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Manna Center Education

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1 Manna Center Education
Selamat Datang di Manna Center Education Berbicara dalam Bahasa Indonesia – Pelajaran 3 – A1

2 Pembuka Tutup Kaleng - Tin Opener
KATA BENDA (Nouns) Please try to say the following nouns below in Bahasa. Please keep the tin opener. Tolong simpan pembuka kaleng itu. Pembuka Tutup Kaleng - Tin Opener (spelled pem-bu-ka tu-tup ka-leng) Please open the fridge. Tolong buka kulkas nya. Kulkas - Fridge (spelled kul-kas)

3 Kalimat perintah atau permintaan (Request and imperative sentences)
Review to the last week, do you still remember these words? Tolong bukakan Mohon jangan diambil Datanglah or Tolong datang Jangan dilepas dulu Pergilah or Tolong pergi Mohon jangan lupa Tolong kemari Jangan datang telat

4 Kalimat perintah atau permintaan (Request and imperative sentences)
Review to the last week, do you still remember these words? Please open the …. Tolong bukakan Please come Datanglah or Tolong datang Please go to … Pergilah or Tolong pergi Come here please Tolong kemari

5 Kalimat perintah atau permintaan (Request and imperative sentences)
Review to the last week, do you still remember these words? Don’t forget Mohon jangan diambil Don’t take it Jangan dilepas dulu Don’t come late Mohon jangan lupa Do not let it off first Jangan datang telat

6 Hai. Kabarku baik. Bagaimana denganmu?
Percakapan (Conversation) Read the conversation below with your partner. Hai, Bro. Apa kabar? Hi, Brother. How are you? Hai. Kabarku baik. Bagaimana denganmu? Hi. I’m good. How are you? Baik. Sampai nanti ya. Fine. See you. Sampai nanti. See you

7 Menelepon To make a phone call
Aktivitas di Kantor (Activity in the office) Menelepon To make a phone call

8 Bicara dengan klientel / customer
Aktivitas di Kantor (Activity in the office) Bicara dengan klientel / customer To talk with a client Kirim Fax To send a fax Cetak Dokument To print a document

9 Business trip to outside of town
Aktivitas di Kantor (Activity in the office) Dinas ke luar kota Business trip to outside of town Siapkan tanda terima To prepare a receipt Buat kopi To make a coffee

10 Tulis email Bahasa inggris To write an email in english
Aktivitas di Kantor (Activity in the office) Fotokopi dokument To copy the document Tulis Bahasa inggris To write an in english Menghadiri rapat To attend a meeting

11 Buat kesepakatan dengan supplier
Aktivitas di Kantor (Activity in the office) Tulis surat To write a letter Buat presentasi To make a presentation Buat kesepakatan dengan supplier To make an aggreement with the supplier

12 What am I suppose to do this morning?
Aktivitas di Kantor (Activity in the office) What am I suppose to do this morning? Apakah yang aku harus lakukan pagi ini

13 Bos, apa yang harus aku lakukan siang ini
Aktivitas di Kantor (Activity in the office) Bos, apa yang harus aku lakukan siang ini

14 Aktivitas di Kantor (Activity in the office) Kamu harus ….

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