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Grade 1o Vocab Unit 2 Abject – Viable 20 WORDS.

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1 Grade 1o Vocab Unit 2 Abject – Viable 20 WORDS

2 Word: Abject Definition: extremely bad, unpleasant Part of Speech: adjective Example Sentence: The concentration camp prisoners of WWII were forced to endure abject conditions at the hands of the Nazis.

3 Word: Amenity Definition: a desirable or useful feature Part of Speech: noun Example Sentence: Hotels often have many amenities such as pools, fitness centers, restaurants, etc.

4 Word: Auspicious Definition: favorable Part of Speech: adjective Example Sentence: The sunny and 75 degree weather created auspicious conditions for the outdoor event.

5 Word: Categorical Definition: absolute, definite Part of Speech: adjective Example Sentence: The mother gave the child the categorical answer that she could not go to her friend’s birthday party in the city no matter how many times she asked.

6 Word: Conducive Definition: tending to produce, helpful Part of Speech: adjective Example Sentence: Sufficient sunlight and water are two conditions conducive to growing plants.

7 Word: Contempt Definition: scorn, disdain, disrespect Part of Speech: noun Example Sentence: Simon Cowell, the reality show judge, could not hide his contempt for the contestant who lacked singing skills; he thought the contestant wasted his time.

8 Word: Déjà vu Definition: a feeling of having already experienced something Part of Speech: noun Example Sentence: I got a strange feeling of déjà vu while watching the movie; I felt like I had watched a movie with a similar storyline previously.

9 Word: Delineate Definition: to describe Part of Speech: verb Example Sentence: The teacher clearly delineated the expectations and guidelines for the project.

10 Word: Encroach Definition: to trespass Part of Speech: verb Example Sentence: The Germans slowly encroached on Ally territory until they had taken over much of it.

11 Word: FLOUT Definition: to disrespect Part of Speech: verb Example Sentence: George flouted the no smoking rule by smoking a cigarette inside a building.

12 Word: Incense Definition: to make angry Part of Speech: verb Example Sentence: The student’s rude behavior incensed the teacher.

13 Word: Laud Definition: to praise/applaud Part of Speech: verb Example Sentence: The principal lauded the valedictorian’s accomplishments at the graduation ceremony.

14 Word: Myopia Definition: nearsightedness, lack of foresight or imagination Part of Speech: noun Example Sentence: My friend’s myopic view that she can slack off in school and still get a good job will catch up with her one day.

15 Word: Pedestrian Definition: unimaginative, common Part of Speech: adjective Example Sentence: Mary’s poem was very pedestrian. Anyone could have written it.

16 Word: PREVAIL Definition: to overcome Part of Speech: verb Example Sentence: Despite a broken foot at the beginning of the year, the runner prevailed to run a marathon 6 months later.

17 Word: RANCOR Definition: bitter, long-lasting resentment Part of Speech: noun Example Sentence: Jane harbored an intense rancor toward Jill for stealing her boyfriend.

18 Word: Scrutinize Definition: to examine carefully Part of Speech: verb Example Sentence: The detective scrutinized the crime scene in great detail for any possible evidence.

19 Word: Superficial Definition: occurring only at the surface level, shallow Part of Speech: adjective Example Sentence: The scrape Jill got from falling off her bike was only a superficial wound. Although it looked like it was bleeding a lot, it did not go very deep. The essay was superficial. It did not go into depth about the topic.

20 Word: Ubiquitous Definition: being everywhere at the same time Part of Speech: adjective Example Sentence: Cell phones were once a luxury for the rich; however, now they are ubiquitous and present in everyone’s back pocket.

21 Word: Viable Definition: workable Part of Speech: adjective Example Sentence: After listening to a number of ridiculous ideas for hours, the boss finally heard a viable idea to save the company.

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