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Pre-K Parent Orientation

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Presentation on theme: "Pre-K Parent Orientation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Pre-K Parent Orientation
Welcome to the Pre-K Parent Orientation 1

2 Introductions Pre-K Teacher - Mrs. Groom Pre-K Assistant - hiring
PPCD Teacher - Mrs. Robinson PPCD Assistant - Mrs. Llamas (Preschool Program for children with Disabilities)

3 Supplies and Change of Clothes:
Place the extra clothes in a zip lock bag, label it, send to school ASAP. We must have a set of clothes for your child in case of an accident. School supplies will be community property.

4 Important reminders: If your child has any medical condition such as a food allergy, please inform the teacher. Please do not encourage your child to run to you when they see you at dismissal. Cameras etc. can only be used on your child. If your child is going to cry because you are leaving, we ask that you just leave; staying makes it worse for the children.

5 Important Daily Procedures:
Please send your child with a backpack that is large enough for them to carry a standard folder. Clean backpacks daily! Folders should be sent, checked and signed daily. Please keep personal toys and electronics at home. Dress your child in clothing and shoes that will allow him or her to play actively inside and outside. Please send your child to the restroom before arriving to school!!!

6 Parent/Teacher Communication
Children’s Folder Monthly Newsletter Teacher Web Pages - check neisd website Attendance: ALWAYS CALL IN ABSENCES @ (Messages can be left 24/7). ALWAYS send in a note either from parent OR from a doctor WITHIN 2 DAYS OF STUDENT’S RETURN.

7 Arrival All parents/visitors who are in the building at any time will need a visitor’s badge. When arriving, parents will have the opportunity to obtain a visitor’s badge through the main entrance. Please make sure to return your badge to the front office before you leave. In order to ensure that our students are safe and secure, please follow these procedures when visiting our campus at all times from 7:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. **Students arriving after 11:20 must enter through the front entrance. The Cafeteria doors will be locked at 11:20.** 7

8 Arrival If your child is tardy (arriving at school after 11:20), you must walk them into the office. Please leave home early enough to compensate for the traffic.

9 Early Checkout If children need to be checked out for medical or dental appointments, they will need to be checked out before 2:00 p.m. We will not allow any students to be checked out from school between 2:00 pm and 2:20 p.m. During that time teachers are working to get students packed up and ready to go. Persons picking up students must sign out the child with their driver’s license/ID at the front desk. Alternate adults must be listed on file to check out students. 9

10 Dismissal You will need to park in the back parking lot and walk up to your child’s teacher to pick him/her up. We will walk out the door by the gym. Always bring your ID. 10

11 Transportation Changes
Changes to dismissal routines will not be allowed after 2:00 p.m. to ensure that students are dismissed correctly. Please make sure to contact the front office before 2:00 p.m. If you know of the change before you drop off, please send a note to your child’s teacher. 11

12 Bus Tags All bus eligible students are required to have their district issued bus tag attached to their backpack even if they don’t ride the bus. Please ensure this badge is transferred to any new backpack. This prevents the need to issue a temporary pass should they need to use the bus. 12

13 What will your child do at school this year….
Letter Recognition and Letter Sounds Number Recognition and Order Colors and Shapes Math (counting, sorting, patterns, etc…) Science (animals, weather, etc…) Writing (names, letters, words, etc…) Rhyming Self - Discipline & much, much more!!!

14 Assessments Nine-week grading period Progress Reports
Checklist – issued every 9 weeks

15 7 Habits of Happy Kids Be Proactive Begin With the End in Mind
Put 1st things 1st Think Win-Win Seek 1st to Understand, then to be Understood Synergize Sharpen the Saw

16 Medication All students’ medication must be given to the school nurse by the parent or guardian of that student. Students will need to go to the clinic to receive any type of medication. Please note: Cough drops and medicated chapstick are not allowed at school. 16

17 Legal Documents If you have any legal paperwork regarding court orders for your child, please provide a copy to the Data Processor or Administration. If you would like us to share information about your child with a grandparent/stepparent/etc, you MUST sign the consent to share form.

18 Fall Conferences November 1st & 2nd
Early dismissal is from 10: :20 p.m.

19 Spring Conferences February 27th and 28th
Early dismissal is from 10: :20 p.m.

20 Celebrations & Field Trips
Two class celebrations Winter Holiday and (Fiesta-possibly) Please be sure to return RSVP forms for all events. Make sure you include your legal name and birthday on the forms. This will make your wait time much shorter!

21 Celebrations & Field Trips
Birthdays: Let teacher know ahead of time, so we can plan accordingly. Celebration Time: 1:55-2:15. Food items must be store bought with a label of ingredients and not be temperature sensitive (individual servings only: cookies, cupcakes, doughnuts) Send napkins and utensils, NO juice!! NO balloons. Treat bags with food items are NOT acceptable. Please send with your child in the morning OR drop off in office before 1:00 pm. Parents are allowed to come celebrate with their child. DO NOT BE LATE!!

22 School Spirit Days Wednesday - College T-Shirt Day
Friday - Wetmore Spirit Day Watch for notes throughout the school year for additional spirit dress up days.

23 Parent Volunteers and PTA
There are many ways to contribute to your child’s school. PTA coordinates the Volunteer Program. If you are interested in helping out on our campus, being a chaperone on field trips, or helping in the classroom, you must have DPS clearance. Form: We strongly encourage you to join our wonderful PTA. This organization does so much for our children. It is great way to stay involved. Membership dues are $6.00 per person. We are working toward 100% participation this year! Membership does not require you to volunteer at school. 23

24 Ready Rosie ReadyRosie is a resource for parents to continue their children’s learning at home. There is an app available for parents to install on their phone. Parents can access the videos from anywhere and can see how easy it is to build on their children’s school experiences as they go about their day. We will be sending you an that will provide a direct link to sign up for ReadyRosie, or Go to or visit the app store on your phone and search for ReadyRosie to get started.

25 Ways to contact us: School phone: 210-407-8800
Mrs. Groom: Mrs. Robinson:

26 Thank you for coming! 26

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