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Presentation on theme: "IMMUNE CHECPOINTS & IMMUNOTHERAPY IN CANCERS"— Presentation transcript:


Negative regulators of immune system Maintaining self-tolerence Preventing auto-immunity Blocking immune checkpoint is a promising approach for activating anti-tumor immunity . It reactivate the auto-immunity

3 The immune checkpoint proteins in immune cycle

4 CTLA-4

5 CTLA-4: Cytotoxic T lymphocyte associated protein 4
FUNCTIONAL STRUCTURE: Known as CD 152, an homolog of CD 28 Functioning as an IC, down regulating immune responses Both bind with CD80 & CD86 (also called B7-1 & B7-2): ON & OFF switches on APC FUNTIONAL STRUCTURE OF IMMUNE CHECKPOINT CTLA-4

6 CTLA4: Functional structure
FUNCTIONS Member of Ig. superfamily, expressed by activated T.cell and transmits a negative signal to T cell (reverse to CD28) CTLA4 binds to CD80 &86 with greater affinity & avidity than CD28 → out-compete for its ligands Also found in regulator T cell, contributing to inh. Function. Activating of T cell leads to increase expression of CTLA4 CTLA4: Functional structure

7 CTLA4 &homolog.CD28 bind to B7 1 và 2
FUNCTIONS (cont.): Mechanistically, CTLA4 recruits a Phosphatase for TCR →attenuating signal Recent suggests in vivo: CTLA4 capture & remove B7-1&2 from APC → unavailable trigger CD28. DC -Treg interaction→ sequestration of Fasin-1, essential for synapse formation and skew fascin -1-dependent actin polarization in AP(D)C → adhesion zone → reduced T cell priming. Also function via modulation of cell motility &/or signaling through PI3 kinase. CTLA4 &homolog.CD28 bind to B7 1 và 2

8 CTLA4: T.Cell motility appears to give evidence for the so-called: “Reverse stop signaling model”from TCR. CTLA4 reverses “TCR induced stop signal”, for firm contact between Tc & APC

9 CTLA4 STRUCTURALLY: Extracellular domains , trans-membrane & cytoplasmic tail. Alternative splice variant, encoding different isoforms, have been characterized by a disulfide bond, while the soluble isoform functions as monomer The intracellular domain ia similar to CD28: No intrincic catalytic activity, contains YVKM motif binding PI3K; PP2A & SHP2 & one proline rich motif binding SH3 containing protein KEY ROLES: Inhibit T cell responses Affect signaling, via competing with CD28 Also binds PI3K

Variants in this gene associated with: Diabetis I, Grave’s disease, Hashimoto, SLE Polymorphism of CTLA4 are associated with: Autoimmune diseases Germline Haploinsufficiency CHAI’s disease Clinical and laboratory manifestation Abnormalities of immune system: - Agonist to reduce immune activity: Potential therapy for autoimmune disease. - Antagonist to increase immune activities: possible : Potential therapeutic against cancers


Antibody againts CTLA4 (Ipilimumab) treat melanoma 2011 Tremelimumab (not yet approved Antigen specific activating T CD4+ is the key initiation of adaptive immunity. The native T cell require 2 signals: - Antigen specific interact TCR with MHC - Co-stimulator, arisen through the surface of CD28, stimulate the interaction with B7 on APC

13 PD-1/PDL1-2

14 Programmed cell death Protein 1, also known as CD279
PD-1: Programmed cell death Protein 1, also known as CD279 Cell surface receptor, down-regulates the immune system, promoting “self tolerence” An IC and guards against autoimmunity via a dual mechanism: promoting apoptosis in antigen specific T cell; Reducing apoptosis in regulatory T cells. A new class of drug blocking PD-1: activates the immune system to attack the tumor → to treat some cancers

15 PD-1 Structure Membrane protein of 286 AA.
Member of extended CD28/CTLA4 family of T cell regulators Includes an extra cellular IgV domain, transmembrane & intracellular tail containing two phosphorylation sites located on inhibitory motifs, suggesting that PD-1 negatively regulates TCR signals PD-1 is expressed on surface of T cell, B cell & macrophage

16 PD-1 has two ligands, PD-L1 & PD-L2, members of family B7
Protein PD-L1 upregulates on marcrophage & DC in response to LPC, GM-CFS treatment; on T cell, BC & TC Receptors signaling. PD-L1 is expressed on almost all murine tumors cell lines: PA1, P815, B16 PD-L2 expression is more restricted, expressed mainly on DC and a few tumor lines. PD-1: PD-Ligands C

17 FUNCTION OF PD-1 Protein PD-1 in humans encoded by PDCD1, a cell surface receptor of Ig superfamilty, expressed on T cell & Pre-B, binds two ligands PD-L1 và PD-L2 PD-1 & ligand negatively regulate immune responses: PD-1 develops glomerulonephritis on knockout mice; cardio-myopathy on C57BL/6 & BALB/c bacgrounds. In vitro, treatment of anti-CD3, stimulated T.cell by PD-L1 Ig, result in decrease of T cell proliferation và IGF-γ secretion. It’s suggested that Tcell CD8+ is more susceptible to inhibition by PD-L1. PD-L1 – PD-1 interaction inhibits activation, expansion & acquisition of effector function of virus-specific CD8+, which can be reversed by blocking PD-1/PD-L1 interaction.

FOR CTLA4 &PD-1 CTLA negatively regulates the antitumor immunity, PD-1 is explored as a target of immunotherapy. The expressed PD-L1 on tumor cell inhibits the antitumor activity of PD-1 on effector T cell. Initiation of PD-1 via PD-L1 leads to production IL-10 → T CD4

CANCER PD-L1 highly expresses in cancers, PD-1 has the crucial role in immune evasion. Inhibitory interaction between PD-1 and PD-L1 blocks the immunity control . Combining TLA4 and PD-1 antibodies is an striking inhibitory immune checkpoint The combination of PD-1 & CTLA4 A.bodies has been shown to be more effective than either A. body alone. PD-1 A.B reactivates the ability of CD8 Tcell to lyse cancer cell PD-L1 expression is not absolute determinant of therapy effectiveness FDA has approved a combination Nivolumab & Ipilimumab 10/2015

20 ANTI - PD-1 THERAPY A number of cancer immunotherapy targeting PD-1 receptor has been developed: Nivolumab (opdivo-BMS) produced complete/partial responses in NSCLC, melanoma, renal-cell cancer, colon and pancreatic cancer did’nt have response Nivolumab targets PD-1 receptor was approved in Japan on 7/2014 & on 12/2014 in USA-FDA to treat metastatic melanoma. Pembrolizumab (Keytruda. MK 3475 Merck) also targeting PD-1 receptor, was approved by FDA on 10/2015 for NSCLC progressed after other treatments . Other drugs targeting PD-1: Pilidizumab (Cure Tech),BMS Atezolizumab (MPDL 3280A Roche), Avelumab (Merck…) target PD-L1.

21 FUTURE PROSPECTS The clinical successes have opened up a new area of therapeutic: the FDA approval of anti-CTLA4 , quickly followed by anti-PD-1 therapy. A new found awareness of potential antitumor activity of patient’s endogenous immune systemự once the BRAKE have been released have clarified the role of ICs (determined by genetic & biologicalanalyses ) in immune responses, specially in different levels. The exploration of iCs bring two chalenges: Definition of potential bio-markers that can determine which IC pathway dominate in particular tumor is inhibitor of choice? Is this possible that specific oncogenic pathway as PI3K-AKT hay STAT3 may induce and can be used as surrogate biomarker? The clinical development of combinational approaches: Vaccin associated with anti-IC ?

22 CONCLUSIONS Clinical results CTLA4 & PD-1/PD-L1 inhibitors suggests that B7-H1/PD-1 pathway is an important target for the effective antitumor immune response. Favor and toxicity profile of PD-1 & B7-H1 inhibitors verify that the large usefullness for the treatment of advanced cancers. The possible prolongation of response for the inhibition of PD-1 & CTLA4 pathways until 10 years, leading to extend globally the clinical trials on the spectrum of solid tumors Many other complex approaches include blokade of immune checkpoints associated with new vaccine, Angiogenesis, MAPK inhibiting targeted therapy.


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