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Freshman English [授課教師] 多元文化意識(多元文化) Personal Responsibilities

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Presentation on theme: "Freshman English [授課教師] 多元文化意識(多元文化) Personal Responsibilities"— Presentation transcript:

1 Freshman English [授課教師] 多元文化意識(多元文化) Personal Responsibilities
Gender And Culture [授課教師]

2 Gender and Culture Objectives Understand what forms a person's values.
Compare their own cultural influences and those from Kenya, Mexico, India, New Zealand, and Japan. Appreciate and respect individuality while making decisions.

3 Handout 1: Gender and Culture
Presentation Watch pre-recorded sitcom video by peers-- women value details and the present time while men prefer efficiency and future updates. Read passage on page 6 and complete the questions--Kijana had to give up his study in England because he needed to help manage family business in Kenya, Africa.

4 Gender and Culture Practice
Conduct pair-work to initially discuss Kijana's decision making on returning home country. Conduct a survey with three classmates on page 7 about future lifestyle.

5 Gender and Culture Production
Share interesting results of how much social factors influence a person's values and lifestyle (in Taiwan, Japan, Malaysia)

6 Handout 2: Gender and Culture
Presentation Listen to stories from Mexico, India, New Zealand on page 8. Match family values. Read passage on page 9 about a Japanese cram school teacher and his students going to university without planning the future career.

7 Handout 2: Gender and Culture
Practice Conduct pair-work to set a rule in the family for others to follow and explain why. (Concept training: respect authority, take responsibility in a group) Conduct an interview activity in a small group of four. One person choose an occupation, others ask yes-or-no questions. (Concept training: investigate the personal and social values of a particular job)

8 Handout 2: Gender and Culture
Production Divide the class into three groups. One group writes a TED talk script, the second group creates a skit and the third, makes a video commentary. Students refer to unit wrap up on page 68. Seek valuable reflection for the task.

9 Is racism taught or learned?

10 We learned racism Your friends make good or bad comments about people and you either accept or reject those comments. Most of us tend to go along with our friends, and our attitudes are shaped in part by them. Our parents have taught us how they feel about other people and cultures and we have certain ideas about people because of what we learned growing up.

11 Stereotypes of Everyone

12 Question 1 What will be your assumptions towards people who have different races? Take one race/nationality/ skin color for example.


14 Asian Stereotypes

15 The most Racist Advertisements and Commercials

16 PSP: PlayStation Portable

17 Volkswagen

18 Volkswagen terrorist

19 Nivea uncivilized head


21 Intel Black athletes Black athletes

22 Question 2: How do you determine if one culture is any better than another? Why are other cultures and skin colors threatening to people? How can you overcome your prejudice feelings towards another culture, person, or race?

23 The DNA Journey

24 Culture Awareness Activity
Foreign students please be the committee. Each group will generate two findings from: food, entertainment, transportation, religion, life style, education….etc. The committee members will give you feedbacks.

25 「文化TA」文化認知活動 課堂中請外籍生/僑生當作「文化TA」,各組挑選一個類別(食衣住行育樂…等)進行思考,舉例兩則對該文化的第一印象,由評審給予意見或修正。

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