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State Pension Age Independent Review

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Presentation on theme: "State Pension Age Independent Review"— Presentation transcript:

1 State Pension Age Independent Review
TUC Conference: People and Pensions 1st February 2017 Sofia Stayte Head of State Pension Age Independent Review

2 Affordability Fairness Fuller Working Lives
State Pension age review: Three Pillars Affordability Fairness Fuller Working Lives

3 Affordability

4 Dependency ratio (65+) Now 2040s

5 Pensioner spending over time
Source: OBR FSR 2017 data

6 Fairness

7 A Tale of Two Cities

8 Socio-economic variations in healthy life expectancy
Source: ONS 2016 Health state Life Expectancies (general health) and Life Expectancy, 2010 to 2012

9 Disability or ill health
Serious impacts to consider Women Carers Affected groups Disability or ill health Self-employed BAME

10 Fuller Working Lives

11 Position of older workers
Source: ONS Data from Labour Force Survey

12 Employment rate of older men, 1968-2013 (IFS)
Source: Family Expenditure Survey (1968–1982), Labour Force Survey (1983–2013). Figure 2.1 in Retirement in the 21st Century (IFS)

13 What would encourage people to work longer before retiring?
Source: British Social Attitudes Survey, DWP analysis

14 Consultation

15 Consultation responses
Range of respondents: Individuals Trade unions Charities Think tanks Pension funds and organisations

16 Consultation themes Key issues raised included: Caring
Ill health leading up to SPa Measures to help older workers Burnout Healthy Life Expectancy

17 Discussion

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