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Product / Service Development Scale

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1 Product / Service Development Scale
Team Tools: Develop Business Plan Tools: Self Funding Tools: Secure Domains I use GoDaddy Build Website You can use Wix or Wordpress as a first version depending on how technical your business is. If it is website based then I recommend a founder can code. Develop prototype You will need a prototype prior to funding. If your business requires design and product creation I would recommend a founder can do this. Establish Operations Tools: Determine processes, governance, management. Customer Management Seek ongoing customer feedback. Consider using a CRM system. Product / Service Development Based on customer feedback and advance technology. Scale The following companies can enable your company to scale faster than you can do alone. Idea Tools: Decide incorporation Tools: Register with Companies House Tools: Register with Data Protection Tools: Develop Marketing & Sales Plan Tools: Find Professional Service Support The following firms work with start-ups and help them growth. If there is a specific service you need, let me know and I’ll find them for you: Launch Business with MVP (minimal viable product) Launching your business will allow you to seek feedback from customers and have data to show investors. Traction and Revenue Tools: For many investors you need initial traction and sometimes revenue too before you seek seed funding. This is not the case if you’re in medtech, biotech etc. However you should always be able to show customer feedback regardless of industry. Seed Funding Tools: Join InEn ( and we can help you secure seed funding. Series A Tools: Join InEn ( and we can help you secure seed funding.

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