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Topic Operational Information Exchange

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1 Topic Operational Information Exchange
ENCODE Topic Operational Information Exchange Task Force 17th October 2016 (I) Brussels Aurélien Hachez, Jessie Moelans

2 Objectives of 1st Experts Group
Gather attention points & motivations of stakeholders on selected articles of SO GL & E&R NC’s Present context & principles Share Elia work document

3 Context & principles Context
SO GL is applicable for existing and new units Needs in data exchange evolve Anticipate the needs of tomorrow It is not an one shot discussion First general principles No revolution, but well an evolution in data exchange For DSO connected SGUs, data will be exchanged with DSO (no direct link with TSO) Elia and DSO will analyse how to collaborate for product contracted between Elia and SGUs connected on the distrubtion grid

4 Back-up Slides (presentation Belgian Grid) 26/10/2016

5 Why ? RfG Whereas (21) Adequate information exchange between system operators and power-generating facility owners is a prerequisite for enabling system operators to maintain system stability and security. System operators need to have a continuous overview of the state of the system, which includes information on the operating conditions of power-generating modules, as well as the possibility to communicate with them in order to direct operational instructions. ACER Framework Guidelines establish: Paragraph 3.1: “… The network code(s) shall set out the procedures and requirements to coordinate and ensure information sharing between … System operator and significant grid user …” Paragraph 3.2: “… The network code(s) shall set the requirement for every significant grid user to be able and obliged to provide the necessary real-time operational information to the DSO and TSO that their connection has significant impact upon. The network code(s) shall set the requirement for every significant grid user to be able to receive and to execute the instructions sent by the TSO and/or DSO, on a contractual basis or in critical operating state.”

6 Topic Operational Information Exchange Related NCs
General requirements FCA DCC CACM HVDC EB RfG 3 Market Codes Capacity Allocation and Congestion Management Forward Capacity Allocation Electricity Balancing Network codes 3 Connection Codes Requirements for generators Demand Connection Code HVDC E&R SO GL 4 Operational Codes Operational Security Operational Planning & Scheduling Load Frequency Control & Reserves Emergency & Restoration SO GL Main focus of the topic

7 Connection codes General requirements
Art. 18 Information exchange Transmission-connected demand facilities shall be equipped according to the standards specified by the relevant TSO in order to exchange information between the relevant TSO and the transmission-connected demand facility with the specified time stamping. The relevant TSO shall make the specified standards publicly available. Transmission-connected distribution system: idem The relevant TSO shall specify the information exchange standards. The relevant TSO shall make publicly available the precise list of data required. DCC Art (d) Requirements for type B, Type C and Type D power generating modules with regard to information exchange: power-generating facilities shall be capable of exchanging information with the relevant system operator or the relevant TSO in real time or periodically with time stamping, as specified by the relevant system operator or the relevant TSO; (ii) the relevant system operator, in coordination with the relevant TSO, shall specify the content of information exchanges including a precise list of data to be provided by the power-generating facility. RfG HVDC Chapter 4 Information exchange and coordination; Art = will not be discussed in experts group

8 System Operation Guidelines PART II – Title 2 Data exchange, Art
System Operation Guidelines PART II – Title 2 Data exchange, Art. 40 – 53 = List of operational data to be exchanged SO GL OPERATIONAL FORECAST SCHEDULED REAL-TIME STRUCTURAL WITH OTHERS TSO WITH DSO WITH GENERATION TYPE D, C, B WITH HVDC, INTERCONNECTORS WITH DEMAND FACILITIES Main focus of the topic

9 Emergency & Restoration Chapter V, Art
Emergency & Restoration Chapter V, Art. 38 = List of information to be exchanged in Emergency, Black-out or Restoraration states E&R (identified) DSO (identified) SGU Neighbouring TSOs ELIA Frequency Leader Transmission Connected DSO Defense Service Providers Restoration Service Providers

10 Proposed approach in Expert Group
1st Experts Group: October 17th Gather attention points & motivations of stakeholders on selected articles of SO GL & E&R NC’s 2nd Experts Group: November 21st First Elia proposal taking into account the input from the stakeholders Debate with stakeholders 3rd Experts Group (closing): December 20th Consolidation of proposal Important note: Discussion are still on-going within Synergrid CE11 concerning data exchange between DSO & TSO and between SGU connected to DSO grid & systems operators Discussion are still necessary between TSO en CDSOs connected to TSO grid

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