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by Dr.S.Kishore Assistant Professor Department of MBA AITS, Tirupati

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1 by Dr.S.Kishore Assistant Professor Department of MBA AITS, Tirupati
Goodwill Valuation by Dr.S.Kishore Assistant Professor Department of MBA AITS, Tirupati

2 GOODWILL Used to describe the 'good name' or 'reputation'
earned by a firm as it trades. To express the intangible but quantifiable "prudent value" of an ongoing business beyond its assets. The value of an entity over and above the value of its assets. The difference between the purchase price and the sum of the fair value of the net assets is by definition the value of the "goodwill" of the purchased company. Hopefully have a positive impact on the future turnover and profits of the business.

It belongs to the category of intangible assets. It is a valuable asset. It contributes to the earning of excess profits. Its value is liable to constant fluctuations. Its value is only realised when a business is sold or transferred. It is difficult to place an exact value on goodwill and it will always involve expert judgement. There can be effect of personal ability for valuation of goodwill.

The nature of the business. The goodwill relating to a service based business is likely to be different than that of a manufacturing business. Favorable location. If a business is situated in a good location it will generally have a positive affect on the value of goodwill. Longevity of the business. If a business has been trading for a long period it may have had more time to develop a good solid reputation, and more goodwill. Possession of licenses or technical know- how. After sales services and general customer care. Business risk involved. Future competition and new entrants into a specific business marketplace. Management's attitude towards the fulfillment of commitments.

When the business is sold as a going concern. When the business is amalgamated with another firm. When business is converted into private or public company. When there is a change in the profit-sharing ratio amongst the existing partners. When a new partner is admitted. When a partner retires or dies or reconstruction.

6 GOODWILL VALUATION Average Profit Method Past Profits of a number of years are taken into consideration. Average Profit = Total Profits/ No. of Years Goodwill = Average Profit * No. of Years Purchased Why Average Profit & No. of Years Purchased A buyer wishes to get advantage of it in future, that is uncertain. The estimate for the future depends upon the past performance. Profits in future depends upon its Average Performance in past. For some years to come the business will earn profit entirely due to seller’s efforts. Hence, The buyer compensates the seller for the few years profit which the buyer gets because of seller’s efforts.

7 GOODWILL VALUATION Profit of the year ADD : Abnormal Loss
Calculation of Average Profit Profit of the year ADD : Abnormal Loss Income that will arise in future Expenses that will not occur in future LESS : Abnormal Gain Non-Operating Income Remuneration to the Proprietors Income that will not arise in future Expenses that will occur in future Income Tax

8 GOODWILL VALUATION Weighted Average Profit Method
Past Profits of a number of years are taken into consideration. Weighted Average Profit = Total of Products/ Total of Weighted Goodwill = Weighted Average Profit * No. of Years Purchased Why Weighted Average Profit It gives weightage to latest profit which is likely to be maintained in the future. It is applicable when profits shows sufficient Rising or Falling trend. In case of Rising- more weightage is given to Recent years. In case of Falling- more weightage is given to Past years.

9 GOODWILL VALUATION Super Profit Method
It assumes that if a business earns Super Profit, it has a goodwill, otherwise not. Super Profit = Actual Average Profit – Normal Profit Where, Normal Profit = Average Capital Employed * Normal Rate of Return Normal Rate of Return = current Interest Rate + Risk Factor Rate Goodwill = Super Profit * No. of Years Purchased

10 GOODWILL VALUATION Net Capital Employed =
Tangible Fixed Assets at Market Value + Intangible Assets at Realisation Value + Current Assets at Market Value - All Outside Liabilities

Tangible Fixed Assets (Included) such as Land & Building, Plant & Machinery, Furniture. Intangible Assets (Included) such as Patent, Trade-Marks, Copyrights. Current Assets (Included) such as Cash in Hand, Cash at Bank, Sundry Debtors, B/R Goodwill (Excluded) Investment (Excluded) Fictitious Assets (Excluded) such as Preliminary Exp., Advt. Exp., Underwriting Commission, Discount on Issue of Shares or Debentures, Dr. Balance of P&L A/C.

12 GOODWILL VALUATION From Liabilities Side:
Outside Liabilities (Deducted) such as Debentures, Creditors, Loan, Bank Overdraft, B/P, Provision for Income Tax. Share Capital (Excluded) Reserves & Surplus (Excluded) Credit Balance of P&L A/C (Excluded)

13 GOODWILL VALUATION or Capital Employed in the end
Average Capital Employed = Capital Employed in the beginning + Capital Employed in the end 2 Capital Employed in the end = Capital Employed in the beginning + Net Profit of the year Hence We can write, or Capital Employed in the end - Current Year’s Profit 2 or Capital Employed in the beginning + Current Year’s Profit 2

14 GOODWILL VALUATION Capitalisation of Average Profit Method 100
Actual Average Profit is capitalised at Normal Rate of Return. It tells us, How much capital is needed for earning this Actual Average Profit. Capitalised Value of Average Profit = 100 X Actual Average Profit Normal Rate of Returns Goodwill = Capitalised Value of Average Profit – Actual Capital Employed

15 GOODWILL VALUATION Capitalisation of Super Profit Method 100
This method tries to access the Capital needed for earning the Super Profit. It tells us, How much capital is needed for earning the Super Profit. This Capital is known as Goodwill. Goodwill = 100 X Super Profit Normal Rate of Returns

16 Thank you

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