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Compsci 201 Trees, Tries, Tradeoffs
Owen Astrachan Jeff Forbes November 1, 2017 11/1/17 Compsci 201, Fall 2017, Tree, Tries, Tradoffs
Compsci 201, Fall 2017, Tree, Tries, Tradoffs
R is for … R Programming language of choice in Stats Random From Monte-Carlo to [0,1) Recursion Base case of wonderful stuff Refactoring Better not different 11/1/17 Compsci 201, Fall 2017, Tree, Tries, Tradoffs
Compsci 201, Fall 2017, Tree, Tries, Tradoffs
Plan for the Day Tree Review From Theory to Practice From Recurrences to Code What are the main ideas in DNA LinkStrand Why Splicing matters with low level links Trees, Tries, Tradeoffs 11/1/17 Compsci 201, Fall 2017, Tree, Tries, Tradoffs
Compsci 201, Fall 2017, Tree, Tries, Tradoffs
From Links to … What is the DNA/LinkStrand assignment about? Why do we study linked lists How do you work in a group? 11/1/17 Compsci 201, Fall 2017, Tree, Tries, Tradoffs
Basics of cutAndSplice
Find enzyme like ‘gat’ Replace with splicee like ‘gggtttaaa’ Strings and StringBuilder for creating new strings Complexity of “hello” + “world”, or A+B String: A + B, StringBuilder: B 11/1/17 Compsci 201, Fall 2017, Tree, Tries, Tradoffs
What do linked lists get us?
Faster run-time, much better use of memory We splice in constant time? Re-use strings 11/1/17 Compsci 201, Fall 2017, Tree, Tries, Tradoffs
String Concatenation Examined
Runtime of stringConcat(“hello”,N) Depends on size of ret, 5, 10, 15, … 5*N public String stringConcat(String s, int reps) { String ret = ""; for(int k=0; k < reps; k++) { ret += s; } return ret; 11/1/17 Compsci 201, Fall 2017, Tree, Tries, Tradoffs
StringBuilder Examined
Runtime of builderConcat(“hello”,N) … + 5 a total of N times public String builderConcat(String s, int reps) { StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder(); for(int k=0; k < reps; k++) { ret.append(s); } return ret.toString(); 11/1/17 Compsci 201, Fall 2017, Tree, Tries, Tradoffs
Compsci 201, Fall 2017, Tree, Tries, Tradoffs
Theory and Practice The JVM can sometimes optimize your code Don’t optimize what you don’t have to … WOTO 11/1/17 Compsci 201, Fall 2017, Tree, Tries, Tradoffs
Compsci 201, Fall 2017, Tree, Tries, Tradoffs
dana boyd Dr. danah boyd is a Senior Researcher at Microsoft Research, … a Visiting Researcher at Harvard Law School, …Her work examines everyday practices involving social media, with specific attention to youth engagement, privacy, and risky behaviors. She recently co-authored Hanging Out, Messing Around, and Geeking Out: Kids Living and Learning with New Media "From day one, Mark Zuckerberg wanted Facebook to become a social utility. He succeeded. Facebook is now a utility for many. The problem with utilities is that they get regulated." 11/1/17 Compsci 201, Fall 2017, Tree, Tries, Tradoffs
Trees: no data structure lovelier?
Trees from Bottom to Top
Trees!! Trying to get the best of a few worlds: efficient lookup: like sorted array efficient add: like linked list range-queries: see java.util.NavigableSet Reminder: hashing is really, really fast O(1) add, search, delete independent of N BUT! No order info, worst case can be bad
Binary Trees Binary trees: Not just for searching, used in many contexts, Game trees, collisions, … Cladistics, genomics, quad trees, … Search is O(log n) like sorted array Average case. Note: worst case also be O(log n), e.g., use a balanced tree insertion/deletion O(1), once location found
How do search trees work?
Change doubly-linked lists, no longer linear Similar to binary search, everything less goes left, everything greater goes right How do we search? How do we insert? Insert: “koala” “koala” “llama” “tiger” “monkey” “jaguar” “elephant” “giraffe” “pig” “hippo” “leopard” “koala” “koala” “koala” “koala”
Review: tree terminology
A B E D F C G Binary tree is a structure: empty root node with left and right subtrees Tree Terminology parent and child: A is parent of B, E is child of B leaf node has no children, internal node has 1 or 2 children path is sequence of nodes (edges), N1, N2, … Nk Ni is parent of Ni+1 depth (level) of node: length of root-to-node path level of root is 1 (measured in nodes) height of node: length of longest node-to-leaf path height of tree is height of root
A TreeNode by any other name…
What does this look like? Doubly linked list? public class TreeNode { TreeNode left; TreeNode right; String info; TreeNode(String s, TreeNode llink, TreeNode rlink){ info = s; left = llink; right = rlink; } “llama” “tiger” “giraffe”
Tree function: Tree height
Compute tree height (longest root-to-leaf path) int height(Tree root) { if (root == null) return 0; else { return 1 + Math.max(height(root.left), height(root.right)); } Find height of left subtree, height of right subtree Use results to determine height of tree
Tree function: Leaf Count
Calculate Number of Leaf Nodes int leafCount(Tree root) { if (root == null) return 0; if (root.left == null && root.right == null) return 1; return leafCount(root.left) + leafCount(root.right); } Similar to height: but has two base case(s) Use results of recursive calls to determine # leaves
Tree functions Analyzed
int height(Tree root) { if (root == null) return 0; else { return 1 + Math.max(height(root.left), height(root.right)); } Let T(n) be time for height to run on n-node tree T(n) = 2T(n/2) + O(1) - roughly balanced T(n) = T(n-1) + T(1) + O(1) = T(n-1) + O(1) - unbalanced
Good Search Trees and Bad Trees
Bad Trees and Good Trees
11/1/17 Compsci 201, Fall 2017, Tree, Tries, Tradoffs
Don’t do this at home? Let T(n) be time for height to execute (n-node tree) T(n) = T(n/2) + T(n/2) + O(1) T(n) = 2 T(n/2) + 1 T(n) = 2 [2(T(n/4) + 1] + 1 T(n) = 4T(n/4) T(n) = 8T(n/8) , eureka! T(n) = 2kT(n/2k) + 2k why true? T(n) = nT(1) + O(n) is O(n) if we let n=2k Different recurrence, same solution if unbalanced
Compsci 201, Fall 2017, Tree, Tries, Tradoffs
Recurrence Table Recurrence Algorithm Solution T(n) = T(n/2) + O(1) Binary search O(log n) T(n) = T(n-1) + O(1) Sequential search O(n) T(n) = T(n-1) + O(n) Selection sort O(n2) T(n) = T(n/2) + O(n) Find median or kth T(n) = 2T(n/2) + O(1) Tree traversal T(n) = 2T(n/2) + O(n) Quick or merge sort O(n log n) T(n) = 2T(n-1) + O(1) Towers of Hanoi O(2n) Develop recurrence, look up solution Remember: goal is big-Oh, recurrence helps 11/1/17 Compsci 201, Fall 2017, Tree, Tries, Tradoffs
Balanced Trees and Complexity
A tree is height-balanced if Left and right subtrees are height-balanced Left and right heights differ by at most one boolean isBalanced(Tree root){ if (root == null) return true; return isBalanced(root.left) && isBalanced(root.right) && Math.abs(height(root.left)–height(root.right)) <= 1; }
What is complexity? Assume trees “balanced” in analyzing complexity
Roughly half the nodes in each subtree Leads to easier analysis How to develop recurrence relation? What is T(n)? Time func executes on n-node tree What other work? Express recurrence, solve it How to solve recurrence relation Plug, expand, plug, expand, find pattern Proof requires induction to verify correctness
Recurrence relation T(n): time for isBalanced to execute (n-node tree)
T(n) = T(n/2) + T(n/2) + O(n) T(n) = 2 T(n/2) + n T(n) = 2 [2(T(n/4) + n/2] + n T(n) = 4T(n/4) + n + n = 4T(n/4) + 2n T(n) = 8T(n/8) + 3n, eureka! T(n) = 2kT(n/2k) + kn why true? T(n) = nT(1) + n log(n) let n=2k, so k=log n So, solution for T(n) = 2T(n/2) + O(n) is O(n log n) -- base 2, but base doesn't matter
Printing a search tree in order
When is root printed? After left subtree, before right subtree. void visit(TreeNode t){ if (t != null) { visit(t.left); System.out.println(; visit(t.right); } Inorder traversal “llama” “tiger” “monkey” “jaguar” “elephant” “giraffe” “pig” “hippo” “leopard”
Tree traversals Inorder visits search tree in order
Visit left-subtree, process root, visit right-subtree elephant, giraffe, jaguar, llama, monkey, tiger Navigate following nodes/links? Visit on passing under Second time by node “llama” “tiger” “monkey” “jaguar” “elephant” “giraffe”
Tree traversals Preorder good for reading/writing trees
Process root, then Visit left-subtree, visit right-subtree llama, giraffe,elephant jaguar, tiger, monkey Navigate following nodes/links? Visit on passing-by to left First time by node “llama” “tiger” “monkey” “jaguar” “elephant” “giraffe”
Tree traversals Post order good for deleting tree
Visit left-subtree, visit right-subtree, process root elephant, jaguar, giraffe, monkey, tiger, llama Navigate following nodes/links? Visit on passing up Third time by node “llama” “tiger” “monkey” “jaguar” “elephant” “giraffe”
Compsci 201, Fall 2017, Tree, Tries, Tradoffs
Tree WOTO Pride in social group? Urban dictionary? 11/1/17 Compsci 201, Fall 2017, Tree, Tries, Tradoffs
What does insertion look like?
Simple recursive insertion into tree (accessed by root) root = insert("foo", root); TreeNode insert(TreeNode t, String s) { if (t == null) t = new Tree(s,null,null); else if (s.compareTo( <= 0) t.left = insert(t.left,s); else t.right = insert(t.right,s); return t; }
Notes on tree insert and search
Ineach recursive insert call Tree parameter in the call is either the left or right field of some node in the original tree Will be assignment to a .left or .right field! Idiom t = treeMethod(t,…) used Good trees go bad, what happens and why? Insert alpha, beta, gamma, delta, epsilon, …
Insert and Removal For insertion we can use iteration (see BSTSet)
Traverse left or right and “look ahead” to add Removal is tricky, depends on number of children Straightforward when zero or one child Complicated when two children, find successor See set code for complete cases If right child, straightforward Otherwise find node that’s left child of its parent (why?)
Compsci 201, Fall 2017, Linked Lists & More
Wordladder Story Ladder from ‘white’ to ‘house’ white, while, whale, shale, … I can do that… optimally My brother was an English major My ladder is 16, his is 15, how? There's a ladder that's 14 words! The key is ‘sough’ Guarantee optimality! QUEUE I heard the puzzle on the way into Duke in the mid 90's. I called my brother and said I'd solve the problem. He said he would too. He used his brain, I wrote a program. Called him an hour alter and said "got it". He said "got it". I said my code was provably optimal and had a 16-word ladder. He said he had 15. WHAT? I added "sough" to dictionary and got a 14-word ladder 10/20/17 Compsci 201, Fall 2017, Linked Lists & More
Queue for shortest path
public boolean findLadder(String[] words, String first, String last){ Queue<String> qu = new LinkedList<>(); Set<String> set = new HashSet<>(); qu.add(first); while (qu.size() > 0){ String current = qu.remove(); if (oneAway(current,last)) return true; for(String s : words){ if (! set.contains(s) && oneAway(from,s)){ qu.add(s); set.(s); } } return false; 10/20/17 Compsci 201, Fall 2017, Linked Lists & More
Shortest Path reprised
How does Queue ensure we find shortest path? Where are words one away from first? Where are words two away from first? Why do we need to avoid revisiting a word, when? Why do we use a set for this? Why a HashSet? Alternatives? If we want the ladder, not just whether it exists What's path from white to house? We know there is one. All words one-away from first are on Q and are added when first is dequeued/removed first time through loop. Each of these 1-away-from-start words comes off the queue and words that are one-away from these, or 2-away from start, are put on the Q. BUT it's a queue so all 2-away words go on after the 1-away. In general, we remove N-away words before (N+1)-away words because of FIFO structure 10/20/17 Compsci 201, Fall 2017, Linked Lists & More
Compsci 201, Fall 2017, Linked Lists & More
Shortest path proof All words one away from start on queue first iteration What is first value of current when loop entered? All one-away words dequeued before two-away See previous assertion, property of queues Two-away before 3-away, … Each 2-away word is one away from a 1-away word So all enqueued after one-away, before three-away Any w seen/dequeued that's n:away is: Seen before every n+k:away word for k >=1! Don't dwell on this, but walk through it as a semi-formal argument, akin to a hand-wavy proof 10/20/17 Compsci 201, Fall 2017, Linked Lists & More
Keeping track of ladder
Find w, a one-away word from current Enqueue w if not seen Call map.put(w,current) Remember keys are unique! Put word on queue once! map.put("lot", "hot") map.put("dot", "hot") map.put("hat", "hot") Remind students that we need to keep track of how words are connected to reconstruct the ladder. Keys in a map are unique, but we only put a word on the queue once! Why? Using a set. We can make this one time the time we make a word the key in a map. The value is what caused the word to be put onto the queue, see examples 10/20/17 Compsci 201, Fall 2017, Linked Lists & More
Reconstructing Word Ladder
Run WordLaddersFull See map and call to map.put(word,current) What about when returning the ladder, why is the returned ladder in reverse order? What do we know about code when statement adding (key,value) to map runs? Run program with "white" "house" and with "voter" "crazy" and with "voter" "smart" 10/20/17 Compsci 201, Fall 2017, Linked Lists & More
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