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Hymn #263 Go Forth with Faith

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1 Hymn #263 Go Forth with Faith
Go forth with faith to tell the world of Jesus Christ, the Lord Bear witness he is God’s own Son; Proclaim his wondrous word Go forth with hope and courage strong To spread the word abroad That people of all nations Are Child of our God.

2 Hymn #263 Go Forth With Faith
2. Go forth with love to tell the world The joy of families— That we may be with those we love Thru all eternity. Go forth to serve and do your best With no thought of reward; Then you shall know the boundless joy Of serving Christ, the Lord.

3 Hymn # 263 Go Forth With Faith
3. Go forth with pow’r to tell the world The gospel is restored, That all may gain eternal life Thru Jesus Christ, the Lord. Go forth to preach his glorious truths Of peace, of joy, and love, That all who heed his holy word May praise the Lord above.

4 ENG 106L Gathering Activity
Capitalize: The first word of every sentence The first word of a quotation, even if it occurs in the middle of another sentence The first words of titles and all nouns and verbs Countries, Languages, Nationalities Racial and Ethnic Groups Titles when used in place of a person’s name or when attached to a person’s name.

5 ENG 106L Gathering Activity
Academic subjects only when their names are based on countries or languages, or when they indicate a specific class The names of specific companies, brands, and institutions Specific religions or names of deity Days of the week, months, and holidays The names of specific locations, cities, and street names

6 ENG 106L Gathering Activity
Capitalize the appropriate words: 1. My birthday is in the fall, specifically october 23, which falls on a tuesday this year. 2. In my class on world religions we are learning about buddhism. 3. My brother likes to go to mcdonald’s on his birthday. 4. I want to read to kill a mockingbird.

7 ENG 106L Gathering Activity
5. I wish I could go live in the south because I love eggs and grits. 6. How on earth does one get to federal avenue? 7. My hardest class is math 101. 8. I told mom that I want to live at home forever. 9. We listened to a speech by spiderman, the current president of the insect rights society. 10. The novel don quixote is set in spain.

8 ENG 106L Gathering Activity
This week read student papers looking for: Are words or phrases repeated unnecessarily? Could some sentences be trimmed or cut without losing information or detail? Does the paper “show” or “tell” in the appropriate places?

9 ENG 106L Gathering Activity
Are there places where stronger verbs could strengthen a sentence? Look especially for too many “be” verbs (is, am, were, are, etc.) and see if something better could replace it. This is the last revision, so offer any final advice that you think might help your peer.

10 ENG 106L Gathering Activity
After the writer finishes reading the paper, participants should write: Two points of praise Two suggestions for improvement

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