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Marine Corps Civilian Leadership Development

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Presentation on theme: "Marine Corps Civilian Leadership Development"— Presentation transcript:

1 Marine Corps Civilian Leadership Development
Stories help us learn Lead Self Seminar Session One Developing The Leader Within

2 Learning Objectives Define Self Concept Define Leading Self Understand how to build one’s self leadership Create a personal leadership philosophy

3 Leading Self Do you treasure safety over growth? Pair & Share!

4 Nick Vujicic

5 Self Concept Self Esteem Self Confidence Who Am I?
“There is a person with whom you spend more time than any other, a person who has more influence over you, and more ability to interfere with or support your growth than anyone else. This ever-present companion is your own self”. (Dr. Pamela Butler, Clinical Psychologist) Self Concept Self Esteem Self Confidence

6 Self Introductions I am…and I work at… My title is… And I am responsible for… The reason I am here today… In the future my career goal is to…

7 10 Minute Break!

8 Mary Barra

9 What is Leading Self? Leading oneself, like leading others, is a learned ability requiring development through structured learning (individual and institutional), from education & training, experience, mentors & role models. “It is intentionally influencing ourselves to achieve our objectives.” (Bryant & Kazan, 2013) Dr.s’ Andrew Bryant & Ana Kazan Where did the emphasis come from? The Field of Medicine Why?

10 Wait! This means Self-leadership is… A process of Self-knowledge Self-influence Self-guidance An empowering ability that gives you: Insights Thoughtfulness Responsibility Accountability And, confidence In You!

11 Who are you? You are your best teacher Accept responsibility; Blame no one You can learn anything you want to learn True understanding comes from reflecting on experiences “Know thyself, then, means separating who you are and who you want to be from what the world thinks you are and wants you to be.” Maxwell, J. C. (1993). Developing the leader within you Meyers-Briggs, 360 Degree Surveys, DiSC etc. A way to help identify yourself! 4-Lessons of Self Knowledge

12 Sources for Leading Self
Dr. Pamela Butler, Clinical Psychologist It is our foundation: What we do behind the scenes to grow (Self-Talk via Intrapersonal communication) Tough truths: No one cares more about you and your development than you! Core elements: The Triad of a person (Body, Mind, and Spirit)

13 This is a 15 minute exercise
Group Activity This is a 15 minute exercise Brainstorm to “How to develop your self leadership” Refine your responses into one sentence Share sentence with the seminar

14 10 Minute Break!

15 “The most basic beliefs, concepts, and attitudes of an individual….”
My Personal Leadership Philosophy “The most basic beliefs, concepts, and attitudes of an individual….” Jon Mertz

16 Meeting your commitments and goal

17 What is the basis of your personal leadership philosophy?
Influences of family and friends? Your education? Your work experiences? Intrinsic motivators

18 Consider your personal [leadership] philosophy
Group Activity Consider your personal [leadership] philosophy using Mertz’s 6 Questions! Answer Mertz’s 6 Questions! (10 Minutes) What do you get up each morning wanting to do? What directs your actions and decisions, especially the impulsive ones? What gives you a sense of satisfaction at the end of the day? What feeling is in the core of your soul that you know to be self-evident? Sounds constitutional, and maybe that is good. Why are your beliefs important to you? How does your beliefs measure up to higher standards or ideals?

19 Group Activity Share your answers with group members Group select the best responses One member of group present responses to the seminar Then:

20 You will only become what you are already becoming right now,
A thought on developing you You will only become what you are already becoming right now, you cannot go back and make a brand-new start, my friend [you] can start from now and make a brand-new end.

21 Summary Determining through the inward process of recognizing who you are! Understanding what is leading self. Applying behavioral and mental techniques to reach leadership excellence. How do you develop your personal self leadership philosophy?

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