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Skeletal systems How do the muscular and skeletal systems work together to maintain homeostasis?

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Presentation on theme: "Skeletal systems How do the muscular and skeletal systems work together to maintain homeostasis?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Skeletal systems How do the muscular and skeletal systems work together to maintain homeostasis?

2 Essential questions What does the skeletal system do?
How do the parts of the skeletal system work together? How does the skeletal system interact with other body systems?

3 Vocabulary click on any word to go to definition.
Skeletal system Cartilage Periosteum Joint Ligament Arthritis, Vocabulary click on any word to go to definition. Membrane

4 Skeletal system- Bones and other structures that connect and protect the bones and that support other functions in the body.

5 What is the skeletal system?

6 4 Functions of the Skeletal system
Bones act as a support system . Without bones we would be a big pile of jello like organisms. Bones allow movement. They enable us to stand, sit , move arms and legs. Bones offer our soft organs protection. The hard bone of our head is called the skull. It protects our soft , easy to injure brains from any hits, bumps and bangs. Our rib cage protects our internal organs from outside injury. Bones Produce and store important material.

7 What are four functions of the skeletal system and how do they work?

8 Formation of bones Bones are pure cartilage before birth.
They slowly begin to develop blood vessels and bone just before the baby is born. As the child grows the bones continue to grow, and develop until adulthood. You will be an adult when your bones are completed. This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA

9 Structure of Bones compact bone tissue-
Hard outer area of bones are made of compact bone tissue. Dense web of fibers Some bones like the long bone of your forearm are made mostly of compact bone tissue Spongy bone tissue Called spongey because of its sponge like look. Many small holes like a sponge. Some bones like the short bone in your wrist is mostly spongy bone tissue Bone Marrow Inside of most bones red bone marrow akes red blood cells Yellow bone marrow stores fat and is in the longest bones. Found in the spongy ends of long bones and in some flat bones(ribs). Structure of Bones

10 Draw in you notebook and label
2 1 3 4 7 5 6 Cartilage Spongy bone Periosteum Blood vessels Red Bone marrow Compact bone Yellow bone marrow

11 Cartilage-strong, flexible tissue that covers the end of the bones
This acts like a cushion to protect your bones from rubbing against each other just like a carpet will help cushion a fall. This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA

12 How is cartilage like a cushion?

13 Periosteum- a membrane that surrounds the bone.
It is has blood vessels and nerves. It has cells that produce new bone tissue. It provides food for the bones so they can grow and heal. This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA

14 JOINTS-where two or more bones meet
JOINTS-where two or more bones meet. Connected to other bones by ligaments which keep the bones from shifting away from each other.

15 How are the Periosteum and a cell membrane similar?

16 List, describe and given an examples of 3 types of moveable joints.

17 Immovable joints Moveable joint Two types of joints
Joints where bones connect but do not move. The skull is an example of this Immovable joints Ball and socket- Hing pivot Moveable joint

18 Bone injuries and diseases
Broken bone- anything from a small crack called a fracture, to a complete break all the way through are referred to as broken bones. Bones must be held in place without movement for a broken bone to heal. Similar to holding two pieces of wood together while the glue dries Arthritis-a disease where joints become irritated and inflamed from the wearing away or damage of the cartilage. Osteoporosis- a disease that causes the bones to become brittle and weaken. Usually found in women over 50 but can affect anyone. Bone injuries and diseases

19 The skeletal system and homeostasis
Bones work with muscles and tendons in order help the body move so that you can respond to the environment. Catching a ball, moving your head, . Bones supply calcium to you’re your nerves, muscles and heart. Bones like the skull, rib cage protect important organs. Remember that homeostasis is the bodies ability to maintain a stable internal environment. Many body systems must work together in order to keep the body stable.

20 Membrane A thin layer of tissues that selects what types of substances can pass through. A cell has a outer membrane and usually a nuclear membrane. What type of cell does not have a nuclear membrane?

21 Do you know? What are four functions of the skeletal system and how do they work? How do the muscular and skeletal systems work together to maintain homeostasis? What does the skeletal system do? How do the parts of the skeletal system work together? How does the skeletal system interact with other body systems? To maintain homeostasis? What is the skeletal system? This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA

22 Can you? List, describe and give examples of 3 types of moveable joints. Distinguish between cartilage and ligaments? Give one example of how the skeletal system interacts with the nervous system. List 4 major functions of the skeletal system Summarize how bones help the body maintain homeostasis. Evaluate( give your opinion based on knowledge) why it is better fo an adult skull to have immovable joints and not movable joints. This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND

23 Muscular system How do the muscular and skeletal systems work together to maintain homeostasis? What does the muscular system do? How do types of muscles differ? How does the muscular system interact with other body systems?

24 Vocabulary Muscle Skeletal muscle Voluntary muscle Cardiac muscle
Involuntary muscle Smooth muscle Vocabulary

25 Muscles also cause goose bumps.
What is a muscle? Tissue that is very strong and can contract (shorten) and lengthen in an orderly way. Some muscle contractions cause blood and food to travel throughout your body. Your heart muscle pumps blood which can help regulate the body temperature Muscles also cause goose bumps.

26 How do Muscles contribute to homeostasis?

27 Functions of the muscular system
Movement 1 Stability 2 Protection 3 Temperature regulation 4

28 Muscles allow Movement
Muscles attach to bones. When a muscle contracts or relaxes it allows the Bone to move.

29 Muscles provide stability. Stability
Stability enables you to stand upright, bend and straighten sit up right etc… Stability- allows your body to stay in place when a force is applied

30 Muscles provide protection Muscles cover and protect fragile internal organs.

31 Muscles regulate body temperature
When muscles contract they generate thermal energy.

32 What are the four functions of muscles?
1. 2. 3. 4. What are the four functions of muscles?

33 Types of muscles Skeletal Muscle Cardiac muscle Smooth muscle

34 Skeletal muscle Attached to bones Can be consciously moved They can provide short bursts of intense work. Skeletal muscles work by pulling on bones They cannot push bones therefore a second muscles must contract to move the bone back. Most skeletal muscles come in pairs.

35 CARDIAC MUSCLES Involuntary movement Only found in heart Cardiac muscles cells have branches on the end which send signals to other cardiac ells and they all contract at nearly the same time.

36 Smooth muscle Smooth muscles are named for their smooth texture
They are involuntary muscles They line many organs like the stomach . When theses muscles contract, they help move food through the stomach. They also help control the movement of blood through the bold vesses.

37 List three types of muscles and explain their function.

38 Muscular system and homeostasis
The muscular system interacts many ways to maintain homeostasis. Skeletal- movement Digestive-Food movement Circulatory- cardia muscle contractions move blood through body Respiratory- the Diaphragm is a muscle that allows the lungs to fill and empty Muscular system and homeostasis

39 Do you know What is the muscular system?
What are the four functions of the ? Why some muscles come in pairs? The skeletal system and muscles system have some similar functions what are they?

40 Can you do? List and describe the three types of muscles?
Explain in detail the 4 functions of muscles? Explain how muscles work with bones to maintain homeostasis? Explain how muscles work with digestion to maintain homeostasis? Write an 5 paragraph expository essay to explain how the muscles maintain homeostasis in you body.

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