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Exams ombuds service January 2018

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1 Exams ombuds service January 2018

2 Contents of this information session
Introduction: exam regulations and ombudsperson Exam schedule and exam results Retake exams Written and oral exams

3 Regulations on examinations
Students are supposed to know and understand: Regulations on education and examinations Rights and duties

4 Most important regulations on examinations
Students must prove their identity at the exam (art. 46)  Bring ID/passport and student card Per academic year, students can take an exam on (part of) a course twice and no more than twice (art. 89)  So, if you decide not to take one of both chances without a serious reason, you lose this examination opportunity. The examiner cannot at the end of the (partial) examination announce the result to the student […]. (art. 61) In case of an oral or partially oral exam the student should have at least twenty minutes of preparation time. (art. 65)  Exception for oral language proficiency exams!

5 Most important regulations on examinations
In case of illness, you must go and see a doctor. You need a doctor’s certificate if you want your exam to be rescheduled! (art. 50) Bring/ your doctor’s certicate to the ombuds within 24 hours (after the start of your exam) Due to practical issues, it is not always possible to reschedule an exam. If you had planned to take an exam, but are unable to do so (illness etc.): you are obliged to unenroll via your IER and send an to Nadine Kerstens or Annelies Kindt (art. 50)

6 Cheating or plagiarism
Plagiarism appears in different forms: The literal or near-literal use of someone else’s text(s) (or parts of these) irrespective of the source (including digital sources, whether or not through the internet) without indicating a citation (for example, through quotation marks) and / or without adequate reference to the source (be careful: “Wikipedia” or “Google” are not considered to be “sources”! You need to mention author, publication, year, and so on). Copying images, diagrams, graphics, figures, sound or image fragments, etc., without adequate reference to the source Paraphrasing someone else’s arguments without adequate reference to the source Translating texts without adequate reference to the source Plagiarism damages the quality of a paper and thus can be interpreted as fraud. Other forms of fraud lean towards plagiarism and are just as intolerable, such as: Commissioning or having papers revised (whether or not for pay), and passing this off as one’s own work The re-use of one’s own work and passing it off as a new paper Simulating or falsifying research data More information? art. 86 and / and code of conduct Possible consequences: Points deducted No mark for the exam No marks for any exam in that exam period Exclusion from this university

7 Ombudsperson For international students: Elisa Van Decraen Negotiates between the examiner and the student. (art. 57) Has an advisory role in the exam deliberations. (art. 58) Helps students with problems regarding the exams: Conflict with the examiner Organisation of exam accomodations Arranges a new exam when students are unable to take the exam on the planned date, but only in case of severe problems and if possible! Students are not allowed to go directly to their examiners if they encounter a problem  get in touch with your ombudsperson!

8 Ombudsperson How to contact?
The official communication between KU Leuven and its students happens via the KU Leuven student address. Registered students should regularly read the s sent to this address and cannot appeal to not reading these to escape obligations or changes. (art. 90) How to contact? - ALWAYS use your student’s account - Mention: ‘PECS’ or ‘ERASMUS’ + your programme the course number and the name of the examiner your student number If you can’t reach the ombudsperson on this number / if you have an urgent question on Saturday: Office LETT (Erasmus Building) – Blijde Inkomststraat 21

9 Ombudsperson When to contact? Only in case of an emergency!
E.g. accident, delayed train, urgent question… Not in case of illness, less urgent questions,… Then you send an to Your ombuds will answer your question as soon as possible

10 Ombudsperson Follow these three steps:
Mail to in case of a problem If urgent, call If your ombudsperson does not answer the phone and it is an emergency, call 0470/

11 Contents of this information session
Introduction: exam regulations and ombudsperson Exam schedule and exam results Retake exams Written and oral exams

12 Exam schedule (IER) Available on Toledo under “KULoket” > “IER”
You have to be available during the whole exam period January: until Monday 5/2/2018 June: until 2/7/2018 September: until 10/9/2018 Check the exam schedule every day and especially just before taking your exam changes in examination rooms might be possible! Oral exams 4 moments a day: 9 a.m a.m. - 2 p.m. - 4 p.m. Be on time! If you are too late, you can lose your examination opportunity

13 Exam committee Task (art. 71)
To verify whether students have obtained the learning outcomes with respect to the programme or courses. To decide on the determination of the results of students that are able to graduate after that examination period. After each examination period the examination committee settles possible conflicts. It takes decisions in case of examination fraud in conformity with art. 76.

14 Exam results Results Available on KULoket
 Monday 12 February (after 9 am) Questions? You have the right to take a look at all documents pertaining to your exam (until 7 days after the official release in KU Loket). Exam results are not subject to negotiation. If you believe your result is not correct, you can contact the ombudsperson (asap!) You have 7 days to file a complaint after your results were released in your KU Loket.

15 Marks The grading system in Belgium might be different from the grading system in your home country. These graphs give you an indication of the average mark of international students in Belgium. Only in very rare cases the maximum grade (20/20) is assigned. Karel Joos, cultural differences,

16 Contents of this information session
Introduction: exam regulations and ombudsperson Exam schedule and exam results Retake exams Written and oral exams

17 Retake exams You are obliged to enroll for the third exam period (art. 46) through your IER + you must answer the of Nadine Kerstens or Annelies Kindt to sign up for the retake exams When? In July 2018 ( before 12 July 2018) You will know the exam schedule at least two weeks before the start of the third session (which takes place in August/September)

18 Retake exams A distance retake exam is only possible under the following conditions: For European students: a distance retake exam is only allowed for students who took the first examination opportunity AND due to serious circumstances cannot return to Leuven for the retake exam if you have an “NA”, you will not be allowed to retake the exam from within your home university, but you’ll have to take it in Leuven For non-European students:

19 Exam accomodations If you need a special arrangement because of a (learning) disability, please get in touch with your ombuds!

20 Contents of this information session
Introduction: exam regulations and ombudsperson Exam schedule and exam results Retake exams Written and oral exams

21 Written exams ±3 hours Be on time!
Check in which auditorium / class room your exam will take place! Bring your student card Bring a watch (cell phone is not allowed) Extra materials (dictionary, anthology, etc.) are checked by supervisor! In general computer dictionaries are not allowed, so if possible bring a “paper edition” alternative. Bring a pen/pencil etc. in a plastic (transparent) bag. Draft your answers to make sure your answer contains all the relevant information. Mind your handwriting

22 Oral exams Oral exam Min. 20 minutes to prepare (except for language proficiency exams) Exam = dialogue with examiner Especially for native speakers of English: articulate well and don’t speak too fast. Make sure everything you say is well-understood by the examiner. Dress smart ties or suits are not absolutely necessary, but don’t dress as if you were about to go to the beach either – no slippers, no shorts, no mini-skirts, no tank tops Earplugs If you think you will get distracted by the other student in the room, who is having a conversation with the examiner while you are preparing for your exam) You don’t have to dress up, just make sure that you are dressed well, a minimum of neat clothes

23 Content of your answer (written and oral exams)
You don’t have to prove that you worked hard (by showing all your knowledge) You have to show that you are able to answer the question, to relate topics  avoid giving superfluous information in your answer Answer the question!!  read the question carefully ‘why’ vs ‘how’ (reason vs way)

24 More information Intercultural University Topics and training programmes Digital Counsellor


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