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Happiness is Second Grade!

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Presentation on theme: "Happiness is Second Grade!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Happiness is Second Grade!
Welcome to Open House Ms. Hiramine’s Class

2 Agenda for Tonight Introductions/Sign up Sheets Meet the Teacher
Morning Procedures Attendance Policies Classroom Schedule Home Learning Policy/Student Binders Classroom Procedures and Rules Uniform Policy Volunteer Hours Pick-up Procedures Parent Conferences School Supplies Second Grade Changes Gradebook/School Website & Features Accelerated Reader/SAT-10 Parent Communication & Social Media

3 Meet the Teacher… I graduated from Florida International University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education with an ESOL Endorsement . I have taught Third and Fifth Grade. This is my Ninth year at Doral Academy Elementary and I couldn’t be any happier!

4 Morning Procedures Children will be allowed to sit outside classroom door at 8:00 a.m. Classroom door will open at 8:10 a.m. Students who arrive prior to 8 am will need to enroll in before care. If not, parents will be charged $1.00 per minute. When students come in they turn in HW, copy HW in agenda, and respond to morning journal/morning work.

5 Attendance Policies Absences/ Tardies
Students are to be in their seat by 8:30. Any student coming in after that time will be issued a tardy pass. After 10 unexcused tardies, students will be issued a referral. After 5 unexcused absences, students will be issued a referral.

6 Attendance Policies Absences
When a child is absent, a note to justify the absence is required within 48 hours upon returning to school. It will not be accepted after that time. The administration determines whether a note is excused or unexcused (see parent handbook.) After 5 consecutive days absent, a mandatory doctors/hospital note is required. After 5 unexcused absences, student will be issued a referral. After 10 EXCUSED ( parent notes) absences have been issued for a student, any other absence requires a doctors note in order to be excused.

7 Attendance Policies Early Dismissal
Students who wish to be dismissed early (on a regular school day) are required to provide proof of a medical/dental appointment within forty-eight (48) hours of such appointment.  Notes submitted more than forty-eight (48) hours after an early dismissal will not be accepted, and the early dismissal will be deemed unexcused.   After ten (10) unexcused early dismissals, the student will be issued a referral form that will be placed in the student’s permanent record. No student will be released half hour before dismissal.

8 Home Learning Policy Students will be assigned home learning on a daily basis. It is to be completed and returned the day after it is assigned. Messy assignments and/or assignments missing a name will not be accepted. It is the students' responsibility to copy their home learning assignments in their Doral Academy agenda every morning. Home learning assignments will also be posted on school website (however, could be subject to change.) Parents, please check your child's Doral Academy agenda to ensure that your child is keeping up to date with his/her assignments. 9/15/2018

9 Home Learning Policy This binder must be checked EVERYDAY along with the agenda. Agendas MUST be initialed DAILY. All homework should be placed inside the DAC folder which will be inside the student binder. Important papers and communication from the school are sent home in this folder. DAC Folders & Agendas are on sale at the online school store for $12.50.

10 Classroom Procedures/Rules
Rules will be posted on the wall. Rules will be discussed and recited daily. Examples of good and unacceptable behavior will be discussed during the first week of school in order to make sure that students understand them. Students are required to follow rules, if they do not, it will affect their conduct grade.

11 Behavior Plan Ticket Reward System- Student will receive tickets when he/she displays positive behaviors. If needed, there will be a behavior chart posted on the wall. We will recite and discuss the classroom rules during our morning routine every morning. If a student breaks one of the rules, a stop sign will be placed on their desk. This warns them that they are breaking a rule and need to make better choices. If they receive two stop signs, they will be asked to change their color.

12 Incentives At the end of each week, students can redeem their earned tickets for coupons, or items from the teacher’s treasure box. Students who earn green/blue the entire week will have an opportunity to visit the treasure box. The table who earns the most points will earn tickets or candy. When the class receives a compliment, Mr. Potato Head will earn a body part. When Mr. Potato head is complete, the whole class will receive a reward (Examples: ice cream, popcorn, candy, etc.)

13 Uniform Policy All uniforms must be purchased at “All Uniform Wear”.
Tops must be tucked into the pants or skorts. Black belt must be worn at all times. Please make sure your child has a white uniform shirt as this is what is needed for the yearbook picture. A red shirt is also required for class picture day. Only long jeans are allowed on Jean Day Friday for $1.00 (please no jean shorts, jean skirts, or capri pants). MUST be paid through our online store. Students may wear the Doral Academy shirt on Fridays. This shirt will be needed for field trips. Shirts are $13.00.

14 Volunteer Hours Every family must complete 30 volunteer hours.
We love to have parents involved in school activities in order to fulfill their volunteer hour obligation. However, we understand that many of you have little free time to spare. If this is your case, we accept items for the classroom, such as gift cards, and donations. If you have more than one student in Doral Elementary, you can split the hours between them. Please feel free to checkout my wish list on the white board and website. To be credited for volunteer hours for items sent in, receipts are needed in order to apply the correct amount of hours as well as for accounting purposes. Please write your child’s name of the receipt. $2 spent = 1 hour of service In order to volunteer for fieldtrips you must have clearance from MDCPS. You may attain clearance through the Parent Portal online through and this MUST be done EVERY year.

15 Pick Up Procedures After dismissal parents are not allowed in the building without being accompanied by teacher or administration. If student is not picked up by 3:15 Parents will be charged $1 per minute late. Students can only be sent to the after care program if they are pre-registered.


17 Monday - Friday dismissal is at 3:00 except
Wednesday’s dismissal is at 2:00

18 Parent Conferences Parent conferences must be scheduled.
Conferences will be scheduled as needed. Best way to get in touch with me is via . My Please me as soon as possible in order to add you to my parent contact list for updates and important information! Please include your child’s FULL name in the subject line. Or you can call school at and I will return your call within 48 hours.

19 School Supplies Students are only required to take agenda’s, practice books, and student binder home. The student binder will include the DAC folder. Students are not required to take textbooks home. It will be at the parents discretion if they would like child to take home a textbook. Textbooks will be available online. Book bags should not be heavy at all and therefore there is no need for a rolling book bag. Rolling book bags cause many accidents in the hallways with students tripping and falling. If a rolling book bag is absolutely necessary due to health reasons, a doctors note must be submitted to the office. Previous doctors notes are not valid. If a student does not have a doctors note on file and brings in a rolling book bag it will be confiscated by administration and a parent must come in to pick it up.

20 Second Grade Changes Second grade is a turning point in your child’s education. In this class your child will become responsible and learn that only they are accountable for their work and actions. For that reason: No more home learning packets. They are responsible for copying, packing for, and completing Home Learning everyday. Special Areas (Music, Art, P.E, and Spanish) Parents are allowed to participate in birthday celebrations as long as prior notice is given to teacher. Birthday parties are done during lunch between 10:35-11:05.

21 Gradebook Parents will be able to see students grades on the parent portal. To log in use child’s ID number and birth date. If you have any problems, you may contact the front desk for assistance.

22 Online School Store Folder $ 2.50 Agenda $10.00 Friday Shirts $13.00
Jean Day (Aug – June) $35.00 Lunch $ 3.25 Lunch Free/Reduced $ 0.40 Breakfast $ 2.25 Breakfast Free / Reduced $ 0.30

23 Our Website Features Ability to post weekly homework, announcements, school calendar, and events! Important documents are also available to download. Home Learning is subject to change online. Go by what your child wrote on their agenda. Links to: School grade book Parent Portal School Volunteer Sign Up Textbooks Online Store Special Area Classes

24 Accelerated Reader (A.R.)
AR is reading program based on your child’s individual reading level. At the beginning of each quarter the STAR test is administered, from that assessment I gather your child’s individual “Reading Range” Students will be receiving a bookmark with their individual reading levels. It will also contain the students weekly and quarterly goal. Teacher will check AR points weekly. Students who meet their AR goal will be invited to Lunch Bunch. At home they must read at least minutes everyday to help reach their weekly point goal. Every 9 weeks a grade is given based on student goal performance in A.R.

25 SAT-10 The Stanford Achievement Test, Tenth Edition is a multiple choice assessment that measures student progress toward high academic standards in reading and math. SAT-10 will be administered in March 2017 More information will be provided in January

26 Parent Communication through Social Media & Group Texts
We are very lucky to live in a world full of technology and mass communication. We ask that you please be mindful of what is posted and texted through social media or group chats, such as What’s App or Messenger. Should any situations arise or should you have any questions or concerns, please come to us first for clarifications or answers. This will avoid the spread of misinformation or rumors. We are a proud TEAM 

27 @doralacademyes

28 Thank you for coming today!

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