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Meeting Planning 101: REFRESHED

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Presentation on theme: "Meeting Planning 101: REFRESHED"— Presentation transcript:

1 Meeting Planning 101: REFRESHED
Shana Killips, CTA, Certified Meeting Professional Director of Sales, Executive Education and Corporate Learning Facilities The Eli Broad College of Business Joseph M. DeMille Sr., Strategic Meeting Management Certificate Vice President of Business Development EDU Hospitality Consultants  

2 Meeting Planning 101: REFRESHED
Meeting and Event Planning for Beginners You have just been asked to plan a meeting, now what? Embrace the opportunity and stay positive – Attitude is key! Planning meetings and events requires multi-tasking skills and ingenuity To succeed you need to know the basics and how to plan effectively You must hone your skills so you can negotiate for venues, vendors and speakers If you can do all this and keep costs down you will be a hit with your boss!

3 Meeting Planning 101: REFRESHED
How to Plan Effective Meetings and Events Make sure meeting objectives are clear and concise Determine if it is necessary to meet at all, or whether you can accomplish your objectives in another way Choose the right meeting location – with the right number of meeting rooms Make sure you know and understand all the services provided by the facility Be sure to understand your contract terms and the penalty for cancelling Invite only the people that need to attend Gather exact contact information for everyone involved Stick to the set meeting agenda and focused on your meeting objectives Limit the number of distractions to avoid gaps in understanding Evaluate the meeting or event at it’s conclusion to measure return on investment Follow-up with vendors and speakers with the appropriate recognition

4 Meeting Planning 101: REFRESHED
Basic Responsibilities of Meeting and Event Planning Site inspection Hotel accommodations Travel arrangements Registration processes Food & beverage / menu selection / decor Speaker & Entertainment Audiovisual equipment / Presentation services Recreational activities Printing / Office supplies / Staffing requirements Contract negotiation

5 Meeting Planning 101: REFRESHED
Venue Options to Choose When Planning a Meeting or Event Hotels Conference Centers Resorts Retreat Centers Cruise Ships Unique environments such as museums, stately homes, sporting venues or theaters

6 Meeting Planning 101: REFRESHED
How to Control Cost for Your Meeting or Event Know your budget before you start planning and stick to it Avoid surprises when renting a facility or hiring a vendor – get it all in writing Build at least a 10% contingency into your budget to accommodate unexpected expenses Check all invoices against written quotations; contract verse banquet event orders Check invoices daily on a multi-day program Question all expenses that don’t appear to be correct Don’t sign anything until you are completely satisfied Limit the number of people that are authorized to sign to the master account Keep an eye out for hidden expenses such as overnight shipping, taxes, labor fees or overtime charges Watch out for currency conversion when planning abroad

7 Meeting Planning 101: REFRESHED
How to Negotiate when Planning Your Meeting or Event Start with a plan. Know exactly what you want / deserve Know the value of your meeting Be specific of your needs and wants with a comprehensive request for proposal Only work with venues that want your business Be methodical and meticulous – make careful notes through out the process Use bargaining power – have another vendor to help influence negotiations Avoid vague and confusing contract language – read the fine print Insist on shared responsibility – mutual indemnification Assume nothing – ask questions, more questions and still more questions Exercise silence – Be a champion listener Be sure you are an authorized signer of the contract Follow all the pre-determined contract language required by the University

8 Meeting Planning 101: REFRESHED
Negotiable Items / Common Concessions 1. 1:40 complementary guest rooms 2. Suite upgrades for VIPs 3. Discounted staff guest rooms 4. Complementary meeting space 5. Complimentary WiFi 6. Complimentary hospitality suite 7. Waived or reduced attrition 8. Complimentary or reduced parking 9. Complimentary amenities for VIP guests 10. No walk clause 11. Reduced cut off date for guest rooms 12. Guest room rebates 13. Group rate 3 days pre and post event 14. Reduced resort fee 15. Discounted/upgraded food and beverage 16. Discounted/upgraded audio visual 17. Complimentary airport transportation 18. Full day and half day meeting package

9 Meeting Planning 101: REFRESHED
Contract Clauses that are Non-Negotiable Indemnification / Hold Harmless Clause Insurance Requirements Cancellation Clause Attrition Clause Authorized Signer

10 Meeting Planning 101: REFRESHED
MSU Contract Standards Going out to Bid Total expense Authorized signatory MSU Purchasing Department reviews and signs ALL contracts (MBP Section 270: Liability/insurance MSU can provide a certificate of insurance ( MSU is self-insured and cannot name another entity as an additional insured

11 Meeting Planning 101: REFRESHED
MSU Contract Standards (Cont’d) Indemnification Mutual MSU will not take responsibility for things that are out of our control, within the other party’s control or result from the negligence or wrongful acts of others. Dispute Resolution MSU will not agree to binding arbitration as a means of dispute resolution Governing Law MSU’s preference is to have it be Michigan Confidentiality MSU is subject to FOIA (Freedom of Information Law) so all of our documents are public record and therefore we cannot agree to keep the contract or any portion thereof confidential.

12 Meeting Planning 101: REFRESHED
Resources available for RFP Development, Sourcing and Contracting When available utilize the staff of the destination’s Convention Visitors Bureau Third Party Meeting Planning Companies; Helms-Briscoe, ConferenceDirect, HPN Global and Global Cynergies - no-fees for basic services Tools for sourcing your events - Cvent or Groupize for simple meetings MSU Preferred Suppliers Anthony Travel – Athletic Groups STA Travel for Student Travel Conlin Travel – Ms. Kyle Minor-Bishop Controller's Office Group Travel Helpful planning checklists from Marriott Hotels Henry Center Event Specification Guide Phone a friend – call Joe DeMille before you pull your hair out “Meeting and Event Planning for Dummies” by Susan Friedmann

13 Meeting Planning 101: REFRESHED
MSU Meeting Space Venues Alumni Memorial Chapel Broad Art Museum Cowles House Destination State; Kellogg Center, residence halls, Breslin Student Events Center, The MSU Union, The Huntington Club Henry Center Kellogg Biological Station, Kellogg Manor House Management Education Center – Troy Secchia Center – Grand Rapids University Club of MSU (agency account in EBS) Wharton Center for Performing Arts Tollgate Farm - Novi See CVB Visitor’s Guide for other facilities in the community

14 Meeting Planning 101: REFRESHED
Direct Bill Caterers Pizza House Grand Traverse Pie Co. Qdoba Mexican Eats Spartan Hall of Fame Café McAlister’s Deli Sultan’s Mediterranean Swagath Indian Cuisine Buffalo Wild Wings Woody’s Oasis

15 Meeting Planning 101: REFRESHED
Joseph M. DeMille Sr., Strategic Meeting Management Certificate Vice President of Business Development EDU Hospitality Consultants   Shana Killips, CTA, Certified Meeting Professional Director of Sales, Executive Education and Corporate Learning Facilities The Eli Broad College of Business

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