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Environmental Science Day 2

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1 Environmental Science Day 2
Agenda: Introduction to our solar system Discuss wavelength, amplitude and frequency Explain electromagnetic spectrum and red/blue shift

2 Environmental Science Day 2 Topic: wavelength and EMS
Drill Question: View the image of space. What do you see? What do you think? What do you wonder?

3 Would you like to live in or go into space?
Watch the video until about 7:11 (goes over sleeping, brushing teeth and going to the potty) Would you like to go into space? How long would like you to visit? What do you think are some things that would be different in space than on Earth? Let’s see what living on The International Space Station (ISS) is like!!

4 Our solar system: the earth and moon
How far away is the Earth from the Moon? 238,900 miles How long would it take to get to the Moon? 3 days What does the Moon, Sun and Stars give Earth? Light! How long would it take light to travel from the Moon to Earth? 1 minute How long would it take light to travel from the Sun to Earth? 8 minutes

5 How do scientists study space?
What is in the envelope? Try to guess what is in the envelope by feeling the contents through envelope. How could light help you “see” what is inside the envelope? How is this example explain our understanding of the universe? What do they study? How do they study it? What is light? How important is light when studying space? Notes start here pg 1

6 What are the parts of a wave? (50-25-0-high)
wavelength amp amp amp frequency

7 Inquiry Assignment: Make your own waves!
Follow the directions on the worksheet back at your lab station. You will be using a slinky to recreate the wave diagram we saw looked at together. Make sure to take your time and think about each question and come to an answer as a group. Each person is responsible for filling out a paper. When you think you have completed the activity raise your hands for me to check your work.

8 How many types of light are there? What is the electromagnetic spectrum?
The electromagnetic spectrum is the 7 types of electromagnetic waves arranged according to frequency and wavelength. We will take a moment to label and color to following table:

9 Demo: redshift vs Blueshift
Part One: Two students hold one side of a slinky each and walk away from each other. Discuss what is happening to the wavelength of the slinky as the students walk away from each other. The wavelengths are getting longer. What happens to light when the wavelengths get longer? The colors shift toward the red end of the spectrum. This is called a redshift. When objects are moving away from you, the wavelength is expanding, and since red light has the longest light of visible light, we call this redshift. Part Two: Two students walk towards each other with slinkies and discuss the change in wavelength. It gets shorter and shifts toward blue. This is an example of blueshift. When objects are moving towards you, the wavelength is compressed, and since blue light has the shortest light of visible light, we call this blueshift.

10 Exit Ticket: Grab a post-it note
Complete step 6 on the end of your Cornell Notes Page On the post-it note write your response to: “What does today lead you to wonder”? This “lead to wonder” can be written in the form of a question and if your are stuck work with a shoulder buddy… put your name(s) on the back of the post-it note and stick it to the door on your way out!

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