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March 22, 2017 Bringing Reading Anchor Standard One to Life in Your School: Text-Dependent Questions 1.

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Presentation on theme: "March 22, 2017 Bringing Reading Anchor Standard One to Life in Your School: Text-Dependent Questions 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 March 22, 2017 Bringing Reading Anchor Standard One to Life in Your School: Text-Dependent Questions 1

2 Take two minutes to answer the following:
Activity: Standard Implementation Reflection Take two minutes to answer the following: Identify one trend or behavior that you saw in the teachers that improved versus ones that did not? Identify one success and one challenge you experienced while ensuring teachers understood AS#1. H1 Allow participants to discuss each with their table group for 3 minutes. Regroup and have volunteer tables explain their understanding of each concept with the entire group. Then, discuss with the peers at your table!

3 Delivery of assigned whole group professional development sessions
Predicting Implementation Supports Which supports do you believe will be most necessary in your school moving forward? What data will evidence this? H1 Whole Group PD Delivery of assigned whole group professional development sessions Small Group Follow Up Have you used grade level planning meetings and other small group venues to individualize support and planning efforts for teacher teams? Model Lessons Have you implemented a Model Lesson for teachers and allowed them an opportunity to debrief? Observations Are you conducting 2-4 observations per day at least three days a week? Feedback Are you debriefing with at least 50% of the teachers you are observing? Allow participants to discuss each with their table group for 3 minutes. Regroup and have volunteer tables explain their understanding of each concept with the entire group.

4 Text Annotation and What It
SHOULD NOT Be Judith 40-65


6 Strategy Review Right-Side Left-Side Margin Strategy
Enhances close reading by providing a purpose for reading, helping students annotate the text using evidence from the text to support their inferences. This strategy can be altered to align to daily objectives of focus.

7 Please read the following text and use the
Annotation of Text Review Please read the following text and use the left side-right side strategy to annotate the text… 1-First, number each paragraph (for chunking purposes). 2-Purpose for Reading: Identify the main idea. 3-Then, read the text for the first time. 4-In the left margin, summarize the main idea for each chunk in 10 words or less. 5-Purpose for reading: Make an inference about the text. 6-Next read the text a 2nd time. 7-In the right-hand margin, ask a question OR make an inference. *This may include something that sparked interest as you read or a conclusion you drew from the text. Allow participants to discuss each with their table group for 3 minutes. Regroup and have volunteer tables explain their understanding of each concept with the entire group. H1

8 Remember: Metacognitive Markers
These “Thinking Notes” can help students engage in their reading and better participate in deep analysis of a text. Judith 40-65

9 Remember: Metacognitive Markers
Judith 40-65 Grade level teams can develop their own set of “Metacognitive Markers” in order to help students grapple with the text.

10 H1 Teacher Coaching and Feedback Tracker
Allow participants to discuss each with their table group for 3 minutes. Regroup and have volunteer tables explain their understanding of each concept with the entire group.

11 Webb’s Depth of Knowledge Rigor Framework
Allow participants to discuss each with their table group for 3 minutes. Regroup and have volunteer tables explain their understanding of each concept with the entire group. and why is it important?

12 Source: https://www. smarterbalanced

13 Sample SmarterBalanced Question (G3)
Source:   ‪

14 Sample SmarterBalanced Question (G3)
Source:   ‪ A: D, B: B

15 DOK Level Resource

16 TDQ are questions with a DOK level of 2-4
Review: It Is Not About Difficulty, But Complexity! DOK Level 1 requires students to use simple skills or abilities. DOK Level 2 includes the engagement of some mental processing beyond recalling. THESE QUESTIONS ARE GREAT FOR SCAFOLDING. DOK Level 3 requires some higher level mental processing like reasoning, planning, and using evidence. THESE QUESTIONS ARE GREAT FOR COLLECTING EVIDENCE. DOK Level 4 requires complex reasoning, planning, developing, and thinking over an extended period of time. THESE QUESTIONS ARE GREAT FOR PERFRMANCE TASKS. Level of Complexity TDQ are questions with a DOK level of 2-4

17 DOK Level 1: Recall and Reproduction
Requires recall of information, such as a fact, definition, term, or performance of a simple process or procedure Answering a Level 1 item can involve following a simple, well-known procedure or formula

18 DOK Level 1: Recall and Reproduction Examples
List animals that survive by eating other animals Locate or recall facts found in text Describe physical features of places Identify elements of music using music terminology Identify basic rules for participating in simple games and activities

19 Actions imply more than one mental or cognitive process/step
DOK Level 2: Skills and Concepts Includes the engagement of some mental processing beyond recalling or reproducing a response Items require students to make some decisions as to how to approach the question or problem Actions imply more than one mental or cognitive process/step

20 DOK Level 2: Skills and Concept Examples
Compare desert and tropical environments Identify and summarize the major events, problems, solutions, conflicts in literary text Explain the cause-effect of historical events Predict a logical outcome based on information in a reading selection Explain how good work habits are important at home, school, and on the job

21 The cognitive demands are complex and abstract
DOK Level 3: Strategic Thinking Requires deep understanding exhibited through planning, using evidence, and more demanding cognitive reasoning The cognitive demands are complex and abstract An assessment item that has more than one possible answer and requires students to justify the response would most likely be a Level 3

22 DOK Level 3: Strategic Thinking Examples
Compare consumer actions and analyze how these actions impact the environment Analyze or evaluate the effectiveness of literary elements (e.g., characterization, setting, point of view, conflict and resolution, plot structures) Explain, generalize or connect ideas, using supporting evidence from a text or source

23 Requires high cognitive demand and is very complex
DOK Level 4: Extended Thinking Requires high cognitive demand and is very complex Students are expected to make connections, relate ideas within the content or among content areas, and select or devise one approach among many alternatives on how the situation can be solved Due to the complexity of cognitive demand, DOK 4 often requires an extended period of time

24 DOK Level 4: Extended Thinking Examples
Gather, analyze, organize, and interpret information from multiple (print and non print) sources to draft a reasoned report Analyzing author’s craft (e.g., style, bias, literary techniques, point of view) Create an exercise plan applying the “FITT (Frequency, Intensity, Time, Type) Principle”

25 Sample TDQ DOK Classification
What is the meaning of the word "advocate" in this passage? Level 1

26 Sample TDQ DOK Classification
What in the text shows that Abigail Adams is an advocate? Level 2

27 Sample TDQ DOK Classification
Read these two texts and compare Abigail and John Adams views on freedom and independence. Write about which of them is a greater advocate. Support your opinion with evidence from the texts. Level 3

28 Sample TDQ DOK Classification
Design and conduct an experiment or design a mathematical model to solve a situation. Connect common themes across texts from different cultures. Synthesize ideas into new concepts. Level 4

29 Which DOK Level is each one of these TDQs?
Check Your Answers! Determining DOK Which DOK Level is each one of these TDQs? (Q1) Which three terms does the author use to refer to “DNA fingerprint” that help clarify the meaning of the term? (Q3) What do these terms indicate about the results of the seven-step procedure to develop a DNA fingerprint? (Q5) According to the information in paragraph 1, how is solving crop crimes similar to solving high-profile murder cases? (Q4) (Q6) Which detail from the article best supports the answer to question 5? (Q8) The final paragraph is headed by the phrase “Simplifying the Search.” What is the “search” discussed in this paragraph (Q9) Based on information from the text, what are the two ways that the procedure for developing a DNA fingerprint simplifies the search identified in Part A?

30 Activity: What DOK Level are these TDQ’s?
(Q1) Which three terms does the author use to refer to “DNA fingerprint” that help clarify the meaning of the term? 3 (Q3) What do these terms indicate about the results of the seven-step procedure to develop a DNA fingerprint? 4 (Q5) According to the information in paragraph 1, how is solving crop crimes similar to solving high-profile murder cases? (Q4) 4 (Q6) Which detail from the article best supports the answer to question 5? 3 (Q8) The final paragraph is headed by the phrase “Simplifying the Search.” What is the “search” discussed in this paragraph? 3 (Q9) Based on information from the text, what are the two ways that the procedure for developing a DNA fingerprint simplifies the search identified in Part A? 4

31 Creating Text Dependent Questions (Citing Textual Evidence)

32 Text dependent questions require text-based answers – evidence.
Close Reading Involves Text Dependent Questions Virtually every standard is activated during the course of every close analytic reading exemplar through the use of text dependent questions. Text dependent questions require text-based answers – evidence. Text Dependent

33 Text-dependent questions (TDQs) should be used to:
How Should We Use These Questions? Text-dependent questions (TDQs) should be used to: Focus a student’s attention on key material Highlight and scaffold key knowledge and information from texts Provide necessary practice with complex text

34 Level 1 Level 2 Select a balance between difficulty levels
DOK Levels in Classroom Assessments Select a balance between difficulty levels (not too hard and not too easy). Recall (e.g., fact, definition, procedure). Requires student to demonstrate a rote response, perform an algorithm, follow a set procedure, or perform a defined series of steps. Level 1 Decision-making beyond quick response. May require, for example, classifying information, interpreting, explaining, and describing. Level 2 Delete the dates because it is different for each school. The type of item does not determine the Level up above.

35 Level 3 Level 4 Select a balance between difficulty levels
DOK Levels in Classroom Assessments Select a balance between difficulty levels (not too hard and not too easy). Requires reasoning, planning, and use of evidence. Students might draw conclusions, cite evidence, or develop a logical argument. Level 3 Generally involves work over an extended period of time i.e. exhibitions and portfolios. Requires making connections and synthesizing ideas. Level 4 assessment is individualized and not part of a common assessment (there may be a common expectation and even a common rubric). Level 4 Delete the dates because it is different for each school. The type of item does not determine the Level up above.

36 Previous Component Anchor Standard Rubric: Teacher Methodology
Anchor Standard #1: Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn from the text. Instructional Core EXEMPLARY (Students take ownership) PROFICIENT (Teacher mostly models) EMERGING (Teacher does the thinking) NEEDS IMPROVEMENT (Teacher directed) Instruction (Methodology) qInstructional methodologies facilitate students engaging in close reading strategies; examine textual evidence, and discerning meaning independently and proficiently, as deemed appropriate by grade level progressions. qInstructional methodologies facilitate students participating in close reading strategies examine textual evidence, and discerning meaning with scaffolding and support, as deemed appropriate by grade level progressions. qInstructional methodologies direct students toward textual evidence to justify their answers, as deemed appropriate by grade level progressions. qInstructional methodologies provide students with textual evidence needed to justify their answers, as deemed appropriate by grade level progressions. Previous Component

37 Anchor Standard Rubric: Content
Anchor Standard #1: Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn from the text. Instructional Core EXEMPLARY (Students take ownership) PROFICIENT (Teacher mostly models) EMERGING (Teacher does the thinking) NEEDS IMPROVEMENT (Teacher directed) Content (Tasks) qTask advocates for students to independently and proficiently utilize appropriate close reading activities to draw evidence from text to support their thinking for the purpose of writing or discussion, as deemed appropriate by grade level progressions. qTask with scaffolding and support, advocates for students to utilize appropriate close reading activities to draw evidence from text to support their thinking for the purpose of writing or discussion, as deemed appropriate by grade level progressions. qTask is a standard activity and requires teacher to direct students as they draw evidence from texts to support their writing or discussion, as deemed appropriate by grade level progressions. qTask is a standard activity and requires teacher to provide text-based evidence, as deemed appropriate by grade level progressions.

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