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Plus the typing of launching unit

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1 Plus the typing of launching unit
Memoir Reading Unit Plus the typing of launching unit

2 Happy Tuesday! 10/3/17 Do Now:
Think back over the last three years. List all of the books that you have been assigned/read in school. Which was your favorite and why? (one paragraph minimum) **CELL PHONES PUT AWAY AND SILENT!**

3 Happy Tuesday! 10/3/17 Do Now:
What were the two books you read yesterday? Which one was a better fit for you and why?

4 LT/SC Learning Target: I will determine a just right book based on following a set procedure (procedure outlined and modeled). Success Criteria: I can discuss the books I am interested in and the strategies I used to select it with my peers.

5 Class work Task One: Selecting a Just Right Book-
A Just Right Book is one you can read pages in 30- minutes. This means you: Will encounter only 3-5 words on a single page that present a challenge for you. Can read at approximately 1 page in seconds. Can read fluently in a first reading with a sense of voice.

6 Class work Task Two: Just Right Book Survey
You are going to survey THREE books. You will read each book for ten minutes. Afterward, fill in the appropriate information for each of the books in your WNB: Did you understand all words on page (besides 3- 5)? Did you read 1 page in seconds? Did you read fluently?

7 Class work Task Three: Selecting Your Book
Decide which book you are going to read. Turn and talk with a partner- explain why you choose the book you did.

8 Happy Wednesday! 10/4/17 DO NOW:
What are the categories of the rubric that you will be assessed on when you hand in your typed copies of your rubric? How can you earn a proficient score?

9 LT/SC Learning Target: I will learn how to self-assess my own work based on criteria. Success Criteria: I can use the rubric to identify my score in each category being assessed.

10 Typed Paper Format Title Centered Name under title also Centered
All margins 1.0 Body of text is Flush Left 12 point Single space Multiple paragraphs w/indentation Minimum ¾ of the page

11 Typed Memoir Must show evidence of:
Internal thoughts (reflection) AND External Events (story) Revisions made to include new word choice Revisions made to include dialogue w/proper tags and punctuation OR Italicized thoughts

12 Hand in 2 copies of Memoir printed, turn in now or bring to class by ½ way through class tomorrow!

13 Happy Friday! 10/6/17 DO NOW: Please explain where you are in the process of your final typed memoir? What do you need to do to have it handed in to me (2 copies) by the end of class?

14 Finish typing Format Title Centered
Name under title also Centered All margins 1.0 Body of text is Flush Left 12 point Single space Multiple paragraphs w/indentation Minimum ¾ of the page

15 Review and Score Copy # 1 of your memoir needs to be reviewed and scored. What revision decisions did you make to your final draft of your memoir? Highlight the revisions and label what decisions you made and what impact those changes had. Where is dialogue or italicized thought in your memoir? Highlight the dialogue or italicized thought in a different color. Next, you’ll use your pen or pencil and chunk (draw brackets to show) which parts of the memoir are story and which parts are reflection. Label your chunks.

16 Reflection Write a reflection that examines the ways your writing has been impacted by experimenting and developing a memoir for publication.

17 Turn in Once all parts are complete, staple the rubric to the top of the memoir that you’ve highlighted & chunked and turn it in.

18 Happy Monday! 10/9/17 DO NOW: Write a reflection that tells the ways your writing has been impacted by experimenting and developing a memoir for publication.

19 LT/SC Learning Target: I will show my independent reading skills/ability to use the strategies named. Success Criteria: I can annotate the text, then compose a summary and identify the central idea.

20 Pre Assessment Memoir Independent Reading Pre Assessment
Follow all directions carefully. Complete all sections. NO TALKING. Take your time and do the best you can. Once we start, there are no more questions.

21 Happy Tuesday! 10/10/17 Do Now: If you read last night, write a ½ page summary of your reading in the top left corner of the left page. If you did not read last night, write a ½ page prediction of what this book will be about in the top left corner of the left page.

22 What to do with the sticky notes!
Please notice: How I decided on important details How those details helped me write a short summary How my inferences helped lead me to the possible central idea/main idea

23 Reading Log section of WNB
Log the page you start and stop on today in class and ________ for # of minutes read today on your reading log.

24 While reading Write the central idea (topic) and Pick 3 of the lines you identified as important today and write them on you’re the right top side Write a short summary (1/2 page) in the right top side of the wnb. 3. What is your goal for tonight’s reading? Page ___- ____

25 Happy Wednesday! 10/11/17 DO NOW:
Write a half page summary of what you read yesterday. Please put in top of upper left hand box in WNB.

26 LT/SC Learning Target: I will increase in competency and fluency as an independent reader of memoir. Success Criteria: I can identify a central idea and important lines as evidence of this, while reading silently.

27 Class work Please notice: How I decided on important details
How those details helped me write a short summary How my inferences helped lead me to the possible central idea/main idea

28 Reading time Read Silently for _30___ minutes.
Sticky the important lines as you read (do not stop to write them down yet). You will receive 15 points for reading silently w/o distraction. You will lose points for any distracted behaviors such as talking, texting, sleeping, daydreaming, etc.

29 Complete 4 corners (boxes) in WNB!
Lower left corner, summary Upper right corner, important line with page numbers

30 Happy Thursday! 10/12/17 Do Now:
Write a paragraph summary of yesterday’s reading. Please put in top left box at the top. Remember you need room for your reading log as well.

31 LT/SC Learning Target: I will increase in competency and fluency as an independent reader of memoir. Success Criteria: I can silently read, picking out the most important lines and write a short summary and determine the central ideas afterward.

32 Please choose the answers you think are quality central ideas!
Select only the choices that would be considered a “quality” central idea (more than one should be selected): a. In life, it is important to face obstacles with a positive attitude. b. Football changed Michael Oher’s life. c. Struggles d. It only takes one person to make a positive difference in your life. e. Everyone faces challenges in life – with hard work, they can be overcome. f. Hard choices g. Mariam’s life

33 Reading Log Look back at Yesterdays reading log corner and log the page you started and stopped on last night for homework and record the # of minutes read last night for homework.

34 Class work Please recall: How I decided on important details
How those details helped me write a short summary How my inferences helped lead me to the possible central idea/main idea

35 Reading time! Read Silently for __30____ minutes.
You will receive 15 points for reading silently w/o distraction. You will lose points for any distracted behaviors such as talking, texting, sleeping, daydreaming, etc.

36 Class work Fill in all 4 boxes.
In the upper right hand box, write a possible claim and 3 important lines with page numbers. Complete the reading log in upper left box In lower left box write a summary of what you read TODAY!

37 Happy Monday! 10/16/17 Do Now: Please describe the character(s) in your book so far sentences minimum!

38 LT/SC Learning Target: I will increase in competency and fluency as an independent reader of memoir. Success Criteria: I can silently read, picking out the most important lines and write a short summary and determine the central ideas afterward.

39 Reading time! Read Silently for __30____ minutes.
You will receive 15 points for reading silently w/o distraction. You will lose points for any distracted behaviors such as talking, texting, sleeping, daydreaming, etc.

40 Class work Fill in all 4 boxes.
Lower right hand box is the learning target and success criteria In the upper right hand box, write a possible claim and 3 important lines with page numbers. Complete the reading log in upper left box In lower left box write a summary of what you read TODAY!

41 Happy Tuesday! 10/17/17 DO NOW:
How far along are you in your book? How many pages do you have to finish the book? How many pages a day would you have to read per day if we were to finish on Oct 31?

42 LT/SC Learning Target: I will increase in competency and fluency as an independent reader of memoir. Success Criteria: I can silently read, picking out the most important lines and write a short summary and determine the central ideas afterward.

43 Reading time! Read Silently for __30____ minutes.
You will receive 15 points for reading silently w/o distraction. You will lose points for any distracted behaviors such as talking, texting, sleeping, daydreaming, etc.

44 Reading time! Read Silently for __30____ minutes.
You will receive 15 points for reading silently w/o distraction. You will lose points for any distracted behaviors such as talking, texting, sleeping, daydreaming, etc.

45 Class work Fill in all 4 boxes.
Lower right hand box is the learning target and success criteria In the upper right hand box, write a possible claim and 3 important lines with page numbers. Complete the reading log in upper left box In lower left box write a summary of what you read TODAY!

46 Happy Wednesday! 10/18/17 DO NOW:
Please predict your performance on the mid unit assessment. Do you think you will be proficient? Why or why not?

47 LT/SC Learning Target: I will increase in competency and fluency as an independent reader of memoir. Success Criteria: I can demonstrate my growth as readers of memoirs by determining and supporting a central idea with text evidence on my mid unit assessment.

48 Notes Literary Analysis ESSAY elements: Introduction elements:
Name the title of the book (underlined) and the author 3-5 sentence summary of the book Claim/thesis statement about the central idea of the book Body Paragraphs elements: Evidence of central idea (sentences w/page #s) Commentary (as many evidence/commentary pairs as required – in as many body paragraphs as required)

49 Mid Unit Assessment Write at least 2 paragraphs.
1 paragraph Introduction (follow the elements from your notes) 1+ paragraphs body paragraphs (identify 2-3 lines as evidence directly from the book). You can write the evidence/commentary pairs as 1 paragraph or more than one paragraph.

50 To make sure you are up to date, visit
Homework Make sure WNB up to date. Collection next week! To make sure you are up to date, visit

51 Class work Fill in all 4 boxes.
Lower right hand box is the learning target and success criteria In the upper right hand box, write a possible claim and 3 important lines with page numbers. Complete the reading log in upper left box In lower left box write a summary of what you read TODAY!

52 Happy Thursday! 10/19/17 DO NOW:
Please write a 4-5 sentence summary of what you read yesterday!

53 LT/SC Learning Target: I will increase in competency and fluency as an independent reader of memoir. Success Criteria: I can silently read, picking out the most important lines and write a short summary and determine the central ideas afterward. Students will also identify examples of craft.

54 Author’s craft decisions
Author’s Craft is an author’s style…what techniques does he/she use? Some possible craft elements an author could use: Surprise Suspense Description Dialogue Flashback Flash forward Figurative Language (simile, metaphor, imagery, personification, allusion, etc.) Time lapsing-spacing Humor Structure Italicized thoughts Sarcasm Cliff-hangers Repetition Comparisons

55 Happy Friday! 10/20/17 Do Now: Read this paragraph from a memoir called Breaking Night and select one craft element it uses well- write the example- and explain why it works? “Just different. For one thing, in my family and for the people in our neighborhood, the pace of life was frantic, determined solely by immediate needs: hunger, rent, heat, the electric bill. A standard “for right now” was applied to every dilemma. Welfare wasn’t a solid life plan, but for right now the bills are due and the check must be cashed. Mama and daddy shouldn’t be getting high, but for right now mama has the shakes and needed her fix. I should go to school, but for right now I had no clean clothes and had fallen too far behind. Thirty five dollars of groceries wouldn’t feed all four of us for a month, but for right now we could sure try. On our side of the wall, priority was given to whatever might solve the most immediate problem. This is why the lives of those on the other side of the wall held so much mystery for me.” - Breaking Night

56 LT/SC Learning Target: I will increase in competency and fluency as an independent reader of memoir. Success Criteria: I can demonstrate my growth as readers of memoirs by determining and supporting a central idea with text evidence and locating elements of author’s craft by completing my independent reading boxes.

57 “Just different. For one thing, in my family and for the people in our neighborhood, the pace of life was frantic, determined solely by immediate needs: hunger, rent, heat, the electric bill. A standard “for right now” was applied to every dilemma. Welfare wasn’t a solid life plan, but for right now the bills are due and the check must be cashed. Mama and daddy shouldn’t be getting high, but for right now mama has the shakes and needed her fix. I should go to school, but for right now I had no clean clothes and had fallen too far behind. Thirty five dollars of groceries wouldn’t feed all four of us for a month, but for right now we could sure try. On our side of the wall, priority was given to whatever might solve the most immediate problem. This is why the lives of those on the other side of the wall held so much mystery for me.” - Breaking Night

58 Reading time Read Silently for _30___ minutes.
Sticky the important lines as you read (do not stop to write them down yet). You will receive 15 points for reading silently w/o distraction. You will lose points for any distracted behaviors such as talking, texting, sleeping, daydreaming, etc.

59 Class work Fill in all 4 boxes.
Lower right hand box is the learning target and success criteria In the upper right hand box, write a possible claim and 3 important lines with page numbers. Complete the reading log in upper left box In lower left box write a summary of what you read TODAY!

60 Happy Monday! 10/23/17 DO NOW: Student Sample of summary, central idea, evidence, craft, etc. Most people know Drew Brees as an athlete, but very few people know the challenges that he has faced off the field. The central idea of my book comes down to three words “Coming Back Stronger.” After Drew Brees went through so many obstacles and so much adversity he had no choice but to work harder. The purpose of this text is to express to the reader the central idea- if you want something you have to work at it, sports or not, you have to grind and give it everything you have. Please identify if this is CENTRAL IDEA, EVIDENCE, or CRAFT!

61 Sample One example of support for the central idea is “I’d push myself past limits I’d previously thought I could not go beyond.” (pg )Meaning if you work and push yourself harder, you can be somewhere you never imagined but it is going to take work. I am sure that it is not easy, but sometimes the work makes it worthwhile. Some of the other challenges that Drew faces in the text are a shoulder injury, torn ACL, and have no college scouts looking to recruit him in high school. He faced more challenges than any one person should have to, but by pushing through it, he got where he wanted to be- on the top! One craft element that is used frequently in the text is flashback. Drew Brees frequently reflects on his childhood hardships which provides the reader with a vivid understanding of the adversity he faced. For example, it states on page 82 he states, “Looking back at it I realize what a bad decision that was at the time.” Drew Brees admits that he made many mistakes, particularly in school which is what he is discussing. He only focused on athletics and often ignored his classes completely. Through flashbacks, we’re able to see that Drew had a really hard life. Without the use of flashback the reader may not have seen that as clearly.

62 LT/SC Learning Target: I will increase in competency and fluency as an independent reader of memoir. Success Criteria: I can silently read, picking out the most important lines and write a short summary and determine the central ideas afterward. I can also identify examples of craft.

63 Reading time Read Silently for _30___ minutes.
Sticky the important lines as you read (do not stop to write them down yet). You will receive 15 points for reading silently w/o distraction. You will lose points for any distracted behaviors such as talking, texting, sleeping, daydreaming, etc.

64 Class work Fill in all 4 boxes.
Lower right hand box is the learning target and success criteria (author’s craft) In the upper right hand box, write a possible claim and 3 important lines with page numbers. Complete the reading log in upper left box In lower left box write a summary of what you read TODAY!

65 Happy Tuesday! 10/24/17 DO NOW: Write the #s 1-5 in your WNB. Then label each as Central idea statement or Plot statement 1. Kelle has to overcome a tough childhood. 2. People can overcome extremely difficult challenges. 3. Kelle is a model in NYC. 4. Modeling is a hard field to get into. 5. Having a positive attitude is important when dealing with hardships.

66 LT/SC Learning Target: I will increase in competency and fluency as an independent reader of memoir. Success Criteria: I can silently read, picking out the most important lines and write a short summary and determine the central ideas afterward. I can also identify examples of craft.

67 Class work Read Silently for ___30___ minutes.
You will receive 15 points for reading silently w/o distraction. You will lose points for any distracted behaviors such as talking, texting, sleeping, daydreaming, etc.

68 In WNBs 4 corners in WNB Top Left – today’s do now (craft list)
Bottom Left – reading log Top Right – central idea & 3 evidence lines Bottom Right – identify 2 craft, write examples THIRD HOUR—WNBs due TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

69 Happy Wednesday! 10/25/17 PSAT

70 Happy Thursday! 10/26/17 Do Now:
Please predict your performance on the post assessment. Do you believe you can earn a proficient score? Why or why not?

71 LT/SC Learning Target: I will increase in competency and fluency as an independent reader of memoir. Success Criteria: I can demonstrate my growth as a reader of memoirs by completing a post-unit assessment (BA)

72 Happy Friday Sub plans!

73 Happy Monday! 10/30/17 DO NOW: How far along are you with the BA post assessment? Do you still believe you will earn a proficient score? Why or why not??

74 LT/SC Learning Target: I will increase in competency and fluency as an independent reader of memoir. Success Criteria: I can demonstrate my growth as a reader of memoirs by completing a post-unit assessment (BA)

75 Important terms Summary – Limit this to 3-5 sentences total!
Central Idea- the universal truth carried out throughout the entire story. What is the message the author is truly trying to send to the reader? *The text support you pull should relate to that central idea (look at your underlined sentences) Be sure to EXPLAIN how the evidence supports the central idea! A “Quote” used for support DOES NOT have to be in quotation marks in the original text.

76 Requirements for post assessment
Introduction elements: Name the title of the “short story” and the author 3-5 sentence summary of the book Claim/thesis statement about the central idea of the book Body Paragraphs elements: Evidence of central idea (sentences w/page #s) Commentary OR Craft Evidence (as many evidence/commentary pairs as required – in as many body paragraphs as required)

77 Directions Annotate: 3 or more paragraphs:
Underline the important details. Number them in the margins. Bracket and label the passages of reflection. Put a * in the margin to mark craft or structure that develops the central idea. Label the craft or structures in the margin. Include other annotations that help you identify and analyze the central idea and author’s purpose. (Talk to the text) 3 or more paragraphs: Summarize the basic story and state the central idea of the text. Explain how the main character(s) illustrates the central idea. Cite, interpret, and connect evidence from across the text to support your understanding of the character(s) and central idea. Select a single, key craft and/or structural decision the author uses to communicate the central idea to the reader. Explain how the craft or structural decision engages and helps a reader understand the central idea

78 Happy Tuesday! 10/31/17 Sub Plans!

79 Happy Thursday! 11/2/17 DO NOW:
We must calculate your average pages read per day. Please look back to your reading logs, add up all the pages you have read (if you’ve read more than one book). Write down how many pages you have read since we started this unit from all books. Divide all pages read by 9. That is your daily average.

80 Happy Friday! 11/3/17 DO NOW: How many pages do you have to finish the memoir you are reading right now?

81 LT/SC Learning Target: I will increase in competency and fluency as an independent reader of memoir. Success Criteria: I can demonstrate my growth as a reader of memoirs by completing a book review and an online goodreads review.

82 Reading Time Read Silently for __30____ minutes.
You will receive 15 points for reading silently w/o distraction. You will lose points for any distracted behaviors such as talking, texting, sleeping, daydreaming, etc. Some of you are on the border and REALLY need these points for report cards! 

83 Class Work Fill in Book Review sheet Share with small groups!
If time permits, get laptop and log in to goodreads. (Directions to follow)

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