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Senior School Information Evening

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1 Senior School Information Evening
Tuesday 16th January 2018 Parents' Information Evening Jan 2018

2 Important Dates 7/12/17 - 1st Phase of prelims
16/1/18 - Information Evening (Tonight) 29/1/18 - Senior Phase Prelims (2nd Phase) begin 22/1/18 - S5/6 Reports Issued 05/2/18 - S4 Reports issued 07/2/18 - S4 Interview Evening (then options) 26/2/18 - S5/6 Reports Issued (then options) 01/5/18 - SQA Exams Start 08/5/18 - New Timetable begins Parents' Information Evening Jan 2018

3 Options after S4 Remain in school – N4/N5/H etc
Leave school – employment/college Winter leavers – attend college (permission) Other providers – YIP, Young Carers, College, Open University Foundation Apprenticeships Parents' Information Evening Jan 2018

4 S4 National Qualifications - 7 Subjects
National 3/ National 4/ National 5 Only National 5 have external, final exams Internal assessment of elements Must pass Unit Assessments to pass course National 5 Qualifications graded at A,B,C,D The points in Italics have changed this session Parents' Information Evening Jan 2018

5 S5/6 Courses at N4, N5, Higher and Advanced Higher
5 Subjects in S5 to include English Exam at end of session for N5/H/AH or Course Units Mathematics not compulsory but most students are advised to continue Can continue with subjects studied in S4 or pick new subjects. Some new subjects in S5/6 Normally at least 4 subjects in S6 Baccalaureate/Open University Parents' Information Evening Jan 2018

6 S5/6 continued Normally National 5 pass in a subject to study Higher in that subject Normally National 4 pass in a subject to study National 5 in that subject Higher pass at grade A or B in a subject to study Advanced Higher in that subject If starting a new subject then placed by PT Volunteering New Subjects: Environmental Science, Scottish Studies, Games Design, etc. To be confirmed. Parents' Information Evening Jan 2018

7 Subject Choices Enthusiasm for subject Abilities in subject Work load
Potential career Likely results in National / Higher exams Advice given by subject teachers Tracking information & Reports Parents' Information Evening Jan 2018

8 Example Option Sheet This is a possible option sheet.
Things are added and removed every year 1 subject/level per column entered here. Also enter any wishes and we’ll try to make it happen Parents' Information Evening Jan 2018

9 Column A English also in column D Art & Design also in column E
Graphic Communication Physical Education Parents' Information Evening Jan 2018

10 Column B Mathematics also in column C Games Design
Higher History also in column E Parents' Information Evening Jan 2018

11 Column C German in column E Other Science Options
Parents' Information Evening Jan 2018

12 Column D Biology also in column E
Home Economics also in column E but different course Bus. Management PE Performance Parents' Information Evening Jan 2018

13 Column E Practical Technologies Product Design Art & Design
Electronics Fashion & Textiles Parents' Information Evening Jan 2018

14 Option Sheet Parents' Information Evening Jan 2018

15 Points to Note If SQA results are not as good/ are better?
Students can change their choices in August Problem of small classes Not all subjects will run What happens if a pupil can’t pick a subject he/she wants? They should enter what they would like to do and we will try to make it happen Parents' Information Evening Jan 2018

16 Educational Maintenance Allowance
Money paid to pupils in S5 and S6 Purpose - Encourage them to stay at school to continue their studies Paid every two weeks Family income under £30,000 a year Aged between 16-19 In taught lessons for 21 hours of learning a week. Parents' Information Evening Jan 2018

17 Educational Maintenance Allowance
Pupils complete an application form which is available in the school If accepted they agree targets with DHT Must have 100% attendance - medical certificate All classes must be attended School uniform must be worn All departmental deadlines must be met All homework must be completed. Parents' Information Evening Jan 2018

18 University websites for research re entrance requirements
Useful Websites University websites for research re entrance requirements Parents' Information Evening Jan 2018

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