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Good Food Good Mood COMENIUS Multilateral school partnerships 2012-1-GB1-COM06-18592-9 From the field to the table By Rossi & Capuani.

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Presentation on theme: "Good Food Good Mood COMENIUS Multilateral school partnerships 2012-1-GB1-COM06-18592-9 From the field to the table By Rossi & Capuani."— Presentation transcript:

1 Good Food Good Mood COMENIUS Multilateral school partnerships 2012-1-GB1-COM06-18592-9 From the field to the table By Rossi & Capuani

2 0 km food : from the fields to our tables

3 Philosophy O Zero Km Agriculture is a philosophy of sustainable consumption: farms open their doors to consumers by enabling them to buy their products without having to go through intermediaries. This phenomenon is also known by the name of "Farmers’ Market"

4 O The "Farmers’ Market" is in contrast with globalization because zero Km products by definition can not "travel" a lot, and can not exceed 70 km from the place where they were produced.

5 Problems This philosophy of consumption today is not shared by big companies because :  zero km products often come from organic farming  all products come from the short supply chain (which means no products imported from other areas )

6  their prices do not include the costs of fuel and transport.  So their lower prices can be more competitive than those of large companies who do not like to promote their expansion.

7 Benefits O The benefits with this form of market are of 3 types, in particular : O Economic benefits O Environmental benefits O Qualitative benefits

8 Economic benefits a) Absence of intermediaries between producer and consumer. b) There is no transport on wheels c) As a consequence product prices go down at least 30%.

9 Environmental benefits O Very little Packaging O No transport O Reduced CO2 emissions to zero O Greater road safety because there are less vehicles on roads O Preservation of local biodiversity

10 Qualitative benefits O the products are not to be packaged, labelled and distributed O Are sold fresh O Are regional foods These features are rare, especially in fruits and vegetables that often come from abroad

11 And In Italy ? More than 21 million choose to buy directly from the producer (7 million regular customers ),in farms, in the farmer markets or in the new boutiques that Coldiretti (the Italian organization for agriculture) is launching in Italy. A network of 1,105 farmers markets 5,616 farms, 877 holiday farms, 178 shops, a total of 6,899 outlets, to which are added 131 restaurants and 109 urban gardens. A network involving 20,800 producers and has created 3,500 new jobs

12 Italian spending review (Coldiretti 2012) O one million of 'hobby farmers', citizens working on plots of land, often inherited, which have on average a hectare of land and from which to produce vegetables, fruits and even wine or oil. O 33 % prepare more 'often than in the past pizza at home, O 19 % “more frequently” make even the bread, O 18 % jams, pickles or pickles, O 13 % pasta O 11 %sweets, giving up packaged desserts O 30% of Italian families have a garden O 13 % grow vegetables on the terrace, patio or on the windowsill

13 OUR Common good O Everyone should share this philosophy. It is really important because it helps us all.

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