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FINDING FAITH at ground zero. FINDING FAITH at ground zero.

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Presentation on theme: "FINDING FAITH at ground zero. FINDING FAITH at ground zero."— Presentation transcript:


2 FINDING FAITH at ground zero

3 The Search for Answers in the Midst of
Life’s Pain

4 -Why do good People suffer? _________________

5 13 Now, who will want to harm you if you are eager to do good?

6 Evil in the world Evil in mankind Evil in us

7 -How should we respond to suffering?

8 14 But even if you suffer for doing what is right, God will reward you for it…

9 …So don’t worry or be afraid of their threats
…So don’t worry or be afraid of their threats. 15Instead, you must worship Christ as Lord of your life.

10 Know that God will Reward You Worship God

11 -What should we do to help those who are questioning?

12 15…And if someone asks about your Christian hope, always be ready to explain it.

13 Prepare our hearts and minds to answer.

14 16 But do this in a gentle and respectful way
16 But do this in a gentle and respectful way. Keep your conscience clear…

15 With gentleness With respect Without fear Without worry

16 -What will be the result of our response?

17 16…Then if people speak against you, they will be ashamed when they see what a good life you live…

18 Haters will be silenced
God will be glorified Others will be drawn to Christ.


20 -Where is God when we are suffering?

21 12 The eyes of the Lord watch over those who do right,
and his ears are open to their prayers…

22 His eyes are on you. He hears your cry.

23 -What is the result of suffering? _________________

24  17 Remember, it is better to suffer for doing good, if that is what God wants…

25 The Point: Sometimes we’re called to suffer.

26 Endurance, Character Hope, Love Relationship

27 18 Christ suffered for our sins once for all time
18 Christ suffered for our sins once for all time. He never sinned, but he died for sinners…

28 …to bring you safely home to God
…to bring you safely home to God. He suffered physical death, but he was raised to life in the Spirit.

29 Will you trust the one who suffered
Action Points: Will you trust the one who suffered for you?

30 Will you prepare your response for those questioning?
Action Points: Will you prepare your response for those questioning?

31 Will you respond with gentleness and respect?
Action Points: Will you respond with gentleness and respect?

32 Will you bring hope to those who are suffering?
Action Points: Will you bring hope to those who are suffering?

33 Prayer Partners are here for You


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