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Beyond Scratch Programming environments for the CS classroom

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Presentation on theme: "Beyond Scratch Programming environments for the CS classroom"— Presentation transcript:

1 Beyond Scratch Programming environments for the CS classroom

2 I AM Francisco Nieto I am an EdTech Program Manager
HELLO I AM Francisco Nieto I am an EdTech Program Manager at the Alameda County Office of Education You can find me at

3 The third big idea is hard fun
The third big idea is hard fun. We learn best and we work best if we enjoy what we are doing. But fun and enjoying doesn’t mean “easy.” The best fun is hard fun. -Seymour Papert

4 GOALS Learn About new and engaging platforms, sites, tools and environments to take the next step, from block-based programming to actual computational syntax. Play Get hands-on experience with those tools in a choose-your-own adventure PD session.

5 Bridging the gap, taking the leap...

6 Find what is right for you and your students
Not grade level specific Find what is right for you and your students

7 JavaScript Python Swift Processing Arduino (C/C++) More!
What we will cover JavaScript Python Swift Processing Arduino (C/C++) More! We will explore sites that bridge the gap between blocks and code as well, and see the pros and cons of each one.

8 OUR PROCESS IS EASY Get overview of all the tools
Have hard fun exploring environments Share out on Collaborative Doc

9 How were these chosen? Free tools (or free-ish)
Not the most well know ( but they should be) Mix of open platform and tutorials Easy to learn and log in Provide a bridge and room to grow Engaging

10 Let’s take The plunge! Not grade level specific

11 I want to learn: JS Python Swift Arduino Mixed nuts

12 JAVASCRIPT Code combat Get coding App Lab Coding

13 Python Python Room Codesters RaspberryPi Coding Penjee

14 Arduino Codebender Arduino

15 Mixed nuts P5.JS Pico-8

16 Swift Swift Playgrounds

17 Come to the session to the rest!

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