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The Tudors L.O. to develop an understanding of the level of security that Henry VII’s reign experienced by reading and creating a chart.

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Presentation on theme: "The Tudors L.O. to develop an understanding of the level of security that Henry VII’s reign experienced by reading and creating a chart."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Tudors L.O. to develop an understanding of the level of security that Henry VII’s reign experienced by reading and creating a chart.

2 Academic Policy 10 NON NEGOTIABLES
1. PLCS (Pupil Learning Checklists) to be given out and shared with students at the start of each module 2. Past paper pack to be handed out to students by 30th September 2015 (2/3x Past Papers – ideally early years 2010/11) for legacy subjects and year 13s. 3. Three hours of homework set during the week per subject – Show my Homework used. 4. December/March mocks – Only official past papers to be used 5. Learning objectives and standard 4-part lesson used 6. Differentiation for different abilities for classwork, homework and coursework 7. Folders are kept with ‘Student Trackers’ for homework and assessments which are kept in the student folders, marked and commented on with WWW/EBI. ALPS targets shared with each student in September Redo policy - all sixth form subjects have a redo policy of any work that does not meet their target. 10. Subject tracking – to track each student’s progress with fine grades on homework, coursework and assessments. Subjects must keep their teacher mark books and track progress of students with pupil premium, SEN and WWC.


4 To buy… Text book BIG lever arch file Plastic wallets File dividers
Coloured pens

5 To order your folder: This option allows students to study in breadth issues of change, continuity, cause and consequence in this period through the following key questions: •• How effectively did the Tudors restore and develop the powers of the monarchy? •• In what ways and how effectively was England governed during this period? •• How did relations with foreign powers change and how was the succession secured? •• How did English society and economy change and with what effects? •• How far did intellectual and religious ideas change and develop and with what effects? •• How important was the role of key individuals and groups and how were they affected by developments? Part one: consolidation of the Tudor Dynasty: England, 1485–1547 Henry VII, 1485–1509 Henry VIII, 1509–1547 Instability and consolidation: 'the Mid-Tudor Crisis', 1547–1563 The triumph of Elizabeth, 1563–1603 (A-level only)

6 The Tudor Dynasty Create a timeline showing the kings and queens from 1422 – 1714.

7 Word Bank Consolidate Control Userp

8 Why was Henry’s reign unstable?
Why was Henry’s reign stable?

9 What did Henry do to consolidate control in order of significance:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

10 Henry’s rule was seized and maintained through violence alone
Henry’s rule was seized and maintained through violence alone. How far do you agree? Agree Disagree

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