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Life Of Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ

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1 Life Of Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ

2 Ancestors Direct descendant(child) of Hazrat Ibrahim علیہ السلام.
Father: Hazrat Abdullah(who died before the birth of Holy Prophet ﷺ ). Mother : Hazrat Amina(died when Holy Prophet ﷺ was 6 years old).

3 He was looked after by his grandfather Abdul Muttalib who was the chief of his tribe Quraish. He also died when the Prophet ﷺ was 8 years. His uncle Abu Talib took over his charge. He greatly loved our prophet.

4 Marriage Our Prophet ﷺ married at the age of 25 with Hazrat Kahdija(R.A) who was a wealthy and kind hearted widow. The whole Mecca respected her.

5 First Revelation When our Prophet ﷺ reached the age of 40 years he started pondering(thinking) about what was happening around him, Just like his forefather Hazrat Ibrahim(A.S), he saw that people were worshipping idols who were powerless.

6 They could neither benefit anybody nor could harm anyone.
There has to be some almighty being who had created the entire universer and was running it alone with out the help of anyother being.

7 The prophet ﷺ was greatly dissatisfied with the state of affairs and used to go to a cave Hira and stayed for days and pondered غور و فکر کرنا . One day the angel Hazrat Jibrael(A.S) came to him and revealed the First ayat of the Quran “Iqra……..”.

8 First Muslims Hazrat Khadija(R.A) was the first to embrace Islam and was the first woman to become Muslim. Hazrat Abu Bakar Siddiq(R.A) was the first among men. Hazrat Ali(R.A) was the first among boys(10 years old).

9 Reaction of people in Mecca
The people of Mecca who initially greatly respected our Holy Prophet(S.A.W) and admitted that he was the best among all, when our Holy Prophet(S.A.W) started propogating Islam, they were deadly against him. Whoever embraced Islam was severly tortured by the Meccans. Our Prophet(S.A.W) was also subjected to all kinds of torture.

10 Trip to Taif When the higher-ups of Mecca didn’t listen to our Prophet(S.A.W), he thought that maybe the people of Taif may listen to him and embrace Islam. The people there, tortured him by throwing stones for 6 miles and our prophet started bleeding profusely(heavily).

11 Mairaj After about 8-9 years after the prophethood, our Prophet(S.A.W) was taken by Hazrat Jibrael(A.S) across the seven skies and direct to the Arsh of Allah Taala.

12 Gift of Salat Allah Taala talked to him directly and gave the gift of salat, the greatest Ibadah of all to the Ummah, to be offered 5 times a day.

13 Islam In Madina During the days of Hajj, people from all parts of Arab gathered in Mecca to perform Hajj. Our Holy Prophet(S.A.W) used to visit each and every camp in Mina to propogate Islam.

14 The first year 6 pilgrims from Madina embraced Islam
The first year 6 pilgrims from Madina embraced Islam. Next year 12 people embraced Islam. Next year 75 people from Madina embraced Islam. They invited our Holy Prophet(S.A.W) to migrate to Madina. Our Holy Prophet(S.A.W) with the will of Allah, allowed the Muslims of Mecca who were being tortured by the kuffar to migrate.

15 Hijrat(migration) to Madina
On the 13th year of prophethood our HolyProphet(S.A.W) migrated to Madina along with Hazrat Abu Bakar Siddiqu(R.A).

16 Battle of Badar In Madina more and more people started embracing Islam. The Kafirs were greatly angered to see this and decided that they should attack our Holy Prophet(S.A.W) in Madina and finish off the Prophet(S.A.W) and all his followers.

17 They attacked the Muslims in the battle of Badar with full force
They attacked the Muslims in the battle of Badar with full force. The Muslims came out to defend themselves.

18 Battle of Uhud The kafirs of Mecca were greatly frustrated with the defeat at Badar and prepared a larger army to take revenge. They started for Madina with 3000 men, 700 armour, 200 trained horses and 3000 camels. The Muslims were only 700(against the 3000 kafirs) who came to the battlefield of Uhud.

19 The details are long. Ultimatley the kafirs were again defeated.

20 Conquest of Mecca With untiring efforts and sacrifices of our Holy Prophet(S.A.W) and his Sahaba(R.A).Islam kept spreading in Arabia till a time came when Muslim forces attacked Mecca to free the Kaaba which had been a centre of idolatory. In kaaba alone there were 360 idols.

21 Mecca was conquered without any fighting and bloodshed
Mecca was conquered without any fighting and bloodshed. All idols were destroyed. Our HolyProphet(S.A.W) forgave all the kafirs who had been his greatest enemies. Delegations of tribes form all over Arabia started coming to Mecca to embrace Islam on the hands of the Prophet(S.A.W).

22 Hajj-al-Wida On the 10th year of Hijra our Holy Prophet(S.A.W) performed his last Hajj to physically teach the Ummah the correct way to perform this ritual. About 1,25,000 Muslims from all over Arabia accompanied him.

23 The Last Sermon(farewell sermon)
At mount Arafat our Holy Prophet(S.A.W) delivered a long sermon summarised below: “O people, I know not whether I shall be with you again. So listen very carefully and take these words to those who could not be persent here today.”

24 “O people, regard the life and property of every Muslim as sacred(holy). Return the amanats given to you, to the rightful owner. Hurt no one, so that no one may hurt you. Remember you will indeed meet your Allah and He will rechon(judge) your deeds. Allah has forbidden to take interest. Beware of shaitan for the safety of your religion. O people, worship Allah, say your prayer 5 times daily, fast during ramazan, give your wealth a zakat, perform Hajj.”

25 “All mankind is from Adam(A. S) and Eve(A. S)
“All mankind is from Adam(A.S) and Eve(A.S). An arab has no superiority over a non arab and a non-arab has no superiority over an arab. A white has no superiority over a black nor a black has a superiority over a white, except by piety. Every Muslim is a brother to every Muslim and all muslims have a brotherhood. Remember one day you will appear before Allah and will have to answer your deeds.”

26 “O people, no Prophet will come after me and no new faith will be born
“O people, no Prophet will come after me and no new faith will be born. I leave behind me two things - one Quran and the other my sunnah. If you follow then you will never go astray. All those who listen to me shall pass on my words to others and those to others again.” On 10th year of Hijrah, at the age of 63 years our Holy prophet(S.A.W) departed from this world.

27 Spreading of Islam When our beloved Prophet(S.A.W) started propogating Islam, he was all alone. In 14 years of untiring efforts and sacrifices a little above 300 people embraced Islam(as we note 313 muslims took part in battle of Badar).

28 When our Prophet(S.A.W) started for Umrah in 6th year of Al-Hijra the sahaba accompanying him were 1500. At the time of conquest of Mecca 10,000 muslims soldiers accompanied. At the time of Haj-ul-wida the muslims accompanying the HolyProphet(S.A.W) were 1,25,000.

29 That is in a short span of 23 years the number of people embracing Islam went up from zero to 1,25,000. This was mainly due to the fact that whoever embraced Islam realised that it was now his duty to propogate Islam and everybody was sincerely doing this task.

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