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Presented By Saifur Rahman Sabuj

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1 Presented By Saifur Rahman Sabuj
A Theoretical Framework for Evaluation of Random Cognitive Radio Network Presented By Saifur Rahman Sabuj Supervisor Masanori Hamamura Kochi University of Technology, Japan

2 Agenda Motivation Downlink Model of CR Network
Network Model Time-slot Structure Outage probability Energy Efficiency Transmit Antenna Selection Analysis of Rayleigh-lognormal Uplink Model of CR Network Coverage Probability Spectral Efficiency Energy Harvesting of CR Network Conclusion and Future Work Kochi University of Technology

3 Motivation Proposed 1 Proposed 2 Before 2011 After 2011
Analog TV broadcasting MHz ( ch) Analog and Digital TV broadcasting MHz ( ch) Before 2011 Digital TV broadcasting MHz ( ch) After 2011 Proposed 1 Proposed 2 MHz ( ch) 802.22 af MHz ( ch) Digital TV Broadcasting ITS Cellular System Please See Reference No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 for more information.

4 Motivation Macro-BS Micro-BS Femto-BS Pico-BS Relay WLAN Base Station

5 Motivation Voronoi Diagram Macro Base Station Micro Base Station
Pico Base Station Please See Reference No. 7, 8 and 9 for more information.

6 CR Terminology Primary Users (PUs): who hold a license for a specific portion of frequency band. Cognitive or Secondary Users (CUs or SUs): who access a licensed frequency band without interference of PUs. Primary Networks (PNs): Operate/access their own (license) frequency band. e.g., TV broadcast or cellular system. Cognitive or Secondary Networks (CNs or SNs): Operate/access a licensed frequency when PUs are not utilized the frequency. Interweave Scheme: CUs can utilize the frequency when PUs are not transmitting. Underlay Scheme: CUs can access the frequency while PUs are active in transmission.

7 Performance Metric Coverage Probability: A message is successfully decoded when the signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) of useful signal is greater than a particular threshold. The coverage probability is the probability that the SINR is greater than the SINR threshold. Outage Probability: The outage probability is the probability that the SINR is lower than the SINR threshold. Spectral Efficiency: The spectral efficiency is the probability that the Shannon capacity on the user link is greater than a particular threshold. Energy Efficiency: The energy efficiency can be defined as the ratio between area spectral efficiency and average network power consumption. Please See Reference No. 8, 9, 11, and 14 for more information.

8 Proposed CR Network Model
Primary Transmitter Cognitive Macro Base Station

9 Downlink CR Network Model
Cognitive Macro BS Cognitive/Secondary User Primary Transmitter Primary User

10 CR Network Model Primary User Cognitive Macro BS
Cognitive/Secondary User Primary Transmitter

11 Kochi University of Technology
Time-slot Structure PU ch1 ch2 ch3 ch4 ch9 chN ch1 ch2 chN ch2 ch5 chN ch7 SU1 ch3 ch4 ch9 ch3 ch6 ch8 ch7 SU2 SU ch5 ch6 ch8 ch6 ch5 ch9 ch1 SU N T T s t T occupied unoccupied success collision Please See Reference No. 10 for more information. Kochi University of Technology

12 Outage Probability Outage Probability of PR Outage Probability of SR

13 Outage Probability Outage Probability of PR

14 Outage Probability Outage Probability of SR
(a) Perfect detection of PTs and STs (b) Perfect detection of PTs and imperfect detection of STs

15 Outage Probability Outage Probability of SR
(c) Imperfect detection of PTs and perfect detection of STs (d) Imperfect detection of PTs and STs

16 Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency of PN Energy Efficiency of CN/SN
(a) Perfect detection of PTs and STs (b) Perfect detection of PTs and imperfect detection of STs (c) Imperfect detection of PTs and perfect detection of STs (d) Imperfect detection of PTs and STs

17 Transmit Antenna Selection
Minimum transmit power for a particular outage probability Energy Efficiency for the Nt transmit antenna

18 Simulation Parameters
Value N 25 α 4 λp 15/km M 10 μp 0.6 λp' 13/km Ns 15 μc 0.3 λs 50/km Ts 1ms Pp 50W λs' 45/km Tp 4ms Ps 15W NTRX 1 ∆s 2.8 Po 84W Pss 0.2W β Pd 0.9 Pf 0.1 2 2 2 2 Kochi University of Technology

19 Outage Probability Kochi University of Technology

20 Outage Probability Kochi University of Technology

21 Energy Efficiency Kochi University of Technology

22 Energy Efficiency Kochi University of Technology

23 Transmit Antenna Selection
Kochi University of Technology

24 Comparison between Previous and Current Work
S. R. Sabuj and M. Hamamura, “Energy Efficiency Analysis of Cognitive Radio Network using Stochastic Geometry” in Proc. IEEE CSCN, pp , Oct S. R. Sabuj and M. Hamamura, “Outage and Energy-Efficiency Analysis of Cognitive Radio Networks: A Stochastic Approach to Transmit Antenna Selection” Pervasive and Mobile Computing, Elsevier, 2017. Kochi University of Technology

25 Comparison between Previous and Current Work
S. R. Sabuj and M. Hamamura, “Energy Efficiency Analysis of Cognitive Radio Network using Stochastic Geometry” in Proc. IEEE CSCN, pp , Oct S. R. Sabuj and M. Hamamura, “Outage and Energy-Efficiency Analysis of Cognitive Radio Networks: A Stochastic Approach to Transmit Antenna Selection” Pervasive and Mobile Computing, Elsevier, 2017. Kochi University of Technology

26 Uplink CR Network Model
Cognitive Macro BS Cognitive/Secondary User Primary Transmitter Primary User

27 Uplink CR Network Model
(b) (a) Cognitive Macro BS Cognitive/Secondary User Primary Transmitter Primary User

28 Analytical Expression of Uplink Model
Coverage Probability (a) Perfect detection of PTs and STs (b) Perfect detection of PTs and imperfect detection of STs

29 Analytical Expression of Uplink Model
Coverage Probability (c) Imperfect detection of PTs and perfect detection of STs (d) Imperfect detection of PTs and STs

30 Coverage Probability

31 Coverage Probability

32 Spectral Efficiency

33 Spectral Efficiency

34 Conclusion Downlink Model: Uplink Model:
Outage probability is reduced for decreasing number of PTs and STs. The SNIR threshold impacts on energy efficiency performance, and there exists an optimal threshold that maximizes energy efficiency. Uplink Model: Coverage probability and spectral efficiency are better when the SR/CR is located outside the PER. Coverage probability and spectral efficiency depend on the path-loss exponent and SR/CR density.

35 Random Cognitive Radio Network: The Need for Future Wireless
Future direction: Multi-tier Optimization Relay and beamforming Device-to-Device Percolation theory Random Cognitive Radio Network: The Need for Future Wireless

36 Publication Conference Papers: Journal Papers:
S. R. Sabuj and M. Hamamura, “Random Cognitive Radio Network Performance in Rayleigh-Lognormal Environment” in Proc. IEEE CCNC, pp , Jan S. R. Sabuj and M. Hamamura, “Energy Efficiency Analysis of Cognitive Radio Network using Stochastic Geometry” in Proc. IEEE CSCN, pp , Oct S. R. Sabuj M. Hamamura, and S. Kuwamura “Detection of Intelligent Malicious User in Cognitive Radio Network by Using Friend or Foe (FoF) Detection Technique” in Proc. ITNAC, pp , Nov (Session best paper award) S. R. Sabuj and M. Hamamura, “Approaches to the Dynamic Efficiency in Wireless Communications” in Proc. ISCIT, pp , Sept Journal Papers: S. R. Sabuj and M. Hamamura, “Outage and Energy-Efficiency Analysis of Cognitive Radio Networks: A Stochastic Approach to Transmit Antenna Selection” Pervasive and Mobile Computing, Elsevier (Accepted). IF: 2.34 S. R. Sabuj and M. Hamamura, “Uplink Modeling of Cognitive Radio Network Using Stochastic Geometry” Performance Evaluation, Elsevier (under review). IF: 1.613 S. R. Sabuj and M. Hamamura, “Two-slope Path-loss Design of Energy Harvesting in Random Cognitive Radio Networks” Computer Networks, Elsevier (under review). IF: 2.516 S. R. Sabuj and M. Hamamura, “Signal Technique for Friend or Foe Detection of Intelligent Malicious User in Cognitive Radio Network” International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing, Inderscience (under review). IF: 0.705 Kochi University of Technology

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38 References Kochi University of Technology
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39 Through the global, we are connected to each other by mobile phone
Thank you for your kind attention Question ? Through the global, we are connected to each other by mobile phone

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