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The Roman Soldier The Roman soldier dates back to circa 500 BC and continued to 1450 AD. This dates the influence of the Roman army on society to be about.

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Presentation on theme: "The Roman Soldier The Roman soldier dates back to circa 500 BC and continued to 1450 AD. This dates the influence of the Roman army on society to be about."— Presentation transcript:


2 The Roman Soldier The Roman soldier dates back to circa 500 BC and continued to 1450 AD. This dates the influence of the Roman army on society to be about 2000 years. This army was the reason that Roman became a geo-political power, other than the appointment of the empire by God.

3 The Roman Soldier The army was divided up into legions; and the legions were divided up into maniples and later cohorts, regiments, and centuries. The legion in its earliest organization was about 3000 men and later would be expanded up to 5200 men. In its beginning the Roman army had 4 legions but under Augustus there were as many as 28 legions and 33 legions under Severus.

4 The Roman Soldier In its earliest form the makeup of the army depended a great deal on the wealth of the individual soldier. The wealthier the man the better position he would occupy in the army; his wealth would buy him weapons and a horse. In its latter form the Roman army was a standing professional army. The soldier would serve for perhaps 20 years with an additional 5 as a reservist. Many times the average length of service would be much more, as much as years.

5 The Roman Soldier Maybe the earliest example we have from soldiers can be found in Luke. Luke 3:7-14 – John was teaching in the wilderness and multitudes came to him to be baptized by him.

6 The Roman Soldier Three lessons for us from this example:
The intimidation of others might have been a type of shake down for money. This might have been for the soldier to not report something or maybe even a protection payment. Matt. 10:8 – when Jesus sends out the twelve He tells them, freely give

7 The Roman Soldier There is no charge for the teaching of the Gospel. It is not a money making experience and the church is not a money making institution. 2 Cor. 11:5-9 – Paul preached the Gospel without charge to anyone. cf. 1 Cor. 9:18

8 The Roman Soldier The soldiers were not to falsely accuse.
This is just a basic tenant of be righteous. Matt. 15:19-20 – the false witness has a heart that defiles Prov. 21:28- one of the results of a false witness is the gossip he inspires Eph. 4:25 – we should put away lying and speak the truth

9 The Roman Soldier The soldiers were also told to be content with their wages. Contentment is always a great problem. 1 Tim. 6:6-9 – it doesn’t matter who you are we should all strive for contentment

10 The Roman Soldier Paul was one who used the idea of a soldier several times. Christians were referred to as fellow soldiers. Phil. 2:25 – Epaphroditus Phile. 2 – Archipus Can others say of you that you are a fellow soldier?

11 The Roman Soldier We must the courage of a soldier.
2 Tim. 2:1-4 – we must be strong and endure as a soldier 1 Tim. 1:18 – we are to wage the good warfare

12 The Roman Soldier Finally we must equip ourselves as a solider.
When you think about the Roman soldier, in his earliest forms he had to provide for himself his weaponry. God has never required man to arm himself. God has always given man what he needed to wage the good warfare.

13 The Roman Soldier Gen. 2:16-17 – God gave commands for food in the garden Gen. 39:7-12 – God gave Joseph want he needed to resist temptation Josh. 6 – God gave the Israelites the means of defeating Jericho

14 The Roman Soldier One of the reasons that the Roman army was so successful was that in its latter stages they were the best equipped. When the leaders of the armies found a weapon that worked they made mass quantities and distributed them so that everyone had the weapons needed to be successful.

15 The Roman Soldier God has given us the same equipment.
Eph. 6:10-18 – We are to put on the whole armor of God Is. 55:11 – God’s word will do what He intends 2 Tim. 2:14-15 – use God’s word rightly 1 Cor. 9:26-27 – we are disciplined so we might not use God’s word with uncertainty

16 The Roman Soldier When we look at the Roman army we should be able to see the reason for their great success; each soldier was equipped and trained in the proper use of his weapons. He was given to service in the army for his life. We should also be able to see the likeness in our service to God as christian soldiers. Can you see the likeness in your life?

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