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Desk signs Below are a selection of Central Southern branded desk sign templates. These will not only help colleagues to identify you and your desk but.

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Presentation on theme: "Desk signs Below are a selection of Central Southern branded desk sign templates. These will not only help colleagues to identify you and your desk but."— Presentation transcript:

1 Desk signs Below are a selection of Central Southern branded desk sign templates. These will not only help colleagues to identify you and your desk but will also add splashes of our new colourful brand around our offices. Please select whichever colour you would prefer to use, update your name, job title and contact details, then print out your single slide and pop up at your desk/workstation. Easy. There’s even an example on the next slide if you need it. Thanks!

2 Emily MacDonald Graphics and Publications Officer,
Example desk sign: Emily MacDonald Graphics and Publications Officer, Communications and Engagement Team T: E:

3 Job Title, Team T: xxxxx xxxxxx E:
Name Job Title, Team T: xxxxx xxxxxx E:

4 Job Title, Team T: xxxxx xxxxxx E:
Name Job Title, Team T: xxxxx xxxxxx E:

5 Job Title, Team T: xxxxx xxxxxx E:
Name Job Title, Team T: xxxxx xxxxxx E:

6 Job Title, Team T: xxxxx xxxxxx E:
Name Job Title, Team T: xxxxx xxxxxx E:

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