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Articles of Confederation

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1 Articles of Confederation

2 You need 3 post it notes… write The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
You need 3 post it notes… write The Good, The Bad and The Ugly. Divide page ___ into 3 parts…label the top the Ariticles of Confederation The Bad The Good The Ugly

3 Turn to your shoulder partner and discuss
From last night’s homework, what did you find that was good? Bad? Ugly?

4 The United States is EXPANDING!!!
The Good The United States is EXPANDING!!!

5 Treaty of Paris of 1783 Formally ended the war
Britain recognized the independence of the colonies British promised to remove all troops Britain gave all the land between the Mississippi River and Atlantic, from the Great Lakes to the border with Florida, to the US



8 The Good Successfully negotiated Treaty of Paris
Gave new government principle “Limited Government” where states had a co- equal share of rights and responsibilities Northwest Ordinance of 1785 and 1787


10 Turn to shoulder partner
Finish the sentence Stem: Some examples of achievements of the Articles of Confederation… Do you and your partner have a list of things that were bad about the Articles of Confederation? Finish this stem: The main problem with the Articles of Confederation is that it left the national government too ____.

11 The BAD Cannot tax NO Army No National $$$$$$ NO LEADER
NO Court System 9/13 states agree to pass law

12 THE UGLY Shay’s Rebellion

13 1783-1787 Articles of Confederation (first plan of government)
Timeline Treaty of Paris Articles of Confederation (first plan of government) 1787 Constitutional Convention

14 Articles of Confederation
FEDERALISM Power is divided between the STATE and NATIONAL governments Central, Federal, National government all mean the same thing FAILURE!!!

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