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2018 Census Prepared for CALD Community Training

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1 2018 Census Prepared for CALD Community Training
Every five years Stats NZ runs the census – the official count of how many people and dwellings there are in NZ.

2 What is Census The census is the official count of how many people and dwellings we have in New Zealand. Every five years Stats NZ runs the census, so the information is very important! *2013 Census paper survey example The next census day is on 6 March The census can be completed on or before 6th March 2018. By asking everyone to complete a set of questions about themselves and their household, we can capture a snapshot of who is living in, and visiting, New Zealand.

3 CALD Community CALD stand for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse
More than 200 ethnic groups were recorded in 2013 as living in Auckland The city is now considered more diverse than London or Sydney, with 40% of its population made up of different ethnicities.

4 Auckland Ethnic Group Population %
CALD - Auckland Auckland Ethnic Group Population % (Top ethnic group, 2013 Census) The most common CALD communities were (Nation wide, Census) Chinese 171,411 Indian 155,178 Filipino 40,350 Korean 30,171 Sri Lankan 11,274 Auckland CALD population 322, 869 ( % of all CALD in NZ, Census)


6 How we use Census information
Population information from the census helps determine how billions of dollars of government funding is spent in the community. Census data is used by councils, community groups and businesses to plan for the future. The census provides quality information about small geographical areas and small groups of people across New Zealand. The data is used to determine the number of general and Māori electorates. To edit the pictures, you can delete the images above, then click the icon behind to choose a new image

7 Census affects you & me The New Network is the biggest change to happen to the whole of Auckland’s public transport in its history. It fundamentally changes the way bus services operate, providing greater access around Auckland for more people, at more times of the day, more often. All the planning heavily reliant on Census data *Case study from Auckland Transport website

8 Census affects you & me For example, Census 2013 shows a sizable portion of the population in Howick Board area who do not speak English with most of this group speaking only a Chinese language. So AT is considering Chinese language support to assist those who have language difficulties. *Case study from Auckland Transport website

9 Census affects you & me Hindi Language and Culture Trust is established with a vision to promote and preserve the Hindi language for future generations so that they have access to their cultural and spiritual Satya Dutt, President of ‘Hindi Language and Culture Trust’ and Chief Executive, ‘Teach Hindi New Zealand’, has been using Census data to support their proposal to Education New Zealand with the aim to facilitate the development of a curriculum document to progress the teaching of Hindi in New Zealand schools. *Photograph showing overwhelming support by show of hands for re-submission to Minister of Education during 2017 Hindi Language Week Celebrations at Papatoetoe High School. *Case study from website




13 2018 Census – what’s different?
We’ll send or deliver an access code to every household in New Zealand. Paper forms will still be available for those who prefer them. Language assistance available upon request. Our next census will be different. We are aiming to collect most of the census information online. The census can be completed online on various devices: mobile phone, desktop, laptop, tablet. Completing the census form online will be secure, quick and easy. Official Census survey will only be in ENG and Maori. However we have assisted materials in different languages as well as free language hot line.


15 Moving the census online We’ll send or deliver an access code to every household in New Zealand. To get started, you will need the access code on your letter. This code will be used by everyone in your household. To get started, one person in every household will set up a household form, and list all the people who live, or are staying at that house. Once you’ve done this, everyone in the house will be able to complete their own individual information, using a tablet, phone or desktop computer. Everyone will be able to complete their own information securely, without other people in the household seeing each other’s responses.

16 What do the forms look like?

17 How to complete your Census

18 Looking after your information
All census information is protected by law – under the Statistics Act 1975. Whether you complete the census online or on paper, we have safeguards and procedures in place to assure the security and confidentiality of your information. All of the information we hold is de-identified before it is made available for research or analysis. We never share identifiable information with other government agencies without your consent and our published statistics and research do not identify individuals, households, or businesses. If you choose to take part in the census using our paper forms, we will process the information in a secure facility and combine it with the information we have collected online. We also have clear rules for the release of data: data can only be released to certain geographical levels we limit the range of data tables for smaller communities to eliminate the possibility of identification

19 We need your help If you delete the image above, in the placeholder behind tap or click to browse for a new image. Date 2017

20 Support Your Own Community
Raise Awareness Share Stories Overcome Barriers Organize key activities/events to reach local CALD communities What is Census What’s different about Census Obligations for completing Census Showcase the power of Census Real community stories Trusted community faces Identify and find solution to help community complete Census Encourage self-completion Technology barriers Language assistance To edit the pictures, you can delete the images above, then click the icon behind to choose a new image

21 Awareness building & Encourage Online Participation
Key Dates FEB FEB MAR Before Mar 6th: Awareness building & Encourage Online Participation Public Contact Centre live Mail Out – call to action letters hit letterboxes Census Day MAR MAR MAY After Mar 6th: Assisted completion Close off of ICS and Contact centre Remind 1 Remind 2

22 Resources

23 Facebook A Census NZ Facebook profile page will be set up.
There will be targeted communications to specific groups to compete their census forms on-line.

24 Educate – FaceBook video posts

25 Educate - FaceBook video posts

26 Educate - FaceBook video posts


28 Influencer Kit & Flyer

29 Questions?

30 Contact Kudakwashe Tuwe Census Engagement Lead – CALD Sindy XIAN Census Engagement Advisor – CALD

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