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Mathematics: 605 Mr. Baksh.

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1 Mathematics: 605 Mr. Baksh

2 Students enter the classroom and take seats SILENTLY
seating Directions: Students enter the classroom and take seats SILENTLY Wait for further instruction. *Important information: Supplies* 1. Need to get a 3 inch binder to bring everyday.

3 Distribution/collection of assignments/daily procedures
You WILL enter the room silently, pick up materials, and get started RIGHT AWAY. THERE SHOULD BE ABSOLUTELY NO IDLE TIME FIRST-enter the classroom SILENTLY SECONDLY-take your assignment from the bin NEXT-take your seat SILENTLY FINALLY-begin your assignment SILENTLY and wait for directions when you are done. There will be two collection bins located next to the door. Class materials: Do Now and worksheets must be picked up BEFORE you have a seat. Exit Tickets: Exit tickets will be dropped off at the CONCLUSION of class before exiting the classroom. Any questions?

4 Redirection procedure
When I need to get your attention I will use a technique that will let you know that I need you to be SILENT and have your attention on ME AND ONLY ME. First, I will put my hand up (like this). When you see my hand go up, you will also put your hand (ONE HAND) up like this AND YOU MUST STOP ALL TALKING AND DOING WHAT YOU ARE DOING once your hands are up in the air. ONLY when there is ABSOLUTE SILENCE will I continue. If not, then I will start a countdown from 5, 4. 3, 2, 1. If I have to use a countdown at any point of the class then that means that more than likely students are NOT following directions and there might need to be a consequence. MODEL Are there any questions?

5 Introduction: mr. baksh
Teacher: taught High School for many years. PhD: studying to become a clinical psychologist. Administration: also studying to become a principal. Book: writing a memoir about my life. Enjoys: teaching, motivating, and inspiring people (especially young children) Personality: STRICT but fair. Has high expectations for myself and for students. Inspirational.

6 Introduction: ms. brijmohan
Fun/interesting Fact: In my spare time, I enjoy “amateur” canvas painting. I studied abroad in France during my last semester or college for 6 months. I am a visiting teacher and will be with you until Thanksgiving break! 

7 What should you expect?:
Classroom culture What should you expect?: I believe in having a safe, equitable classroom where every student feels comfortable taking academic risks. High expectations High level of respect and exceptional behavior: no tolerance for misbehaviors, high on discipline, strict but fair, BIG on giving directions and procedures before doing an activity.

8 Listen and follow ALL directions.
Classroom rules There are 4 rules that are simple to remember and covers every possible situation. Listen and follow ALL directions. Raise hand before speaking or leaving seat. Respect classmates and teachers. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself. Violation of these rules will mean CONSEQUENCES Consequences: 1. Verbal Warning 2. Teacher/Student Conference 3. Parental Contact 4. Teacher/Parent/Student Conference 5. Teacher/Parent/Student/Administrator Conference

9 GRADING POLICIES Grading Policy: Tests/Quizzes: 60% Classwork/Math Lab: 15% Projects (One per marking period): 10% Homework: 10% Notebook: 5% Homework Assignment 1: Take home contract, read it with your parents/guardians and have it signed and returned by TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13TH 2016

10 Assignments Quizzes: Every 2 weeks Unit Tests: After each unit IA (Interim Assessments): Every 3 months Projects: Individual/Group

11 Getting to know you/Icebreaker
WTD DIRECTIONS: Model The first person in each row/desk take one sheet and pass it back (or clockwise) Independently (alone) and silently complete activity Next, when you are done, put your pencils down, sit up straight and look at me. Finally, we will do a share out. I will go over the procedures for that. Student repeat the directions. Are there any questions?

12 Icebreaker/getting to know you: Part i
Food for Thought: Directions: *Students sit in groups* The first student: states his/her name and their name and favorite food that begins with the first letter of their first name. For example, “Hi, my name is Baksh, and I like Bananas.” The student clockwise will introduce him/herself and THEN repeats the other student’s name and favorite food. SO ON AND SO FORTH. Watch out. It gets tricky for the last person who has to recite all the names and foods! Any questions?

13 Icebreaker/getting to know you: Part iI
"Who Am I?" Riddle Book: Have the children share facts about themselves by creating a "Who Am I?" riddle book. Students write 1 or 2 statements about themselves. The last line is a question, "Who Am I?” Once all students are done, I will collect the sheets and RANDOMLY distribute them in the class. We will go around beginning with GROUP 1 who will read the fact and try to guess who that fact belongs to. Go clockwise! Any questions?

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