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The Tourism Industry Tourism 12 Sackville High School

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1 The Tourism Industry Tourism 12 Sackville High School
Mrs. J. Montgomery Ms. T. Sparks

2 Definitions Domestic tourism International
residents inside their own country familiarity with the region destinations are nearer Lower cost International inbound and outbound 2

3 Definitions Inbound Outbound coming into a country from another
going outside your home country

4 Inbound tourists 1- USA 2. United kingdom 3. France 4. China
5. Germany 6. Japan 7.Australia 8. South Korea 9. India 10. Brazil 11. Mexico

5 Outbound 1. USA

6 Importance of Tourism Largest and fastest growing industry in world
Canada: 2010 = $73.4 billion in revenue Nova Scotia $2 billion Largest employer – 594,500 Canadians

7 10 Types of Tourism 1. Business 2. Nature 3. Cultural 4. Social
5. Recreational 6. Active 7. Sports 8. Religious 9. Health 10. Adventure

8 1. Business Meetings, events, and conferences, perhaps combined with other types of tourism.

9 2. Nature Enjoy a natural setting or wildlife, including ecotourism, which specializes in the study and conservation of natural environments.

10 3. Cultural To experience the history, folklore, and culture of a people, including “big city” tourism in which people are attracted to cities for their nightlife, entertainment etc.

11 4. Social Involves the company of others, such as tour-bus travel or family visits

12 5. Recreation To escape the routine of daily life, such as camping or beach tourism

13 6. Active Has a set objective, such as climbing a mountain or learning a new language

14 7. Sports To experience a sport or sporting event, such as a ski holiday or the Olympics

15 8. Religious Involves visiting a place of spiritual significance

16 9. Health To improve one’s health, such as a visit to a health report or weight-loss camp

17 10. Adventure Involves challenge and adventure, such as trekking through a tropical rain forrest.

18 Barriers to Travel Cost Lack of time Accessibility or distance Age
Health Fear Tastes and experience

19 Things Travellers Need to Know
Documentation Customs Health problems Foreign Currency Foreign Languages

20 8 Sectors of the Canadian Tourism Industry
1. Transportation 2. Accommodation

21 8 Sectors cont’d. 3. Food & Beverage 4. Attractions

22 8 Sectors – cont’d. 5. Events & Conferences
6. Adventure & Recreation

23 8 Sectors cont’d. 7. Tourism Services 7. Tourism Services
8. Travel Trade 7. Tourism Services 8. Travel Trade

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