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The Plasma Membrane 7.2.

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1 The Plasma Membrane 7.2

2 Function of the plasma or cell membrane
The key property of the cell/plasma membrane is selective permeability. Selective permeability- the ability of a membrane to allow some substances to pass through while keeping others out.

3 Structure of the plasma membrane
The plasma/cell membrane is composed of a phospholipid bilayer. The phospholipid bilayer is composed of phospholipids (fatty tails with phosphate heads).

4 Structure of the plasma membrane
Hydro- meaning water Phobic- scared of Philic- in love with

5 Structure of the Plasma/Cell membrane
The fluid mosaic model shows all of the molecules that can be embedded in the cell membrane.

6 Structure of the Plasma/Cell membrane
Transport proteins- a protein that is embedded in the plasma membrane to help large or nonpolar molecules pass in and out of the cell. This type of transport doesn’t use energy.

7 Key points for 7.2 The cell or plasma membrane is selectively permeable, meaning it only lets some things in and out. The cell membrane is composed of phospholipids

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