monitor and Course Correct Mission Statement Vision Statement Environmental Scanning Analytical Methods Evaluate Clarify Execute Plan Communicate the Plan Execute the Plan Primary Objectives SMART Goals Action Planning Strategic Budgeting

11 Distinct from SHAPE Planning
SHRM Affiliate Program for Excellence (SHAPE) Planning Planning that is operational and short-term Annual Chapter and State Council Planning Document & Worksheet which is updated annually Available in the Volunteer Leader Resource Center (VLRC)

12 Strategic Planning Life Cycle
Mission Statement Vision Statement Environmental Scanning Analytical Methods Evaluate Clarify Execute Plan

13 SHRM’s Mission Statement
SHRM is a globally recognized HR professional society that exists to develop and serve the HR professional, and advance and lead the HR profession. SHRM provides education, thought leadership, certification, community, and advocacy to enhance the practice of human resource management and the effectiveness of HR professionals in the organizations and communities they serve.

14 Mission Statement Fundamentals
A Mission Statement defines the organization’s purpose and the reason why it exists. It clarifies who is being served and what products or services the organization provides. It is different from, but correlates to the vision. Elements Feeding America: To feed America’s hungry through a nationwide network of member food banks and engage our country in the fight to end hunger. Mayo Clinic: To inspire hope and contribute to health and well-being by providing the best care to every patient through integrated clinical practice, education and research. NPR: To work in partnership with member stations to create a more informed public – one challenged and invigorated by a deeper understanding and appreciation of events, ideas and cultures. TED: Spreading Ideas. The Rotary Foundation: To enable Rotarians to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education, and the alleviation of poverty. Examples Elements of an effective Mission Statement: Clear, specific, concise, sharply focused, & memorable Focuses on satisfying customer needs Based on core competencies & strengths Motivates & inspires employee commitment Questions The Mission should answer the following: What is the purpose of our business? What activity do we do to accomplish our purpose? Who benefits from our work?

15 Mission Statement Checklist
Checklist Guidelines The Mission Statement… Yes No 1. Is a statement of the organization’s purpose. 2. Fits the current market environment. 3. Is based on the organization’s unique strengths (core competencies.) 4. Is motivating and inspires employee commitment. 5. Describes who is served or benefits from the organization. 6. Is specific, short, sharply focused, and memorable. 7. Says what the organization wants to be remembered for. Note: If “No” is checked for two or more of the above, consider editing the statement to more effectively reflect the guidelines.

16 ACTIVITY: Mission Statement
[Insert Chapter/State Council Name] Mission Statement: [Insert Chapter/State Council Mission Statement] Review (chapter/state council) mission statement and sample mission statements Draft mission statement and post mission statement on flip chart Team circles words to include Review all circled words Discuss and finalize mission statement

17 SHRM’s Vision SHRM is a preeminent and globally recognized authority whose leadership, perspective, resources, and expertise are sought and utilized to address the most pressing current and emerging human resource management issues.

18 Vision Statement Fundamentals
A VISION STATEMENT defines an optimistic view of the organization's future. It provides long-term direction and a sense of purposeful action. It is far reaching, but attainable and correlates to the mission. Elements Feeding America: A hunger-free America Human Rights Campaign: Equality for everyone Habitat for Humanity: A world where everyone has a decent place to live. Clinton Foundation: To implement sustainable programs that improve access worldwide to investment, opportunity, and lifesaving services now and for future generations. Williamson County HRMA: To be the leader in strategic human resource management by advancing the profession and supporting our members and the community we serve. Examples Elements of an effective Vision Statement: Clear, short, memorable, inspirational Capitalizes on core competencies Paints a picture of the future Motivates employee to push forward to reach it Questions The Vision should answer the following: What will our organization look like in 3-5 years? What does success look like? What are we aspiring to achieve?

19 Vision Statement Checklist
Checklist Guidelines The Vision Statement… Yes No 1. Is audacious – represents a dream, the mountain top of the organization. 2. Capitalizes on the organization’s core competencies (history, customer base, strengths, resources, etc.) and opportunities. 3. Provides a picture of what your organization will look like in the future. 4. Uses exciting and engaging language that inspires. 5. Motivates employees to push forward to reach the vision. 6. Is clear, short, and memorable. Note: If “No” is checked for two or more of the above, consider editing the statement to more effectively reflect the guidelines.

20 ACTIVITY: Vision Statement
[Insert Chapter/State Council Name] Vision Statement: [Insert Chapter/State Council Mission Statement] Review (chapter/state council) vision statement and sample mission statements Draft vision statement and post vision statement on flip chart Team circles words to include Review all circled words Discuss and finalize vision statement

21 Strategic Planning Life Cycle
Mission Statement Vision Statement Environmental Scanning Analytical Methods Evaluate Clarify Execute Plan

22 Environmental Scanning
22 Environmental Scanning is an objective review and analysis of the current and potential conditions in which your organization is and will be operating. Examples of Internal Factors Organizational Culture Structure Daily Practices Cost Efficiency Innovation & New Products/Services Technology Policies Financial Stability & Assets Examples of External Factors Society / Culture Socio-demographics Competition Economic Factors Political Factors Legal Factors Government/Regulations Local Market Trends

23 ACTIVITY: Historical Trend Analysis
Historical trend analysis is the process of comparing business data over time to identify any consistent results or trends. Trend analysis provides insights on micro-environmental factors that impact organizational performance so that strategies can be developed to respond to trends.    HIGHS What are our celebrations from the last three years? Where have we made a difference?  LOWS What were the disappointments? What didn’t happen as planned?

SWOT ANALYSIS is a review by an organization to identify its internal strengths and weaknesses, as well as its external opportunities and threats. The quality of the SWOT analysis will be determined in large part by the research done prior to it. STRENGTHS INTERNAL Positive element that is under your control and through planning you could USE it to create competitive advantage  WEAKNESSES Negative element that is under your control and through planning you can STOP to avoid objective/goal derailment OPPORTUNITES EXTERNAL Positive condition that is out of your control, but through planning, you could BENEFIT FROM it as an advantage THREATS Negative condition that is out of your control, but through planning, you could DEFEND AGAINST it to reduce the impact

25 Activity: SWOT Analysis

26 Gap Analysis GAP ANALYSIS is the process of identifying the gaps you need to overcome to get from where you are now, or your current state, to where you want to be, or your desired state. Current State Where are we now? Desired State Where do we want to be? GAP Key factors for change?

27 ACTIVITY: Gap Analysis
Activity: Conduct a Gap Analysis Instructions: Now that you have taken a macro and micro look at your organization, you will now perform a Gap Analysis to assess where the organization would like to be (i.e. the desired state) and how to get there from where it is currently (i.e. current state).

28 Strategic Planning Life Cycle
Evaluate Clarify Execute Plan Primary Objectives SMART Goals Action Planning Strategic Budgeting

29 Key Definitions PRIMARY OBJECTIVE
A broad statement of purpose or intent describing the end state towards which goals and action plans are directed Directional High-level priority SMART GOAL Quantifies the direction given in the objective Measurable and specific Sets targets so that action plans can be developed (Ideally) Developed with SMART test in mind ACTION PLAN Reflects key activities associated with the objectives Answers the what/who/when/how questions

30 Strategic Planning Life Cycle
Evaluate Clarify Execute Plan Primary Objectives SMART Goals Action Planning Strategic Budgeting

31 Cross-Pollination of SWOT
Cross-pollination across the SWOT findings will help to identify strategically important moves which could yield benefits to the organization over time. STRENGTHS Pursue OPPORTUNIES which are a good fit for our Strengths OPPORTUNITES WEAKNESSES Overcome WEAKNESSES to pursue OPPORTUNIES OPPORTUNITES STRENGTHS Use STRENGTHS to reduce vulnerability to THREATS THREATS WEAKNESSES Overcome WEAKNESSES which would make us susceptible to THREATS THREATS

32 Activity: Primary Objectives
Activity: Identify and document the organization’s Primary Objectives Instructions: Take 6 dots to vote on items listed on the SWOT analysis. Focus on what is going well and can be continued or address weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Determine the top 3-5 objectives your organization should focus on for the next 3-5 years. Use the Primary Objectives worksheet to document your organization’s focus.

33 Strategic Planning Life Cycle
Evaluate Clarify Execute Plan Primary Objectives SMART Goals Action Planning Strategic Budgeting

34 SMART Goals Guidelines
SMART Goals are an organization’s most important strategies and are driven by its primary objectives. They provide detail to primary objective direction and set targets so that action plans can be developed. Specific Who is involved? What will we accomplish? How much change is needed? Measurable How much? How many? How will we know when it is accomplished? Attainable List resources needed; do you have the resources or you can obtain them? Relevant Why this is important to our customer? How does this align to strategy? Time-bound Ensure a clearly defined time-frame including deadline.

35 ACTIVITY: SMART Goals Activity: Develop SMART Goals
Instructions: Use the SMART Goal Worksheet to write SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound) Goals around your primary objectives. If the goal does not meet the SMART Goals Guidelines, re-draft it until it does. Each table will develop one SMART Goal for your Primary Objective.

36 Strategic Planning Life Cycle
Evaluate Clarify Execute Plan Primary Objectives SMART Goals Action Planning Strategic Budgeting

37 Action Plans Consider the following questions and document your organization’s action plans: WHAT specifically needs to be done? Start with a SMART Goal. HOW will it be done? Plan specific ACTION ITEMS. WHO will be responsible? Establish OWNERS. WHEN will it get done? Establish TIMELINE, MILESTONES, and COMPLETION DATE WHAT will the OUTCOMES look like? Ensure Goal Owners are ACQUAINTED WITH TARGETS

38 Activity: Action Plans
ACTION PLANS provide a road map to implement strategy. They reflect the key actions associated with SMART Goals. Action Plans involve specific activities, responsibility levels, timeframes, and outcomes. Document the following in the Action Plan: WHAT specifically needs to be done? START WITH A SMART GOAL HOW will it be done? PLAN SPECIFIC ACTION ITEMS WHO will be responsible? ESTABLISH OWNERS WHEN will it get done? ESTABLISH A TIMELINE, MILESTONES, AND A COMPLETION DATE WHAT will the OUTCOMES look like? ENSURE GOAL OWNERS ARE WELL-ACQUAINTED WITH TARGETS Action Planning OVERVIEW (WHAT?) Primary Objective: SMART Goal: Resources: Action Plan Action Item (How?) Owner (Who?) Due Date (When?) Outcome (TARGET) 1 2 3 4 5

39 Strategic Planning Life Cycle
Evaluate Clarify Execute Plan Primary Objectives SMART Goals Action Planning Strategic Budgeting

40 Strategic Budgeting Review Strategic budgeting questions on worksheet
Guide to Chapter Financial Management is available on the VLRC: Essential financial information: taxes, incorporation, & record keeping Excellent resource for volunteers VLRC - “Finance” section Questions: contact a local CPA; SHRM does not provide financial advice, & cannot assist you in contacting the IRS Use chapter or state council EIN / tax ID number, not SHRM’s (numbers cannot be shared)

41 Strategic Planning Life Cycle
Evaluate Clarify Execute Plan Communicate the Plan Execute the Plan

42 Communicate and Execute the Plan
EXECUTION is the most important and difficult thing about strategic planning. It is critical to ensure that your organization is aware of the strategic plan and that habits are established to foster an execution mindset with FOLLOW THROUGH. SHARE THE PLAN Celebrate small wins and notable progress against targets Keep members in the loop about your activities and how you are working for the best interests and successful future of the Chapter/State Council The most important & difficult thing about strategic planning is….FOLLOWING THROUGH

43 Activity: Execution Tips
Consider the following: How and to whom will we communicate our primary objectives/goals? Who will be on the execution teams? What roles will everyone have? What training and development is necessary to better position us for the future? Use Execution Worksheet

44 Strategic Planning Life Cycle
Monitor and Course Correct Evaluate Clarify Execute Plan

45 Monitor and Course Correct
EVALUATION is monitoring the right data at the right time to help people make better decisions, learn what doesn’t work and correct it. Test for visibility to what works well it can be adapted and replicated. Continual review of progress against goals and gaps in planning Watch for changes in membership, finances, local competition, and other items from your original Environmental Scanning and SWOT Analysis If something is not working, re- think the use of valuable resources and consider alternate plans

46 Activity: Evaluation Tips
Consider the following: Make the Action Plan review a standing item for all board meetings and make it the first item on the agenda. How often should we meet to review our status? Ensure continual review of progress against goals and gaps in planning. Watch for changes in membership, finances, local competition, and other items from your original Environmental Scanning and SWOT Analysis. If something is not working, re-think the use of valuable resources and consider alternate plans. Use Evaluation Worksheet

47 Wrap-up and Closing Remarks
Discuss the value of Strategic Planning Walk through the Strategic Planning Life Cycle Facilitate activities to write clear Mission and Vision Statements Facilitate activities to identify Primary Objectives Facilitate activities to develop of SMART Goals Facilitate activities to develop Action Plans Discuss the fundamentals of Strategic Budgeting Discuss execution of the Strategic Plan Discuss evaluation of the Strategic Plan

48 SHRM Recertification Program Number
Thank You! Contact information for presenter SHRM Recertification Program Number ©2017 by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM). All rights reserved. This material may not be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in whole or in part, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of SHRM.


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