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Foundations of Social Studies Human Geography

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1 Foundations of Social Studies Human Geography
Religion Foundations of Social Studies Human Geography

2 Why is it important to learn about other religions besides your own?

3 Definitions An organized set of beliefs humans use to explain the universe Explains why things happen from the perspective of faith Looking toward a higher power to bring healing, comfort, and understanding

4 Types Ethnic Universalizing Monotheistic: belief in ONE god OR
Believe they have the truth for all people, and try to convert others OR Ethnic Do not try to convert others, focusing on their own ethnic group Monotheistic: belief in ONE god OR Polytheistic: belief in MULTIPLE gods


6 **Christianity and Islam find their roots in Judaism**
Founded in 1800 BCE by Abraham Place: Middle East (Israel) Monotheistic Teachings in the Old Testament (Torah) Leaders are called Rabbis Ethnic religion Basic beliefs God’s chosen people and Israel is the holy land Made a promise (covenant) with God **Christianity and Islam find their roots in Judaism**

7 Christianity Began in 30 CE in Jerusalem
Believe Jesus is the Son of God and they follow him 3 branches: Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Protestant Basic beliefs: The bible, one God, Jesus saved the world, need faith in him to be saved, Ten Commandments Universalizing **Largest religion in the world( 2.1 billion)**

8 **2nd largest universalizing religion**
Islam Place: Middle East ( Mecca) Teachings are in the Quran 2 branches: Sunni and Shi’a Basic Beliefs: 5 pillars 1-belief in Muhammad (prophet/founder) & Allah (God) 2-praying 5 times a day 3-giving charity / paying alms ($) 4-fast during the month of Ramadan 5-traveling to Mecca at least once **2nd largest universalizing religion**

9 Hinduism Began in India around 2000 BCE Ethnic religion found mostly
Basic Beliefs: Reincarnation- come back as another being Polytheistic Gods: Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva Orally passed on Karma Third largest religion

10 Buddhism Began in North India around 600 BCE
Founder: Siddhartha Gautama “Budda” He saw suffering and wanted it to stop Through meditation he became enlightened “Life is hard because of human desire for material goods” 3 branches: Theravada, Mahayana, & Vajrayana Basic beliefs: Eightfold path- rules and guidelines to live life Nirvana- a perfect state of being 4th largest religion

11 Utah’s Religious Demographics
The self-identified religious affiliations of Utahns over the age of 18 as of 2008 are: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 58% (labeled as Mormon on survey) Unaffiliated 16% Catholic 10% Evangelicals 7% Mainline Protestants 6% Black Protestant Churches 1% No Answer 1% Other Faiths 1% Buddhism <.5% Eastern Orthodox <.5% Hinduism <.5% Islam <.5% Jehovah's Witnesses <.5% Judaism <.5% According to a report produced by the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life

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