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In Partnership with January 23, 2018 #PBNTAXREFORMSUMMIT.

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1 In Partnership with January 23, 2018 #PBNTAXREFORMSUMMIT



4 In Partnership with January 23, 2018 #PBNTAXREFORMSUMMIT

5 Managing Partner, Tax Services
In Partnership with Jay Sattler, CPA, MST Managing Partner, Tax Services BlumShapiro #PBNTAXREFORMSUMMIT

6 Tax Legislation – Past, Present and Future
In Partnership with Tax Legislation – Past, Present and Future alliantgroup Vice Chairman; Former IRS Commissioner Served as Commissioner of Internal Revenue from 2003 until 2007 Held Bush administration posts as Deputy Director for Management at the Office of Management and Budget Served as Controller of the Office of Federal Financial Management Featured in: Mark W. EversOn

7 In Partnership with January 23, 2018 #PBNTAXREFORMSUMMIT

8 Tax Legislation – Past, Present and Future
In Partnership with Tax Legislation – Past, Present and Future alliantgroup National Managing Director; Former Senior Counsel to the Senate Finance Committee Co-Leader of Tax Controversy Services at alliantgroup Former Senior Counsel and Tax Counsel to the U.S. Senate Finance Committee Worked closely with then-Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, Senator Charles Grassley, and was involved in all major tax legislation signed into law Featured in: Dean zerbe

9 In Partnership with January 23, 2018 #PBNTAXREFORMSUMMIT

10 Tax Changes and Implications of the New Legislation
In Partnership with Tax Changes and Implications of the New Legislation Jay Sattler, CPA, MST – BlumShapiro Managing Partner – Tax Services Gregory Cabral, CPA, MST – BlumShapiro Rhode Island Office, Managing Partner Alan Osmolowski, CPA – BlumShapiro Partner Lynn O’Marra, Esq. – BlumShapiro Principal Moderator Corporations & Pass-Throughs International Implications Business Owners & Individuals #PBNTAXREFORMSUMMIT

11 Managing Partner, Tax Services
In Partnership with Moderator Jay Sattler, CPA, MST Managing Partner, Tax Services BlumShapiro #PBNTAXREFORMSUMMIT

12 Corporations & Pass-Throughs Managing Partner, RI Office
In Partnership with Corporations & Pass-Throughs Greg Cabral, CPA, MST Managing Partner, RI Office BlumShapiro #PBNTAXREFORMSUMMIT

13 International Implications
In Partnership with International Implications Alan Osmolowski, CPA Partner BlumShapiro #PBNTAXREFORMSUMMIT

14 Business Owners & Individuals
In Partnership with Business Owners & Individuals Lynn O’Marra ESQ, MBA Principal BlumShapiro #PBNTAXREFORMSUMMIT

15 Tax Changes and Implications of the New Legislation
In Partnership with Tax Changes and Implications of the New Legislation Jay Sattler, CPA, MST – BlumShapiro Managing Partner – Tax Services Gregory Cabral, CPA, MST – BlumShapiro Rhode Island Office, Managing Partner Alan Osmolowski, CPA – BlumShapiro Partner Lynn O’Marra, Esq. – BlumShapiro Principal Moderator Corporations & Pass-Throughs International Implications Business Owners & Individuals #PBNTAXREFORMSUMMIT

16 Corporations and Pass-Through Entities
In Partnership with Corporations and Pass-Through Entities #PBNTAXREFORMSUMMIT

17 Flow Through Businesses and C Corporations
In Partnership with Flow Through Businesses and C Corporations 20% Pass-through Deduction Corporate Alternative Minimum Tax Other Flow-through Business Items C Corporation Items Accounting Methods Fixed Assets Interest Expense Limitation #PBNTAXREFORMSUMMIT

18 Qualified Business Income (QBI) Amount
In Partnership with Qualified Business Income (QBI) Amount AKA 20% pass-through deduction Qualified Business Income “QBI” New section 199A Rental would qualify? Limited to lower of 20% of QBI or greater of 50% of W-2 wages, or 25% of W-2 wages, plus 2.5% of the unadjusted basis of the LLC’s assets Does not include STCG, LTCG interest, dividends Excludes specified service businesses in the fields of health, law, accounting, actuarial science, performing arts, consulting, athletics, financial services and brokerage services #PBNTAXREFORMSUMMIT

19 Qualified Business Income (QBI) Amount
In Partnership with Qualified Business Income (QBI) Amount Threshold amount $315,000 of taxable income (MFJ) If meet threshold previous limit based on W-2 wages and type of business rules are not applicable Applied at the shareholder and partner level #PBNTAXREFORMSUMMIT

20 Qualified Business Income (QBI) Amount
In Partnership with Qualified Business Income (QBI) Amount Example of 20% Deduction: QBI: $1,000,000 W-2 wages: $800,000 Deduction: $200,000 #PBNTAXREFORMSUMMIT

21 Other Flow Through Business Items
In Partnership with Other Flow Through Business Items S Corporation terminated within two years of enactment Distributions treated as from AAA and E&P Partnership technical termination repealed #PBNTAXREFORMSUMMIT

22 C Corporation Items AMT repealed for years beginning after 12/31/2017
In Partnership with C Corporation Items AMT repealed for years beginning after 12/31/2017 Prior year minimum tax credit eligible for years beginning after 2017 and before 2022 50% of amount not used now refundable All corporate tax rates reduced to a flat 21% Reduces Dividends Received Deduction #PBNTAXREFORMSUMMIT

23 In Partnership with Accounting Methods Taxpayers with average gross receipts less than $25m Average based on prior three years Cash method Exempt for Accounting for Inventory Treat as Materials and Supplies that are not incidental Conform to financial accounting treatment Exempt from UNICAP Completed contract method of long term contracts Changes in accounting method #PBNTAXREFORMSUMMIT

24 Fixed Assets 100% expensing election Luxury auto limits increased
In Partnership with Fixed Assets 100% expensing election Qualified property placed in service after 9/27/2017 and before 1/1/2023 Percentage expensing decreases after 12/31/2022 to zero at 12/31/2026 Can elect 50% in lieu of 100% for qualifying property placed in service in the first tax year ending after 9/27/2017 Luxury auto limits increased Qualified improvements given a 15-year recovery period Section 179 increased to $1.0m and phase out limit $2.5m #PBNTAXREFORMSUMMIT

25 Interest Expense Limitation
In Partnership with Interest Expense Limitation Limitation is sum of: Business Interest Income 30% of business’s adjusted taxable income Floor plan financing Businesses with less than $25m average receipts - Exempt Amount disallowed is carried forward Adjusted Taxable Income does not include: Net operating losses Section 199A deduction Depreciation, amortization or depletion #PBNTAXREFORMSUMMIT

26 Other Business Provisions
In Partnership with Other Business Provisions Net Operating Losses Carryback eliminated, Carryforwards unlimited NOL deduction limited to 80% of taxable income DPAD repealed Like-Kind Exchanges of Real Property Only real property eligible #PBNTAXREFORMSUMMIT

27 Other Business Provisions (cont.)
In Partnership with Other Business Provisions (cont.) Meals and Entertainment No deduction for entertainment Expands meals for the 50% deduction Self-created property - Not capital asset Patent, Invention, Model, Design, Formula or Process #PBNTAXREFORMSUMMIT

28 Flow Through Business Example
In Partnership with Flow Through Business Example Taxable Income Before Interest Expense $1,000,000 Interest Expense $500,000 W-2 Wages Depreciation Expense $400,000 Prior Law Tax Reform Act Deductible Interest Expense $420,000 QBI Amount $0 $116,000 Taxable Income $464,000 Tax $143,231 $111,738 Savings $31,493 #PBNTAXREFORMSUMMIT

29 C Corporation Example #PBNTAXREFORMSUMMIT
In Partnership with C Corporation Example Taxable Income Before Interest Expense $1,000,000 Interest Expense $500,000 W-2 Wages Depreciation Expense $400,000 Prior Law Tax Reform Act Deductible Interest Expense $420,000 QBI Amount $0 Taxable Income $580,000 Tax $170,000 $121,800 Savings $48,200 #PBNTAXREFORMSUMMIT

30 International Taxation
In Partnership with International Taxation #PBNTAXREFORMSUMMIT

31 How We Got Here U.S. rates much higher than rest of the world
In Partnership with How We Got Here U.S. rates much higher than rest of the world Trillions of dollars kept offshore in low tax jurisdictions Less innovation in U.S. since IP would be taxed at higher rate #PBNTAXREFORMSUMMIT

32 Change to Territorial Tax System
In Partnership with Change to Territorial Tax System Most other OECD countries use territorial system US regime still has some elements of worldwide system 100-percent DRD for the foreign dividends received by a U.S. corporation DRD does not apply to S corporations #PBNTAXREFORMSUMMIT

33 Tax on Accumulated Foreign Earnings
In Partnership with Tax on Accumulated Foreign Earnings One-time toll charge on previously untaxed foreign earnings Mandatory repatriation of accumulated earnings going back to 1986 Accumulated losses can be aggregated with accumulated foreign earnings #PBNTAXREFORMSUMMIT

34 Mandatory Repatriation Tax
In Partnership with Mandatory Repatriation Tax Reduced tax rate Foreign E&P attributable to cash and other liquid assets taxed at 15.5% Residual foreign E&P taxed at 8% Foreign tax credits can be used to offset the repatriation tax State tax? #PBNTAXREFORMSUMMIT

35 Timeline for Payment of Tax
In Partnership with Timeline for Payment of Tax Up to 8-year deferral For 2017 calendar year corporation first payment of repatriation tax is in effect due April 15, 2018 Will need to await guidance from state and local jurisdictions #PBNTAXREFORMSUMMIT

36 Global Intangible Low-taxed Income
In Partnership with Global Intangible Low-taxed Income Global intangible low-taxed income (GILTI) Subpart F income Carrot and stick approach to taxation of IP and foreign sales Net % minimum tax? Deductions allowed for U.S. income generated from foreign sources (FDII) #PBNTAXREFORMSUMMIT

37 In Partnership with GILTI or Innocent? Tax imposed on income above a deemed “routine” return Adjusted tax basis in foreign tangible property X10% is deemed “routine return” Foreign profits above that base threshold subject to inclusion in U.S. income #PBNTAXREFORMSUMMIT

38 GILTI Related Deductions
In Partnership with GILTI Related Deductions 50% of GILTI is allowed as deduction Also deduction allowed for 37.5% revenue derived from foreign sources (FDII) Intention was to get closer to 12% rate Foreign tax credit – can claim a credit for up to 80% of foreign taxes on inclusion amount GITI and FDII net ETR % #PBNTAXREFORMSUMMIT

39 Deductions for Foreign Derived Intangible Income
In Partnership with Deductions for Foreign Derived Intangible Income FDII = U.S. income derived from sales or services provided to foreign unrelated entities 37.5% FDII plus 50% GILTI amount allowed as a deduction to U.S. corporations Deductions reduced in 2025 to % FDII and 37.5% GILTI amount #PBNTAXREFORMSUMMIT

40 Applies to C Corps FDII and GILTI deductions are not available for:
In Partnership with Applies to C Corps FDII and GILTI deductions are not available for: Individuals RICs REITs S corporations #PBNTAXREFORMSUMMIT

41 Effective Tax Rates FTC against GILTI tax limited to 80%
In Partnership with Effective Tax Rates FTC against GILTI tax limited to 80% IP in U.S., the 37.5% FDII deduction available After FDII - effective tax rate of % on U.S. based IP income GILTI effective rate % #PBNTAXREFORMSUMMIT

42 In Partnership with S Corporations S corporation required to compute its income in the same manner as in the case of an individual GILTI is includible in S Corp. income The FDII and GILTI deductions only available to C corporations DRD not available to S Corporations #PBNTAXREFORMSUMMIT

43 We Got the BEAT New base erosion anti-avoidance tax (BEAT)
In Partnership with We Got the BEAT New base erosion anti-avoidance tax (BEAT) Gross receipts threshold - $500 million Does not apply to S corporations In general, BEAT reduces the benefit a U.S. corporation receives from taking tax deductions for payments to a foreign affiliate 2026 the BEAT increases to 12.5% #PBNTAXREFORMSUMMIT

44 What Does This Mean for My Business
In Partnership with What Does This Mean for My Business ASC 740 – date of enactment Need for modelling and doing projections C vs. S Repatriation tax due 4/15/2018 E&P analysis for 30 years needed What are the state tax implications of federal income inclusion relative to mandatory repatriation #PBNTAXREFORMSUMMIT

45 Business Owners and Individuals
In Partnership with Business Owners and Individuals #PBNTAXREFORMSUMMIT

46 Questions We’re Receiving
In Partnership with Questions We’re Receiving Are the individual changes permanent? Are itemized deductions dead? We can still deduct charitable contributions, right? What about that pesky AMT? What tax rates will apply to me? What other changes should I be aware of? What are the estate/gift tax changes? Will my taxes go up or down? #PBNTAXREFORMSUMMIT

47 Are the Individual Changes Permanent?
In Partnership with Are the Individual Changes Permanent? No! Most are effective for 2018 through 2025 Sunset to old rules beginning in 2026 #PBNTAXREFORMSUMMIT

48 Are Itemized Deductions Dead?
In Partnership with Are Itemized Deductions Dead? Doubling of standard deduction Elimination/limit on itemized deductions State & local income and property tax ($10k cap) 2% miscellaneous itemized deductions disallowed Mortgage ($750k) and home equity interest Medical deduction AGI threshold lowered to 7½ percent ( ) Pease phase-out limit eliminated Elimination of personal exemptions #PBNTAXREFORMSUMMIT

49 We Can Still Deduct Charitable Contributions, Right?
In Partnership with We Can Still Deduct Charitable Contributions, Right? Increase in AGI limit for cash gifts (60%) What about everything on the last slide? Bunching contributions Still opportunity for those over 70 ½ with IRAs #PBNTAXREFORMSUMMIT

50 What About That Pesky AMT?
In Partnership with What About That Pesky AMT? Not repealed Increased exemption ($109,400 MFJ; $70,300 Single) Increased exemption phase-out limits ($1M MFJ; $500k Single) Not as many AMT adjustments Faster use of prior year AMT credits? #PBNTAXREFORMSUMMIT

51 What Tax Rates Will Apply to Me?
In Partnership with What Tax Rates Will Apply to Me? Still 7 tax rates (10%, 12%, 22%, 24%, 32%, 35%, 37%) Slightly lower rates and wider brackets Additional marriage penalty relief No change in long-term capital gains and qualified dividend rates Kiddie tax changes Child tax credit increased and expanded Medicare surcharge and Net Investment Income Tax still apply #PBNTAXREFORMSUMMIT

52 What Other Changes Should I Be Aware Of?
In Partnership with What Other Changes Should I Be Aware Of? 529 plan distribution for K-12 Alimony (2019) Disallowance of excess business losses Elimination of health insurance penalty (2019 +) Elimination of moving expense deduction/exclusion #PBNTAXREFORMSUMMIT

53 What Other Changes Should I Be Aware Of?
In Partnership with Casualty & theft losses Carried interest Roth IRA conversion recharacterizations Qualified equity grants ABLE account changes #PBNTAXREFORMSUMMIT

54 What Are the Estate/Gift Tax Changes?
In Partnership with What Are the Estate/Gift Tax Changes? Doubling of exemptions Estate/Gift GST Basis step up still applies What happens if the exemption decreases in 2026? Good planning dictates flexibility #PBNTAXREFORMSUMMIT

55 Will My Taxes Go Up or Down?
In Partnership with Will My Taxes Go Up or Down? Every situation is different Opposing forces in new tax law Generalizations Most high income taxpayers will see decrease in tax Some in the middle will see tax increase Child tax credit will make the difference for many families #PBNTAXREFORMSUMMIT

56 In Partnership with January 23, 2018 #PBNTAXREFORMSUMMIT

57 Stay Informed
In Partnership with Stay Informed Upcoming Webinars: 2/20 | 11:00 am | Tax Reform for Pass-Through Entities  2/22 | 11:00 am | Changes for Corporations 2/26 | 11:00 am | Global Impact of Tax Reform   2/28 | 11:00 am | Individual Impact of Tax Reform #PBNTAXREFORMSUMMIT

58 In Partnership with PANELISTS CONTACT INFO. Greg: Jay: Lynn : Alan: #PBNTAXREFORMSUMMIT

59 Panel Discussion / Q & A #PBNTAXREFORMSUMMIT Mark Everson alliantgroup
In Partnership with Panel Discussion / Q & A Mark Everson alliantgroup Dean Zerbe alliantgroup Jay Sattler BlumShapiro Greg Cabral BlumShapiro Lynn O’Marra BlumShapiro Alan Osmolowski BlumShapiro #PBNTAXREFORMSUMMIT

60 thank you… #PBNTAXREFORMSUMMIT Mark Everson alliantgroup Dean Zerbe
In Partnership with Mark Everson alliantgroup Dean Zerbe alliantgroup Jay Sattler BlumShapiro Greg Cabral BlumShapiro Lynn O’Marra BlumShapiro Alan Osmolowski BlumShapiro thank you… #PBNTAXREFORMSUMMIT



63 In Partnership with January 23, 2018 #PBNTAXREFORMSUMMIT

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