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Homework 3-8 Acid/Base Reactions

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1 Homework 3-8 Acid/Base Reactions

2 Review of H and the Proton
Hydrogen, the simplest element, consists of a ___________ and an ____________. If you remove the electron from an H atom, only the proton remains. Our symbol for a proton is: H+

3 HCl + H2O  Cl– + H3O+ B. Definitions acid conjugate base base
Brønsted-Lowry Acids are proton (H+) donors. Bases are proton (H+) acceptors. HCl + H2O  Cl– + H3O+ acid conjugate base base conjugate acid

4 Example Reactions Which water is the acid and which is the base?
Water can act as either an acid or a base (amphoteric)! Which is the acid and which is the base?

5 Properties of Acids and Bases
Taste: Acids sour (vinegar, OJ, wine, aspirin) Bases bitter (coffee, cigarettes, tonic water, baking soda, antacids, soap) Feel: Acids sting Bases slippery

6 Properties continued Acids always react with active metals.
Bases generally do not react with metals. HCl nitric

7 Properties continued Solutions of both acids and bases are excellent conductors of electricity (ions are free to move!). Link to acid dissociation video

8 Indicators Indicators are chemicals that turn different colors in acids or bases (different pHs). AciD in litmus = RED, base = bLUE Acid in phenolphthalein = colorless Base in phenolphthalein = pink

9 Choices for ?’s : A) Acid B) Base C) Both
1) Turns litmus red Ans: A 2) Turns phenolpthlein pink Ans: B 3) Tastes bitter

10 Choices for ?’s : A) Acid B) Base C) Both
4) Feels slippery Ans: B 5) Solution conducts electricity Ans: C 6) Always Reacts with active metals Ans: A

11 Be able to recognize these as Acids or Bases in a chemical rxn
Acids: HCl = Hydrochloric acid HNO3 = Nitric acid CH3COOH = Acetic acid (or HC2H3O2) H2O = water Bases: NH3 = Ammonia (covalent) KOH = potassium hydroxide (ionic) NaOH = sodium hydroxide (ionic)

12 Recognizing Patterns: Acid-Base Conjugate Pairs always differ by an H+
Brønsted-Lowry Acids are proton (H+) donors. Bases are proton (H+) acceptors. HCl + H2O  Cl– + H3O+ acid conjugate base base conjugate acid

13 Recognizing Patterns: Conjugate Acid-Base Pairs
Give the conjugate base for each of the following: HNO3 NO3 -1 C2H3O2H C2H3O2-1 HCl Cl-

14 Recognizing Patterns: Conjugate Acid-Base Pairs
Give the conjugate acid for each of the following: Cl- HCl NH4+1 NH3 H2O OH -1

15 Example Reaction NH3 + HCl → Video Link

16 Amphoteric - can be an acid or a base.
Water is amphoteric NH3 + H2O  B A Amphoteric - can be an acid or a base.

17 Water is amphoteric NH3 + H2O  NH4+ + OH- B A CA CB .

18 Water is amphoteric H2O + HNO3  A B

19 Water is amphoteric H2O + HNO3  H3O+ + NO3– B A CA CB

20 Ionic Bases: Must dissociate ions first
NaOH (aq) + HCl(aq) → Ionic base Acid Na OH H+ Cl- H2O + Na Cl- or NaCl NaOH (aq) + HCl(aq) → H2O + NaCl HCl + NaOH

21 Recognizing Patterns: Conjugate Acid-Base Pairs
Give the conjugate acid for each of the following: H2O NH3 OH- H3O+ NH4+ H2O

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