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Vocabulary Words October 12-16

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1 Vocabulary Words October 12-16
Rupt = Break

2 Abrupt- sudden; unexpected; broken into what is expected

3 Bankrupt- to be out of money; financially ruined; to “break the bank”

4 Corrupt- evil; dishonest; to break away from honesty

5 Corruptible- able to be influenced into doing something that breaks away
from the rules; able to become bad

6 Disrupt- to break up; to cause confusion

7 Disruption- something that breaks someone’s concentration; bothersome;

8 Erupt- to explode; to break out with force

9 Interrupt- to break into someone’s conversation

10 Interruption- something that breaks up what you were doing; an unplanned
event that breaks up an activity

11 Rupture- to burst or break open (usually a body part)

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