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Social Media in the Automation Industry

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Presentation on theme: "Social Media in the Automation Industry"— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Media in the Automation Industry
First Status Report Social Media in the Automation Industry Marta Milaković Distributed Software Development 2013/2014

2 Agenda Vision Branding Timeline Overview Experience
Project vision Application branding Application name Application logo Timeline Reached milestones Next milestones Documentation overview Requirements Design Experience Problems Future tasks Project track 1 min 2/13

3 Agenda Vision Branding Timeline Overview Experience
Build a social network for professionals Facilitate the communication between the small factory employees Platforms: desktop + mobile 3/13

4 Agenda Vision Branding Timeline Overview Experience
Application name ABBConnect 4/13

5 Agenda Vision Branding Timeline Overview Experience
Application logo 5/13

6 Agenda Vision Branding Timeline Overview Experience
Reached milestones 6/13

7 Agenda Vision Branding Timeline Overview Experience
Next milestones 7/13

8 Agenda Vision Branding Timeline Overview Experience
Requirements Continued work on improvement In touch with the company New requests Prioritise requests Attention on the very high priority requests Detailed use case models Sequence diagrams 8/13

9 Agenda Vision Branding Timeline Overview Experience
Design Layers designed, class diagrams Common Data Access Layer designed Common Business Logic Layer designed Applications designed Web application Mobile application Simulator 9/13

10 Agenda Vision Branding Timeline Overview Experience
Problems Difficult to agree on the technologies used for the application implementation Solution: Poll Different views for some problem solutions Solution: Constant talk and explanations Decision making Considering everyone's wishes and expertise Polls 10/13

11 Agenda Vision Branding Timeline Overview Experience
Future tasks Towards alpha phase Programming jobs division Policy documents Set up required environments Make a code skeleton During alpha phase, implement: Simulator Database The basic functionality for web and mobile 11/13

12 Agenda Vision Branding Timeline Overview Experience
Project track On schedule with: Activities Times 12/13

13 Thank you for your attention! Questions?

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