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Get out your Journals. You also need a textbook

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1 Get out your Journals. You also need a textbook
30 April 2013 Get out your Journals. You also need a textbook

2 26 April 2013 JOURNAL: How would you define a hero? What qualities does a hero have? Consider the use of heroes in movies and literature. What are common traits of these heroes? Who is your favorite hero in literature or film? Why? [Reminder: Journal should be at least half a page long and goes on the LEFT page! Do not copy the prompt. Notes go on the RIGHT]

3 Hero “Everyday” Hero vs. This is the hero who saves children from drowning or rescues people from a fire. Epic Hero Larger than life Uncommon strength Exceptional knowledge Exceptional cunning Exceptional courage Exceptional daring Goes on a dangerous journey or quest Battles nature/gods/others Embodies the values of his society Has a FLAW

4 Campbell’s Heroic Cycle
The Separation The hero leaves home to accomplish The Quest The Calling The Initiation and Transformation The events that change the hero Challenges The Abyss (“Slaying the Dragon”) The Transformation of the Character The Return The changed hero brings peace and renewal to his community

5 Archetypes a recurrent pattern of character, action or images used in a wide variety of literature, myth, and social behavior Examples: Epic hero Epic Quest Damsel in distress Wise (perhaps magical) old man Evil old woman/stepmother Romantic Comedy


7 On right-hand page… Write down Odysseus’s good qualities (the things that his society would want to imitate) When you write down an example, write down the page number and line number. He only fought to save his life and get his crew home (p. 1037, line 8-9)

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