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Enterprise & Entrepreneurship a Modern Tower of Babel?

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Presentation on theme: "Enterprise & Entrepreneurship a Modern Tower of Babel?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Enterprise & Entrepreneurship a Modern Tower of Babel?
Mary Bradley Prof David Gibson OBE

2 The Language of Enterprise Education
Thank You The Language of Enterprise Education Lexicon Student Engagement Metrics Mary Bradley Prof David Gibson

3 Thank You 1 Mary Bradley Prof David Gibson Lexicon

4 Overheard at BEIS Lack of agreement / trouble with words ‘enterprise’ and ‘entrepreneurship’ QAA attempts to qualify definitions not good Terms create a barrier, it turns students and staff off No institutional agreement of what they are all about Thank You Mary Bradley Prof David Gibson

5 Thank You There is no institutional agreement of what enterprise and entrepreneurship are all about Are the words we use to ‘sell’ enterprise a barrier? Why? What words work? Do we need a policy mandate and/or a different organisational structure? Or do we need a different language? What would that look like? Mary Bradley Prof David Gibson

6 Thank You Why do we keep having the same debates, especially around enterprise and entrepreneurship? What purpose is it serving? ….the necessity and impossibility of translation – Derrida How do we break the cycle? Are policy makers complicit in this? How? Mary Bradley Prof David Gibson

7 Thank You Do negative connotations (eg neoliberalism and capitalism etc) waste our time explaining what the terms are not rather than explaining what they are? Should we impose our terms on others or meet them in their language and build a bridge back to enterprise? Mary Bradley Prof David Gibson

8 2 Thank You Student Engagement
Mary Bradley Prof David Gibson Student Engagement

9 Overheard at BEIS They don’t recognise the language of enterprise and don’t realise they need it Students aren’t looking for what we provide Students aren’t clear what universities are for, so need relevant language if we want enterprise education to be part of it Thank You Mary Bradley Prof David Gibson

10 Student Panel Observations
They knew difference between enterprise and entrepreneurship BUT were not representative of their peers Didn’t feel that we can reach uninterested majority BUT creative writing example suggests otherwise They couldn’t articulate how to translate their experiences into words on a CV – WHY? Have we given them the language to do it? Thank You Mary Bradley Prof David Gibson

11 Pressure to Come Up with New Titles
Bootcamp / Hackathon /Idea Generation /Try It Out / Idealab /Big Ideas / Summer Start Up /Bootstrap It etc Does this confuse students or attract them? Would a common language provide more continuity? Thank You Mary Bradley Prof David Gibson

12 Thank You What language do you use with your students? Does it work?
Why/Why not? What are YOU going to do about it? What can WE do about it? Mary Bradley Prof David Gibson

13 Thank You 3 Mary Bradley Prof David Gibson

14 Overheard at BEIS Senior management need to see value, they need evidence But does it have to be numerical OR can we train them to value quantitative/anecdotal? Should we? We need parity of esteem between anecdotal and hard metrics with recognition of the journey, not just the outputs

15 Thank You Other Points Is a narrative account of the student enterprise journey as valid as numerical outputs? Why / Why Not? Ideally, should we become more / less accepting of metric outputs? If we did what would it mean? Ideally should policy makers become more accepting of narrative? If they did, what would it mean? Mary Bradley Prof David Gibson

16 Humans define themselves and others through story telling
Humans define themselves and others through story telling. Reflection is narrative. To earn value and provide real evidence, enterprise has to be valued numerically. Is this a valid statement? Why / why not? We find it hard to articulate the value of why/what we are doing in a way they hear and understand. Why? Thank You Mary Bradley Prof David Gibson

17 Thank You Group Debate Mary Bradley Prof David Gibson In your groups choose which question/s you want to address You have 20 minutes to discuss and address You have 5 minutes to present your observations and recommendations

18 Summary of Group Debate
Thank You Mary Bradley Prof David Gibson Summary of Group Debate

19 Meaning of communication is the response you get
Take Away Thank You Mary Bradley Prof David Gibson Meaning of communication is the response you get Thank you

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