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Curso: Dimensão empresarial em aquasmart na aquicultura

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1 Curso: Dimensão empresarial em aquasmart na aquicultura
Welcome to the course “Business Dimension in AquaSmart in Aquaculture”. This course received support by the European Commission under the H2020 program, specifically through the project AquaSmart. The drivers of AquaSmart project is the usage of Open data and Big Data analysis along with Open Data Cloud Innovation to promote the Aquaculture Industry. Curso: Dimensão empresarial em aquasmart na aquicultura H2020 ICT :

2 Conteúdo Advance Aquaculture Towards an AquaSmart Business
aquasmart como produto benefícios da utilização de soluções aquasmart criar novas formas de negócios conclusões On this course we will look at 4 different modules. These are Advancing Aquaculture Towards an AquaSmart Business, AquaSmart as a Product, Benefits of using AquaSmart Solutions and finally Generating New Forms of Business.

3 Avançar a aquicultura em direção a um negócio aquasmart
este módulo visa promover a explorações existentes para o modelo de negócio resultantes de aquasmart. This module aims at advancing existing explorations towards the model of business resulting from AquaSmart – showing how can you alter your existing business structures to take full advantage of the benefits provided by Aquasmart and thus enhance production yields.

4 A aquicultura modelos empresariais existentes
características de negócios actual Investimento em infra estrutas com baixo IT sistemas de informação local utilizando software legacy Dados de propriedade (DBMS) Interpretação de low data Reutilização ou troca de dados pequenos conhecimento inerente para a tomada de decisões In an industry that is typically technology shy, core investments are focused around farm infrastructure and equipment such as buildings, pond construction, vehicles, machinery, tanks, pumps and aerators, with little thought going into IT infrastructure systems and what are the benefits that can be gained from such investment. Many farms are working with local in-house information systems, running legacy software packages, thus isolating themselves into their own business. Their data is usually proprietary and stored in simple DBMS using proprietary reference models, thus offering little potential for sharing and is mainly used for static reporting or simple analysis. As this data is stored at a local level, there is as a result a low level of interpretation, with little understanding of cross border rules, trends or irregularities, thus prohibiting the improvement of production practices. And often the case is that production decisions are made from instinct, and therefore the full insight that can be made by looking at the fuller datasets are not currently being exploited therefore reducing the effectiveness of production decisions.

5 Como pode aquasmart melhorar os modelos empresariais existentes
Aquasmart vai permitir: introduzir novas tecnologias para o negócio transformar os dados em conhecimento Introduzir o data mining ao seu negocio encontrar relações entre os factores de produção permite melhor os modelos da produção Permite o benchmarking Provide Insight So, how can AquaSmart enhance existing aquaculture businesses. Aquasmart will bring new technologies and data science to the sector, which will allow farmers to incorporate the newest technology releases into their business, without the need to be an IT expert with large amount of data science knowledge required. Through the AquaSmart solution farms will be able to transform the data they are already collecting, and may not be using, to the fullest potential, into knowledge that can be used to provide further insight and increase production efficiency and improve profitability, as well as having a perfect view of the life to date fish behaviour and a better understanding of biomass on the farm. By introducing data mining and analysis to a fish farm business, farmers will be in a position to evaluate the data a lot closer than they have previously been able to , and through this process will be able to discover new relationships that are not immediately apparent, or even discover influencing parameters that had not initially been considered, thus providing better, more informed production models. Through benchmarking farmers will be introduced to analysis at the global level, providing more benefits than what can be considered by analysis carried out only at the local level, and from here farmers will be able to make more accurate estimations based on global parameters. All of the above lead to better insight which can be gained, thus providing for substantial improvement in a company’s growth model, which in turn has an impact on predictions, business plans, efficiency, etc.

6 Aquasmart permite modelos empresariais
Melhor conhecimento sobre estimativas de produção custos de produção mais baixos Melhor reacção na procura do mercado Better production knowledge leading to improved financial analysis Melhor compreensão dos custos de entrada / saída melhorar a rendibilidade melhorar a eficiência operacional global By using AquaSmart on the farm, a production manager will be able to review and analyse all their production data and be in a position to better understand or identify factors that influence each other across the production environment. As a result of this they will be able to make better production estimates increase their efficiency and as an ultimate benefit lower their production costs, by eliminating waste of raw materials or efforts. Through the data analysis of the AquaSmart system, farms will also be better able to predict their production yields and therefore when approaching the markets will be going there with more accurate estimates of what they will be delivering. As the farm manager now have a better overview of their production environment, through the use of data science technologies, they are in the position to be able to react quicker to the market demands. As a result of this improved knowledge and closer alignment between what the market is asking for and what they are delivering, the farmers will be in a better position to understand the costs of getting their produce from initiation to the end of the process at the market delivery and therefore will also have a better understanding of the input/output costs, leading to a better management of profitability which ultimately should lead to increased profit margins. Between a better understanding of the stock behaviour on a farm, a better understanding of the input/output costs as well as being able to react to market demands at a quicker pace this all leads to an improvement of overall operational efficiency on the farm.


8 Aquasmart como produto
o que é o produto aquasmart? Introducing the AquaSmart as a Product presenting the overall concept and how it all works together to offer you the service you require.

9 Conceito A plataforma aquaSmart extraí conhecimento de enormes quantidades de dados (os parâmetros ambientais, tipos de alimentação, composição alimentar, taxas e praticas de alimentação, variações líquidas e práticas de gestão da produção) através de análise de dados precisos e usa modelos preditivos para apoiar os processos de tomada de decisão. aquaSmart permite que as empresas possam realizar data mining locally para obter resultados concretos, mas timber fornece o mecanismo para obter resultados de referencia com os outros que ja estão armazenados. The AquaSmart platform extracts knowledge from vast amounts of data (environmental parameters, feed types, feed composition, feeding rates and practices, net changes and production management practices) through accurate data analysis and predictive modeling that will be used to support decision processes. AquaSmart allows companies to perform data mining locally and get actionable results, and compare them with those which are represented in the cloud. They can also search results existing in the cloud for benchmarking purposes.

10 AquaSmart Oferece Plataforma Cloud-based, reduzindo a necessidade de infra- estruturas de hardware caro no local Dados analizados através do estadado das estatisticas e das machine learning technologies Valores referencias permitem comparar os valores com os de outras empresas Apoio à formação para rapidamente trazer novidades sobre a oferta e os aspectos operacionais da aquasmart Machine learning and data analytics are applications that demand powerful computers and serious infrastructure. AquaSmart is a solution that is based in the cloud and so you can have all these features without being concerned with the details of how it is done, or with the high costs associated with hardware requirements. All you need is a browser. AquaSmart offers you flexibility, the ability to work from anywhere and advanced security. Our platform is always up, automatically upgraded, and there are no extra IT maintenance costs. AquaSmart provides state of the art technologies through descriptive statistics and machine learning technologies that you can use to reveal how the environment, fish feeding, production management and practices affects your production. Compare your  results with the results of other companies that are stored into the cloud, with full respect to your sensitive corporate data. AquaSmart is supported by an intelligent training tool and programme that is designed specifically for the aquaculture industry and for professionals to up-skill their big data knowledge for the industry.

11 AQUASMART Open Data Cloud
Ter Open Data Cloud Platform with a User Interface para facilitar a visualização de dados, e os conectores para permitir a transferência de informação. Incorporar a recomendação de algoritmos de acção e parameters através da machine learning e das classificações para permitir analises perspectivas baseadas no open data sources o objectivo é criar uma nuvem, com uma plataforma backend baseada na aprendizagem de máquina e técnicas de extracção de dados, que irá fornecer assistência para os gestores da aquicultura no seu processo de tomada de decisão This slide presents the AQUASMART Open Data Cloud concept. The goal is to have an Open Data Cloud Platform, with a User Interface that facilitates data visualization, and with connectors to enable the transfer of multi-lingual information. The concept also incorporates action and parameter recommendation algorithms accomplished with machine learning and classification methods, which enable prescriptive analytics based on open data sources. The concept also aims to create a cloud based platform with a backend based on machine learning, and data mining techniques, which will provide assistance to aquaculture managers in their decision making processes.

12 Main Analytical Functions
Data Storage Cloud Storage with Full Backup 24/7 Redundancy Data Management Archive, Availability, Full
Access, Export, Integration Querying Query-led System, Wide Range of Filters Statistical Analysis Broad Range of Statistical Report and Chart Format Model Management Model Development, Comparison Benchmarking Reporting Full Reporting Capability This slide reflect the main analytical functions contained within the AquaSmartData platform. Such functions relate to: data storage; data management; querying; statistical analysis; model management; and reporting.

13 AQUASMART Multi-lingual e-Training
Develop a training framework and strategy in line with the aquaculture companies training and open data policies; Setup a training platform based in MOODLE, to deploy the training materials and to support the delivery of the training programme; Develop and make available multi-lingual training material made of teaching manuals and e-learning material; Develop the multi-lingual AQUASMART training programme, targeting the main aquaculture user profiles Deploy mobile capability extended from MOODLE for training purposes AquaSmart is producing a Multi-lingual e-Training platform. The consortium is developing a training framework and strategy in line with the training and open data policies of aquaculture companies. It is also setting up a training platform based in MOODLE, to deploy the training materials, and to support the delivery of the training programme, as well as, developing and making available multi-lingual training material composed by teaching manuals and e-learning materials. The project consortium will provide a multi-lingual AQUASMART training programme, targeting the main aquaculture user profiles. These materials will be available through mobile applications, through the use of specific MOODLE plug-ins.


15 Benefícios da utilização de soluções aquasmart
por que usar aquasmart e o que pode oferecer This module introduce the benefits of using AquaSmart solutions. It intends to clarify the following questions: - Why would you, as a fish farmer want to use aquaSmart, and when using it, what can the service offer you?

16 Why do you need AquaSmart?
Globalização: Aquaculture SMEs precisa para funcionar nnum ambiente globalizado e que está em constante mudança Estão localizadas e / ou a operar no mercado mundial quantidades de dados são recolhidos e distribuídos em armazéns de dados os sistemas IT actuais, assist them with their daily internal operations, no entanto existe uma necessidade de expansão em um sistema globalizado. AQUASMART The aquaculture industry is no longer a locally focussed industry and with the latest trends to globalisation the aquaculture environment is exactly the same. Aquaculture SMEs are now operating on a global scale, and need to be cognisant of this in their planning processes. SMEs are now located in a worldwide market and to success they will need to operate at this scale. With the recent technology updates in data and data storage, there are vast amounts of data being made available in the business for analysis, and this data is no longer stored at a local level. Data warehouses are available that focus their business specifically on data storage, and farmers need to take advantage of this expertise, instead of attempting to address this need themselves at the local level. Current IT systems are suited for small scale processing and assisting in the daily operations on the farm, but when it comes to the storage of big data or specialised processing of this data, then the aquaculture industry is better served moving into these globalised systems with experts on hand to address ever requirement.

17 O que oferece o aquasmart?
Extra Business Value Machine Learning Data Mining Big Data Analytics O que oferece o aquasmart? Completamente novo e abordagem única fornece modelos rigorosos, descritivos e prognóstica para entender não só o que aconteceu, mas o que é mais provável acontecer a nossa equipa é composta por peritos de universidades e empresas de aquicultura pessoal a adição de valor comercial extra e vantagens competitivas transformar os dados em conhecimento, o que pode levar as empresas a melhorar o desempenho com mais inteligente decisão e uma gestão eficiente AquaSmart offers you a completely novel and unique approach to your aquaculture business. Providing highly accurate descriptive and predictive models that will help you to not only understand what has been happening on your farm, but will also help you to look into the future and depending on what has come before possibly say what is about to happen next. Our system has been built from experts both deeply involved in the industry, through aquaculture consultants, fish farmers and experts from the aquaculture companies, and these teams have been further strengthened by experts from academia in the fields of data analytics, machine learning and cloud computing. By combining this expertise, aquaSmart is in the position to transform your data into knowledge, which will help you to improve performance through smarter decision making and efficient management of your farm. Thus adding extra business value and competitive advantage to your farm and improving production and profitability. Data Knowledge Decision

18 Aquasmart permite … tecnologia de ponta para a piscicultura mais eficiente Baixar os custos de produção Aumentar o lucro Melhorar a eficiência operacional Carry out business in a sustainable, environmentally friendly way Turner os dados da produçao em conhecimento Practical data mining for aquaculture Aumentar a performance Ganhar vantagem competitiva aquaSmart as a tool can offer you leading edge data analysis and machine learning technologies that can assist you on your journey to carry out fish farming in a more efficient manner. aquaSmart provides you with the opportunity to turn your current unused production data into knowledge, that in facilitates better production management decision making. Through aquaSmart we use practical data mining processes to help you to boost performance on your farm and thus gain a competitive advantage. aquaSmart will allow you to lower production costs and increase your profitability. It will improve your operational efficiency and help you to carry out your business in a sustainable, environmentally friendly way. from 45 millions tons in 2014 to 85 million by 2030 defining best practices for the industry Sustainable Growth


20 Criar novas formas de negócios
In this module we will showcase how aquaSmart can help fish farmers to firstly optimize their production yields, and secondly subsequently increase profitability for their organisation.

21 Evaluation & Improvement of fish performance
Business Need: Improve the Management of the fish population / Optimization of the grow out process: Faster growth rate Optimized feeding Lower mortalities Why is this important? Because it has a direct impact on costs! Improving production efficiency and Reducing costs So, what is the business need with regards to fish performance? Using aquaSmart you will be able to improve the management of your fish population and optimise the grow out process. In essence to improve your production you will need to address the following, improvement of the growth rate of your stock, optimise your feeding methods and lower your mortalities. But, why is this important? These are important because they have a direct impact on your costs. By improving your production efficiency and reducing your costs you are basically maximising your profit yields. These are all basic business needs in the aquaculture industry, and this is how aquaSmart can help you. Profit maximization

22 Evaluation & Improvement of fish performance
What does the user need to do: In order to improve, the user needs first to evaluate & understand past performance How : aquaSmart can help them to: build models (based on past production) estimate the values of the KPIs, based on the models compare production KPIs to model values then: Identify populations with poor performance and Take corrective actions aquaSmart can identify the correlations among various production parameters that affect performance So: aquaSmart reveals not only WHAT happened but also WHY it happened. So, how can we help you? In order to improve current performance you need to first evaluate and understand past performance data. This provides the basis for future analysis and performance optimisation. Once the historical data has been captured and evaluated, aquaSmart can be used to build models based on this past production data. From this we can estimate the values of KPI’s, based on these models and then make a comparison between the production KPIs and the model values. Using this, you can identify populations that are experiencing poor performance, and as a result take the necessary corrective actions to rectify the situation. Through aquaSmart, you, as the user, can identify correlations between various production parameters that affect performance on the farm. Therefore, as can be seen, using aquaSmart allows you to see not only what has happened, but it also gives you the why a certain situation has happened, and provides you with the opportunity to rectify any issues that may be evident from the system, that may not have been obvious without aquaSmart.

23 Evaluation & Improvement of fish performance
Example: A farmer wants to evaluate the grow out process of Sea Bream with Av Weight up to 100gr (from a specific Hatchery and region) Specifically, they want to understand WHICH and by WHAT degree each factor (Feed Type, SFR, Initial Fish Ave. Weight, Temperature) influences their production KPIs: FCR SGR So, for example, if a farmer wants to evaluate the grow out process of Sea Bream with Av Weight up to 100gr, from a specific Hatchery and specific region? More specifically, they are interested in understanding which factors are relevant, and to what degree each factor, which could be Feed Type, SFR, Initial Fish Ave. Weight or Temperature are influences their production KPIs, which are FCR and SGR? Using the aquaSmart platform, a farmer is able to enter their production data, and after analysis be able to receive the answers to these questions, as to what parameters are important and how important they may be in the determining for example this grow out process.

24 Evaluation & Improvement of fish performance
Using AquaSmart Descriptive Statistics tools, the user can visualize the data and identify the meaningful part of it, for further investigation: Meaningful set of data ref Econ. FCR By using our aquaSmart Descriptive Statistic tools, you can enter your production data and then using our visualization tools get a graphic representation of this data to identify any section of it that you want to take for further investigation. For example, if we investigate data using the first chart, we can see an Economic FCR value that appears to be greater than 5. This cannot be realistic, so we now understand that we need to exclude all values above that number. So, we can then use the aquaSmart system to go to the relevant screen and filter out any Econ. FCR > 5 to further analyze the data at a more specific range. In the second chart we have a similar situation. We understand that the temperature values below 12C  are not realistic, so we go again back to the relevant screen and filter out any temperature values < 12C, to allow us to further investigate the situation. Therefore, by using these statistical tools we are able to provide a more focused subset of data for use within the aquaSmart analysis and model building processes. “Noisy” values of Avg. Temp.


26 Conclusions Description to be added
“This module introduces some conclusions related to the various contents of this course.”

27 Conclusion aquaSmart can be used to advance your aquaculture business
Current Business practices How can aquaSmart enhance business models ‘AquaSmart the Product’ The offering Open Data Cloud Data Analytics Training In conclusion, on the course you just attended, you were shown how to use aquaSmart to develop and optimises your business, how aquaSmart can be used as a product for your farm, and the benefits that can be achieved by using aquaSmart. As part of the course we introduced common business practices on an aquaculture farm and how aquaSmart can be used to enhance these. We spoke about what aquaSmart can offer to you as a farmer through our Open Data Cloud solution, incorporating data analytics and machine learning, as well as the training courses being offered to assist the user to come to terms with the overall package and how to use it.

28 Conclusion Benefits of using the AquaSmart on your farm
Why do I need aquaSmart What can aquaSmart offer How does it offer this Generating New Forms of Business What are the business needs we address What does the user need How can aquaSmart help We talked abut the benefits of using aquaSmart on the farm, detailing why such a system would be required, and what business needs for the aquaculture farmer, how we address this and how through using aquaSmart we can help SME to increase efficiency and production in the farm.

29 The End URL: LinkedIn Group: AquaSmartData Facebook Page: Thank you by attending this course! For any additional information about this project, just use one of the following contacts. H2020 ICT :

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