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VCE Revolutions Headstart Homework

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Presentation on theme: "VCE Revolutions Headstart Homework"— Presentation transcript:

1 VCE Revolutions Headstart Homework
Revolutions Unit 3 AOS 1 Headstart Homework To Do: Read Handout 3 Annotate the handout as you read - underline, make notes un the margin, highlight etc. Answer the questions below Acquire the stationary required for this subject: you will need a notebook and a display folder or lever-arch folder with display pockets Questions: 1) Choose two key words/terms from your reading and look up, or create definitions for them. Key term 1: ___________________________________________________ Definition: _____________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2) Write down 1 question you have about the revolutions course, or next year in general: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

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