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1 1

2 Muslims claim:

3 Muslims claim Islam is the last and final religion
Muhammad = final prophet Qur‘an = final book Dies kommt nachher 3

4 Muslims claim Islam is the last and final religion
Islam is the natural religion of mankind Who was the first Muslim...? Dies kommt nachher 4

5 Muslims claim Islam is the last and final religion
Islam is the natural religion of mankind Islam is more than a religion It is a complete code of life ... from sunrise to sunset! 5

6 Muslims claim Islam is the last and final religion
Islam is the natural religion of mankind Islam is more than a religion Islam is the shortest and broadest road to God Matthew 7:14 “Broad is the road that leads to destruction." 6

7 Is this typically Christian ? 7

8 Christians and Muslims agree on several points:

9 God created the world and all that is in it, plus heaven and hell
God is all powerful, he knows everything and he is everywhere all the time God revealed his will to mankind through certain prophets God gave to the people laws which should govern their lives and prevent them from doing wrong God will judge all people. Some will be permitted to go to heaven, and all the others will have to be thrown into hell 9

10 However, Islamic teaching strongly contradicts the Bible!

11 Jesus was a good man, but he was certainly not divine (Sura 5:19)
Jesus was no more than a prophet. He was not the Son of God (Sura 5:78) Jesus was a good man, but he was certainly not divine (Sura 5:19) God is not Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit)!  That is blasphemy (Sura 4:171; 5:75-78) Jesus did not die on the cross for sinners! (Sura 4:157) There is no atonement or reconciliation of the sinner to God by means of the sacrifice of Jesus for us, or any other sacrifice! (Sura 22:36+37) 11

12 What makes Islam so attractive?
Islam helps people in need Islam is a simple and natural religion Islam does not expect drastic changes in lifestyle and culture Muslims are part of a worldwide community (Ummah) Islam is the religion of the non-white people and non-racial, no differentiation 12

13 Evaluation from a Bible-based Perspective
A religion of power and success A religion of “do‘s and don‘ts” A fundamentally anti-Christian religion 13

14 Iran Pakistan Bangladesh Egypt Indonesia India Nigeria 14

15 Religious Situation in India
Religion Population % Actual Figures Christians ~ million Muslims million Hindus million Others million India about 14% Muslims Bangladesh about 84% Muslims Pakistan about 97% Muslims 15

16 16

17 How do you eat an Elephant ?

18 Invite the Family!! 18

19 The Church benefits from reaching its Neighbours
Exercise all the gifts of your members Deeper interaction with their own faith  growing stronger in faith Benefit for the Church (no syncretism)  members are prepared Blessing through converts  Church growth 19

20 How to invite your Church?
Overcoming fear / insecurity Turning objections into opportunities Providing ways to reach out (practical projects) Guiding / integrating converts into the Church 20

21 Seminar on Reaching our Neighbours should include:
Pre-islamic Arabia – Life of Muhammad Practices and Beliefs Barriers faced by Muslim seekers / What makes it so hard... Qur´an – the “Holy” Book Reaching Women and Children Special Topics, e.g. Life after Death 21

22 Seminar on Reaching our Neighbours should include:
7. Objections: Bible, Jesus, Trinity and others 8. Understanding + Witnessing to our Neighbours 9. Practical Ways of Reaching Out/Chronological Storytelling 10. Suitable Gospel Concepts 11. Guiding Muslim Background Believers / Convert Care Models 12. Strategy and Planning ... and watching some videos


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