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Reception (Flamingos)- Autumn

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1 Reception (Flamingos)- Autumn 2 - 2017
Mrs Zendle Reception (Flamingos)- Autumn Notes Welcome back! I hope you have had a lovely Christmas holiday and are looking forward to the spring term. We have got lots of exciting things planned! Maths English This term we will be learning about shapes. We will learn to talk about the properties of shapes using language like sides, corners, edges and faces. We will also think about what shapes we can use to build different models and learn some different ways of measuring what we have built. This half term we will be learning the story of The Three Little Pigs. We will learn to retell the story through Talk 4 Writing and we will also be making up our own versions of the story. Topic This half term we will be learning about the weather. It’s still very cold outside but spring is on it’s way! We will be looking at how the seasons are changing and how different animals live through the winter. Home Learning Don’t Forget Please make sure your child has a pair of wellies in school everyday. Don’t forget to bring your yellow reading record to school everyday. You can also change your reading book when you have read it two or three times. Please choose one from the reading baskets. If you would like to play some fun and educational games at home, try using The login is Username: home 6289 Password:hood61

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