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1 ©2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved.
Lesson 3.1 Career Development Lesson 3.2 Learning about Yourself Lesson 3.3 Informal Assessments 3 CHAPTER Understanding Yourself ©2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved.

2 Lesson 3.1 Career Development
Chapter 3 Lesson 3.1 Career Development Goals Identify the parts of the career development process. Define Internal Career Design. Terms self-awareness Internal Career Design

3 A Process Self-awareness begins the process of career understanding.
Chapter 3 A Process Self-awareness begins the process of career understanding. Career awareness and exploration are next Career planning and preparation are the last step in the career development process.

4 Internal Career Design
Chapter 3 Internal Career Design Your Internal Career Design is uniquely yours. It matches your interests, abilities, personality, and values to suggest your ideal career field.

5 3.1 Career Development SUMMARY
Chapter 3 3.1 Career Development SUMMARY Career development is a process that a person follows over a period of time. Knowing the steps is important as one follows the career journey. In following the career development process and creating a P*A*T*H to Success, the Internal Career Design will evolve.

6 Lesson 3.2 Learning about Yourself
Chapter 3 Lesson 3.2 Learning about Yourself Goals Recognize how assessments can help your career journey focus. Describe what is a self-assessment. Identify types of formal assessments, and explain how to use the results.

7 Lesson 3.2 Learning about Yourself
Chapter 3 Lesson 3.2 Learning about Yourself Terms assessment self-assessment formal assessment interest inventories skills assessment personality assessment work values

8 Chapter 3 Assessments Assessments are a way of collecting and evaluating information for measurement purposes. Career assessments help you investigate, identify, and recognize your interests, personality traits, abilities, values, attitudes, and individual preferences. Learning about yourself is one of the first steps toward finding your ideal career.

9 Chapter 3 Self-Assessments Self-assessments base the results on what you think of yourself. Characteristics of self-assessments Completed in Informal setting with no time limits Made up of a list of questions or a checklist

10 Formal Assessments Interest inventories Skills assessments
Chapter 3 Formal Assessments Interest inventories Skills assessments Personality assessments Work values Formal assessment results

11 3.2 Learning about Yourself SUMMARY
Chapter 3 3.2 Learning about Yourself SUMMARY Career assessments help a person analyze the results and make lifetime decisions. The results of self-assessments will help one understand more through self-discovery. Interest inventories, skills assessments, personality assessments, and work values surveys are the types of formal assessments. They can help a person match interests, talents, personality, and values to discover his or her Internal Career Design.

12 Lesson 3.3 Informal Assessments
Chapter 3 Lesson 3.3 Informal Assessments Goals Describe how career events can help you with your career planning. Explain exploring careers through discussions and conversation. Discuss how extended experiences are ways to “try out” careers. Terms informal assessment career fair career day informational interview job shadowing service learning

13 Chapter 3 Informal Assessment Informal assessment experiences are activities in which you talk to someone in a career or observe or assist someone working in a career. Examples Career events Informational interviews Job shadowing Service learning Internships

14 Chapter 3 Career Events Career Fair Career Day

15 Discussions and Conversations
Chapter 3 Discussions and Conversations Informational interviews Other conversations

16 Extended Experiences Job Shadowing Service Learning
Chapter 3 Extended Experiences Job Shadowing Service Learning Other Long-term Experiences Internships Co-op experiences Part-time jobs

17 3.3 Informal Assessments SUMMARY
Chapter 3 3.3 Informal Assessments SUMMARY A career event, such as a career fair or career day, allows people to interact with individuals whose careers match their own interests. More in-depth discussions with those in career fields a person is considering can help confirm his/her career decisions. Job shadowing, service learning, and other extended informal assessments can give one knowledge and possibly experience in a specific career.

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