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Class of 2022 Parent Preview.

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1 Class of 2022 Parent Preview

2 Ninth Grade Wing The 9th grade will be housed in the ninth grade wing for their academic classes. Repeat 9th graders will repeat their 9th grade academic classes at another time outside the 9th grade wing, usually on Grad Point. We will be having Registration for your Sons/daughters classes on Feburary 22th and March 1st. There will be an open house with tours provided for the 9th grade wing in Early August.

3 Graduation Rule Total Units (Minimum) 23 English/Language Arts * 4
Units Required English/Language Arts * 4 Mathematics* Science* Social Studies* CTAE and/or Fine Arts and/or Modern Lang. 3 Health and Physical Education* 1 Electives Total Units (Minimum) * Required Courses and/or Core Courses

4 End of Course Tests - Test will count 20% of Final Grade!
MATH Algebra 1 and Geometry SCIENCE Physical Science And Biology LANGUAGE ARTS 9th grade English And American Lit. (11th Grade Lit.) SOCIAL STUDIES US History And Economic

5 Math 4 units of Mathematics required, including:
1 unit of Algebra 1or Accelerated Algebra (EOCT) 1 unit of Geometry or Accelerated Math (EOCT) 1 unit of Algebra 2 or Accelerated Math or Technical College Math 1 Additional Unit of Math (AP Calculus, Pre Calculus, Math IV Trig, Math Decision Making, Or Math Finance) Support classes available for struggling students Math support classes will count as Academic or Elective credits Students with disabilities who take Algebra Support and Geometry Support in conjunction with Alg. and Geometry will only need to take a Third Math to satisfy math requirements for graduation If it is written in their IEP. Middle schools can continue to offer Carnegie unit courses. That is a local decision. When the new rule goes into effect, the QCC courses will phase out and be replaced by GPS courses. The math requirement (4 units) is modified for students with disabilities, to help them meet the requirements for a regular diploma (requirements for SWD are listed on a later slide). The new Math Support class has been added to the course list (starting in ) and schools are advised to identify low-performing math students and assign them to the Math Support class as a second math class (elective). Guidance on how to structure the Math Support class has been sent to systems from the DOE.

6 Science 4 units of Science required, including:
1 unit of Biology, Honors Biology, AP Biology (EOCT) 1 unit of Physical Science (EOCT), Honors Physical Science 1 unit of Chemistry, Honors Chemistry, AP Chemistry, or Environmental Science 1 unit of a 4th science, including Human Anatomy & Physiology, AP Chemistry or AP Biology, or a second science from those listed above, or career tech science (See science requirements handout) 9th grade Students will be recommended to take Environmental Science unless they are identified Gifted or in the Honors Program. These honors students will take Biology Honors. 4th science unit may be used to meet both the science and elective requirements and all attempted classes will be averaged into the HOPE GPA calculation. Some sciences will fulfill the requirement to graduate from high school but is not recognized by the Board of Regents as a science for college admission. All science courses listed are GPS courses. These courses contain rigorous standards. Any AP/IB courses may be substituted for the appropriate courses listed. The fourth science unit may be used to meet both the science and elective requirements. For example, Agricultural Science may be counted as part of a student’s pathway elective and also as the student’s 4th science unit. The student receives one unit of credit for science but it meets the requirements for both the pathway and the 4th science. In this example the student would earn 1 credit but meet 2 requirements. A committee is developing a list of other courses that can be used to meet the elective and 4th science requirements.

7 Science Options that Meet the 4th Science Credit Requirements:
Science Courses Approved by Board of Regents for College Admission: General Horticulture Essentials of Healthcare Forestry Science

8 CTAE: Career Technical and Agricultural Education
Agriculture Business & Computer Science Technology & Communications Family & Consumer Sciences Healthcare Science (Open to 10th and above) Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC) Transportation Culinary Arts (Open to 10th and above)

9 CTAE Pathway Programs Students are encouraged to complete a pathway in a focused area of interest. By concentrating on one of these pathways, students will be more college and career ready when they graduate. Students may also take courses outside of their career pathway. State is considering requiring a CTAE pathway for all students, at present it is recommended.

10 Fine Arts Band Drama Art Chorus

11 Advisement Dates Thursday Feb. 22th from 4:00-8:00pm Thursday, March 1st from 4:00-8:00pm

12 So, what will a 9th grade schedule look like?
LitComp 9 Civics & World Geography Algebra or Algebra Honors or Geometry Honors or Foundations of Algebra Possibly Coordinate Algebra Support Environmental Science or Honors Biology Health & Personal Fitness 2 Elective Credits (Algebra Support could take the place of one of these) An Academic Advisement Period

13 Weekly Schedule: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday; Students will have all 7 periods. Classes will last 55 minutes each. Academic Advisement will meet on Wednesday after 2nd period for 40 minutes for students who need extra help or to do make up work. Clubs will also meet twice a month during this time.

14 Grading Policy in 9th Grade
65% on all Major Grades (Assessments, Labs, Projects, Unit Tests, Essays) 15% on all Minor Grades (Worksheets, Guided reading Notes, Summarizers, Daily Assignments, Homework) 20% on End of Course Tests or Final Exams

15 My Best / No Less! You will be required to complete all assignments.
If you don’t complete an assignment with at least a 70 The teacher can ask you to redo the assignment until you reach at least a 70%. This can be done at home, after school, before school or during AA. You will have 10 days to complete the makeup assignment. Your parents will be notified that you didn’t successfully do the assignment and what the consequences will be. You may be pulled from an Elective Class or from an after school activity to complete the assignment.

16 Available Electives for 9th Graders
Comprehensive Art and Drawing 1 Band Beginning Instrumental Ensemble (Color Guard) Must Try out with Mr. Congdon to be in this class. Chorus Intro to Business and Technology Theatre Arts I (Drama) Basic Maintenance and Light Repair Early Childhood Care & Education Agricultural Science & Technology Beginning Guitar and Keyboarding (Piano) JROTC Army Intro to Digital Technology.

17 After School Program BCHS after school program Currently, it is FREE
Focuses on tutoring, homework time, test preparation, and credit recovery Monday-Friday, 3:15-5:15pm Snacks and transportation provided Registration required

18 Credit Recovery If a student fails a class, with less than a 65, they will have to make it up. This is called credit recovery. CR is available during the after school program and during summer school Students will be required to attend 20 days to complete the Credit Recovery. If credit is not obtained during After School or summer school, it must be worked into a student’s schedule the next school year.

19 Unit Recovery: Unit Recovery is done in After school for those students who fail a class with a 65 to 69. The students doing Unit Recovery will go to afterschool during the first 10 days of Second Semester to gain the credit in that class. Students doing Unit Recovery will redo the units that the teachers feel they did not pass.

20 Compulsory Attendance Law
The Banks County Board of Education defines truancy as any child subject to compulsory attendance who during the calendar year has more than 5 unexcused absences.”

21 It is a Simple Equation! Hard Work = Success and Graduation!
Attendance + Hard Work = Success and Graduation!

22 Contact Information BCHS Phone Number: Mr. Rob Moffett, Counselor 9th and 10th grade : Mrs. April Loggins, Counselor 11th and 12th grade: Mr. Mike Brown, Assistant Principal 9th and 10th grade:

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