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Janet P. Tate, MPH, ScD Co-Director

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1 Janet P. Tate, MPH, ScD Co-Director
VACS Liver Core Vincent Lo Re, MD, MSCE Co-Director Janet P. Tate, MPH, ScD Co-Director Members: Roger J. Bedimo, Debika Bhattacharya, Norbert Brau, Sheldon T. Brown, Adeel A. Butt, Matthew S. Freiberg, Cynthia Gibert, Matthew Goetz, Amy C. Justice, Marina B. Klein, Joseph K. Lim, Lesley Park, David Rimland, Maria Rodriguez-Barrada, Kaku So-Armah, Tamar Taddei, Jeanette Tetrault

2 VACS Liver Core Areas of Focus
Funding Mechanisms of hepatocellular ca in HIV R01 CA206465 Risk of liver complications with HIV and HBV viremia among HIV/HBV patients on HBV-active ART in NA-ACCORD R21 AI124868 Epidemiology of drug-induced acute liver failure and hepatic safety of drugs R01 HS018372 Risk factors and predictors of hepatic decompensation in HIV/HCV patients K01 AI070001 Hepatic steatosis in HIV and HCV T32 AI055435

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